“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

When is Our City Of Peru Going to Have a Family Day

Tonight as I read the paper I came across the ad the city of LaSalle put in the News Trib about the planned Irish Fun Day on March 13.  As I read through the events I was just a wee bit jealous. Why? because other than the July 4 events, I don't remember our city of Peru doing anything like this.

What impressed me is that this was for children and their families. Doesn't a parade of leprachauns sounds like fun and what child wouldn't have fun with that and even free bowling for the leprachauns!

Please remind me what have I overlooked here in Peru or just plain don't remember.

Story telling at the LaSalle Library. I can just hear some of those in our city government saying "over my dead body" if they were asked to participate at such an event at the Peru Library.

I have talked to other Peru residents prior to this and they have voiced a similar opinion. Do you think that families who live in Peru would not enjoy an event planned for them that was alcohol free? And something not orchestrated by the CSO?


Anonymous said...

Lois, this is in response to your post of 2/15 at 02:44 PM regarding the 4th of July Clelebration and the 175th Celebration of Peru. Since your post, I have not seen any additional information other than the CSO is organizing it. Planned parade, CSO Beer Garden and fireworks are not enough!!!!!!

What else is being planned and what other organizations, churches, retail establishments, banks, etc have been asked to participate. The CSO, although an active organization is not the only one in Peru and should not be the only group to plan the 175th Celebration.

Lost of question come to mind: (here are just a couple)

Is this only a 1 day celebration?
Will there be a commemorating book as produced for the Sesquicentennial?
Any family activities?
Historic displays?
Tours of homes/older buildings?
Newer buildings?


Peru is a City of almost 10,000 people - it has active community organizations who should be included in the planning and participation of the ongoing celebrations. The Peru CSO needs to take a look at the Peru Sesquicentennial Commemorating Book (1835-1985)to get an inkling of the planning that would need to be done - not to mention the amount of people involved. (Almost makes you think it is too late in the year to pull it all together - unless the CSO has been working at this for sometime (not just a parade and beer garden)!?!?!?

Also the inside cover of this same book seems to say it all: "Society is the union of men and not men themselves."

It is important that this celebration be about Peru and it's progress.


Peru Town Forum said...

Your post is excellent and I agree with you 100%. Unfortunately the aldermen do not. I again approached the aldermen on the finance committee (Ankiewicz, Mikyska and Mertel) about involving the citizens of this town in the planning and implementation of the 175th celebration and I again I was told that the CSO is taking care of it. I told them that women were not allowed to join the CSO and Ald. Mertel said it was only 5.00 and you can be a member and refusing to acknowledge that this is a MENS GROUP. I cannot believe in 2010 we have people on our council who are so in the dark ages and cannot even give you an honest answer. If I get any further information, I will post it on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Alderman Mertel that you can be come a member for $5 (at least that is what he says) but since when do you have to become a member of an organization to volunteer for a City function.

Anonymous said...

What an easy fix - there could be a family event, alcohol free, orchestrated by the CSO - THE FIREWORKS. All the CSO would have to do is not serve alcohol in its beer garden until about 1/2 hr after the fire works are over which would allow families a time to depart the area. The beer garden could then open for the night.

Another great family event was the Movie Night given by the Peru Federal Savings. Whole families came with sleeping bags, chairs and whatever. They saw a movie, ate popcorn and everyone from Parent to Child had a great time.

Peru Town Forum said...

Not sure if this is general knowledge or not but Dave Bartley our City Clerk is planning on making a family area at the opposite end of Water St. from the beer gardens somewhere around the Maze Co. Not sure if details have been finalized but something will be there for families with children. Pretty sure the beer gardens will be there as usual at the other end. The Peru Municipal Band will not be playing on Water St this July 4. They were told to cut some of their concerts due to less money being available and the Fourth was one for sure that they will not play for.