“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Wake Up Notice to Peru Council Members

Thank you Ald. Waldorf for your realization that our city cannot fulfill the usual curb and street requests. There are very few curbs that cannot wait for another year, mostly it is an aesthetic concern and not a safety concern as are the problems we are now facing with the streets. Of the aldermen that spoke up most but not all seemed to understand.
 When the treasurer was asked if we were going to be able to come up with more money for streets....the answer was no, we don't have it.
 And I believe our city credit cards are all maxed out.

And don't forget we still have the pool to consider. Most definitely a lack of communication between the departments  and the recreation committee on this one..
It sounded like SPW Bleck and Ken Drennan have been doing some behind the scenes problem solving on the pool and having pool architects looking the situation over. And no one bothered to inform the recreation committee who has been doing most of the problem solving and planning. I certainly hope they all get their act together.

It looks now like regardless of whether they figure out where the water is going or not, the pool will open.
If the pool has been leaking for years and no one has been able to figure out why, why are people all of a sudden saying, lets do this or try that when they had all the opportunity in the past to do just that and save the city the water loss which is money. It makes it look like in years past, we just accepted the water loss as something we could do nothing about and now we are going to find the answers.
None of this makes any sense.


Anonymous said...

In the first place it should not be the aldermen making the decisions on what streets should be repaired. It should be Mr. Bleck and the street department. All the the money should be placed in one fund and used in the best interest of the city as a whole. Forget about individual wards. Citizens use all the streets in town not just the ones in their ward. It appears to be a war between the wards for this money and it is not pretty.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon, 9:37.
The aldermen don't know the first thing about what roads are really bad. They only worry about their own wards, and committees. They should study and know a little about each others, departments.

Anonymous said...

Bravo - the citizens of Peru are finally understanding the mess we're in and how to fix it. Too bad we can't get the aldermen to listen to the citizens and finally do what is right for the entire city not just their ward!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling the aldermen may be reading the posts on this blog. Keep putting the info out there Lois!

Anonymous said...

Do you think the aldermen, would do anything a common every day citizen, would suggest??? If they would only listen, the people are speaking. A lot of the people are retired, but did the type of work, that is needed in Peru. So they do know what they are talking about.
Lois and Steve keep up the good work with this blog.

Anonymous said...

True ANON 10:39. I too have that feeling and I therefore think we the citizens need to let them know how we feel by responding on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Lois, why have the minutes of the Peru City Council meetings been posted on the Peru, IL website on 2/10/10 and nothing from meetings on 2/15/10 and 2/24/10 and then resumed on meetings 3/1/10 and 3/10/10?

Also why in categories of Peru City Council minutes on the Peru, IL website is there a complete time frame of 12 months not reported - November 2008 to December 2009? And when November 2008 and Sept 2008 are brought up a message appears stating "there are no documents in this category".

Now that every meeting is a formal meeting, the present meeting should be approving the minutes of the last meeting and published as such on the Peru, IL website. No longer is there an informal meeting where no action could be taken.

All City Council meetings should be every other week on the same night of the week. Only the Mayor should have the option to call a special meeting.

Would Comcast consider reducing its subscriber fee of $.35/month for the public education and government channel(PEG)by 1/2? With the 52 televised meetings reduced to 25 televised meetings with a special meeting option included?

Peru Town Forum said...

I will for the present only answer your last comment. We are not currently charging the residents the .35 monthly fee. That is an option that Comcast has told Peru that they can do, if and when they do use the PEG channel, to help defray that cost of bringing the meetings to the general public. As time passes, it does appear that NO ONE in city government is in any hurry to start televising the proceedings. I can only ask "Are they more concerned about their appearance to the public than about opening up the government to those who elected them?

Anonymous said...

Actually they only need to meet once a month. If everything is done correctly in the committee meetings there is no need for four monthly meetings.

Anonymous said...

Lois, I realize that the $.35/month fee is presently not being charged. I also realize that Comcast is presently not televising the Peru City Council meetings.

My question is.....if the number of meetings would be reduced, would Comcast lower the proposed fee of $.35/month proportionally to use the PEG channel?

In answer to your statement about anyone in city government being concerned about their appearance to the public....I sincerely hope this would not be the case. City government and its workings should be made available to all. The elections are only a year away and the more the citzens of Peru know about their representatives and their stand on specific issues, the easier it will be for them to make an educated vote.

Peru Town Forum said...

From Heidi....
Since all of the new FOIA/OMA rules we found out that we only have to keep the minutes on the website for 3 months. After that if someone wants a copy of them they can fill out a request or come in and get a copy. I hope this answers your question.