“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, September 25, 2015

Caterpillar to cut 10,000 jobs, close and consolidate facilities

Caterpillar to cut 10,000 jobs, close and consolidate facilities

This has been in all the news but how will it impact us locally. Or maybe it will not.


Anonymous said...

good thing we gave them all those tax benefits to keep their headquarters in Peoria. But, the politicians, as usual, did not see the big picture.

Anonymous said...

The White Color workers at the Peoria HQ might be safe, but the everyday "lunch bucket" guys will be let go. And to some degree it is their own fault for not being smart enough to tell their union to pack sand. Then there is the workers comp issue. I know a guy that works at CAT. Last year he was bragging because he cut his finger on the line - go three stitches. Guess what his union and workers comp lawyer go him. 80 hours paid "rehabilitation" - aka sitting at home drinking beer. He also got a check for and extra two grand.

That is why CAT will move manufacturing jobs out of Illinois.

We need Right-To-Work in Illinois! We need an overhaul to workers comp laws!

Anonymous said...

@6:15 In this case White Color would be correct if speaking of crayons and White Collar in the description of a employees occupational specifications.
In speaking of one specific case at Cat what %age of employees do you believe would act similar? Why doesn't the company have a substitute position for the man so that he has to report for work? Somewhere the corporation is as guilty as the union for such a poor practice? Today's unions are very aware of the harm such practices can do to the majority of their membership.

Anonymous said...

color was supposed to be collar.

Anonymous said...

Because a human being is a union member or a factory employee do not incorrectly label him/her as being stupid. Many of the poor prior business practices which have been accepted by today's' corporations are caused by their own supervisors and executives, and by legislators who have worked for a vote rather than sound business methods.

Anonymous said...

6:26, I will concede that negotiating with a union is the fault of management. They should lock them out and arrest any union rabble rousers that try to bring them back.

Right To Work in Illinois !

Anonymous said...

Arrest people for being "rabble rousers" and speaking up? For exercising their constitutional rights of free speech?

I'm not a union supporter at all but people on the fringe like you make me want to become one. Arresting people. There you go.

Sadly for you, we do live in the United States of America. Luckily for the rest of us, people like you are just noise from "the fringe."

Anonymous said...

I spent my life fighting communism. Why would I want to join them now. And I should be able to work without giving the communist sympathizers any my money.

Anonymous said...

To all of you anti union sympathizers: Grab a history or economic book and study what in particular raised the plight of the working man in the United States. I know that unions will be the start in both money and conditions followed by Social Security, the GI Bill for purchasing a home and a previously unheard of formal education for all.To this day unions will get you a higher hourly rate, much better benefits, top working conditions and give the employee needed representation. You often hear of the souths negative attitude towards unions and upon getting off the main highways remember such as you drive by the dilapatated schacks called homes in Georgia, Virgina and southern Illinois.