“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, April 19, 2018

City of Peru Accused of Illegal Closed Meetings by Illinois AG

          http://www.newstrib.com/free/illinois-attorney-general-s-office-asks-peru-to-release-parts/article_4670392e-43dc-11e8-8880-0f197c92dc90.htmlIllegal Closed Session Meetings


Anonymous said...

The written minutes of the 11-13-17 closed session minutes reflect that mayor Harl led a discussion regarding the purchase of a particular parcel of land. If you have or had access to the tape recording of this meeting you would have discovered that the only topic discussed in that meeting was the police combining forces. Why would the city even bother to post this?

Anonymous said...

Now the city website is posting multiple minutes from ivrd meetings and labeling them as NEW even though they are dated as far back as 2016. ??????

Peru Town Forum said...

As I listened to this tape, my only thought was "Why is this meeting a closed session?" It was like the people conducting the mtg forgot why they were meeting, as they talked about non important things and it was only at the end of the audio that someone said something about property, it was as if they would adjourn without mentioning the so called reason for the mtg. It was all information that should be heard by the residents of the city.

Anonymous said...

Peru has become a political replica of the TV show " I've got a secret" with Roy Orbisons' "Running Scared" playing in the baclground. Please Bernie move on before Peru's lawsuits costs more than sales taxes received.
Heard that a policeman's job is open in Spring Valley! Good Luck

Anonymous said...

dont worry - spring valley does not want him back!