“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Tragedy in Peru Highlights Technology Available .....Should Peru Invest in This?

https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-the-police-fire-ambulance-can-change-traffic-lights-on-the-fly-Can-they-push-a-button-that-immediately-turns-the-red-light-greenTragedy in Peru Highlights Technology Available .....Should Peru Invest in This?

To be honest this is something I never ever thought about until this accident between an ambulance and another vehicle this past week. While talking to family, I was told that for many years Ottawa has had this type of technology and used it to get the ambulance through the main arterials of the city. And then someone told me that yes it is still in place and works.(OTTAWA)

Peru has several intersections with a great deal of traffic: Rte 6 and the intersection with Peoria and Shooting Park Rd, intersecting with Rte 251. Granted we have gone many many years safely but drivers of today seem to be involved in many more accidents and they are more distracted by various devices they are using.

Thoughts on this


Anonymous said...

It is the responsibility of the government to provide the safest program available.

Anonymous said...

this is handle by the state since all lights are on state highways

Peru Town Forum said...

8:23 AM

Do you have more information on that, because I believe the lights in Ottawa are on Rte 23 a state highway.
.I don't believe they are on Rte 6 going through Ottawa east and west.

Anonymous said...

Ottawa has lights solely on rte 6 both east and west of rte 23.

Anonymous said...

By the responsibility of the government is meant all phases of the government and the way too many divisions it has created to supply patronage jobs, ensure that exorbitant war chests are available and that the number of votes received by the incumbent are enough to insure a lifetime job. After all of this has been accomplished their is no longer a need to provide the safest program. Perhaps the greatest domestic revolution of our countries government has been the intentions of the government itself. This thought is so sad!