From First Street to I-80, La Salle’s development is included in comprehensive plan « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO
This is news to the Illinois Valley as it looks like La Salle is the first local community to develop a long term comprehensive plan. It is quite detailed and available for download from the La Salle City web site.
Cannot understand why both towns do not work as one.
Two towns equals twice the graft.
Two towns which cannot share their street sweepers and Vactor camera vehicles and could not reach a agreement to how they could share the cost of street department employees would have a hassle not worth the problem when it would come to city political representation.
Peru aldermen after all these years still want to divide street improvement costs equally from ward to ward rather than bid straight line which would be a automatic 30% savings.
Peru in its best of times has had internal problems created for it by those who should have been the elimination of these problems. LaSalle is turning things around and does not want or need Peru present problems.
Also recently Peru City Officials in not paying attention to their P,s and Q,s had a vast amount of its potential expansion taken away from it when LaSalle took away property from Peru. Actually Peru gave the rights to the property to LaSalle without ever giving a explanation to its citizens why it did so.
What is the present status of the Dimmick Twp. - Peru TIF disagreement. How much has this cost Peru? How many lawsuits is Peru presently involved in?
Professional advise to Peru is that you are living under a black cloud which does not appear to be going away for at least another 3 years and your city council should seriously consider hiring a City Manager ASAP.
Very doubtful if Peru could find anyone to co-op with it. Dalzell has already said no to Perus concerts. Spring Valley, LaSalle, Oglesby, Mendota and Ottawa all have their own swimming pools.
About the only thing Peru has that none of the other towns do not have is a payroll investigation.
9:46 Last I checked the concerts were not Perus. It seems like that of course with the way the Town leaders use our tax dollars and city resources to bring in some phantom tourist revenues and make one resident richer.
I could see how Peru might enjoy seeing the small uptick in tax revenues while getting rid of the liability and expenses if they tossed the venue across the road into Dalzell.
Just like Peru to dump their crap on others. Problem is, some things you dump never go away.
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