“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, February 07, 2014

Association wants to make Route 6 a destination « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

Association wants to make Route 6 a destination « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO


Peru Town Forum said...

And all this time, I thought we were paying the expenses of Bob Vickery to be an economic director. Route 6 is a very long historic highway crossing the United States. Route 6 going through Peru is not so pretty and I don't think flower baskets are the answer.

Anonymous said...

The "planters" and the "hanging flower baskets" were taken care of last year by alderman Perez and a small group of volunteers. Nobody seemed to care or help. I think the alderman had to water everything by himself on his own time. The mayor didn't even allow the city workers to tend to the flowers. If this newly formed group plans on doing the same thing I wonder if the city will co=operate with them?? PROBABLY because of who they are!!

Anonymous said...

Was on my way to the igloo last night about 7:30. I was driving on snow packed side streets. I can't believe the city had the street blocked off for snow removal at that time. What Einstein decided to do that at that time. This city is something else. How about ten or eleven o'clock pm. If I owned any of the business I would be pissed. J/S. Also, why did the city hire other companies to haul snow away? Don't we have trucks to do that? ? Contributing to outside union workers? companies?

Anonymous said...

Somebody define what it means to "Make Route 6 a Destination." People will not do their primary shopping downtown - that has all shifted to the big box stores. Is it the intention to make it a destination for entertainment? So, can we expect incentives for bar and restaurant owners? Flower pots are not going to do it. Tax incentives may. Money for improvements, demolition, and new construction will. Possibly create a TIF from West Street to Church street and a block North and South (5th ST / 3rd ST). Use the TIF to encourage new commercial construction. Zone the area to discourage residential and encourage developers to buy and demolish the residential property on 5th St and 3rd ST as well as any remaining on 4th ST. That will make room for parking, new buildings, etc. Then do something to make it more attractive for a developer to demolish the old buildings on 4th street and replace them with modern structures. I saw a commercial for the State of New York - they are offering 10 years tax free for development and expansion. Something like that would get things moving and it would be better than a TIF.

Peru Town Forum said...

Have you seen the link on the city web site to sign up for City of Peru News Tribune notifications? I clicked on the link to see that it is an advertisement by Miller Media and space for you to put name, email, etc.
Would you or have you signed up for this feature offered by Peru and the News Trib.?

Anonymous said...

Will someone please tell exactly what is a "Committee Meeting as a Hole". I hope that this has nothing to do with the yearly golf outing that the Mayor has to build up funds for his private political war chest.

Anonymous said...

A lot of action and lights last night downtown peru with the snow removal. How and when did the city take bids from the companies that were working? Who approved it?

Anonymous said...

it is Committee of the Whole not Hole.

"A Committee of the Whole is a device in which a legislative body or other deliberative assembly is considered one large committee. All members of the legislative body are members of such a committee. This is usually done for the purposes of discussion and debate of the details of bills and other main motions."

In other words it allows free discussion and informal non-binding votes.

Anonymous said...

And another thing.... committee meetings are not recorded....

Anonymous said...

Saw a Mertels truck today hauling snow to centennial park. How many outside trucks are we using?

Anonymous said...

As long as it is $9,999 or less for each vendor, Boss Harl can approve it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 3:07 Thanks, a friend of mine was telling me about the Mayor going to have a meeting of the whole and from what I know of the mayor I immediately thought of a golf hole and his war chest fund raisers.
He said he was calling this meeting at 6:30 next Wednesday which would be Feb 12. Since the Mayor has called this meeting what is his agenda for it. Does he plan on having a open discussion with questions and hopefully answers. This will really be a old fashioned Hoe (like hole or whole)Down much like James Foxx's "Your a Red Neck If"

Peru Town Forum said...

above should read Monday Feb. 10.@ 6:30 PM

Anonymous said...

Last night Boehm trucks and maybe Terrando trucks hauling snow. WHY??????? why this contracted out? The city has trucks!!!!! A friend was talking about this. Who wants to explain this??

Anonymous said...

4:00-so Harl can give to his
Buddies without bidding? That doesn't save the taxpayers money.

Anonymous said...

I saw Mertel trucks today.