“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, February 02, 2014

News and Investigations Smaller Council Could Improve Accountability

News and Investigations Smaller Council Could Improve Accountability<p>

The referendum in March for a smaller council is right in step with what most cities are now doing. 


Anonymous said...

Definition of Cronyism:

Cronyism exists when the appointer and the beneficiary are in social contact; often, the appointer is inadequate to hold his or her own job or position of authority, and for this reason the appointer appoints individuals who will not try to weaken him or her, or express views contrary to those of the appointer."

Anonymous said...

It all depends on who is elected. Its not about size of the council its about quality. We are getting into dangerous territory and need to be careful with the idea of a smaller council, the current Mayor has the money to put anybody into office he desires. Will that be positive for Peru?

Anonymous said...

Since the local media refuses to report on questionable activities it is more than likely that Boss Harl will continue to appoint people to strengthen his position. Concerning the elections, I agree. Boss Harl can put up anyone he wants and he has his war chest and that of the union PAC's to get them elected. It will be very difficult for anyone not willing to spend thousands of dollars to win election as a Peru Alderman - be it at large or for their ward. Boss Harl will get his people elected. Unless, of course somebody takes the bull by the ba**% and starts raising money now. I figure at least $30K will be necessary if all Aldermen are up for election next time around. Maybe more.

Anonymous said...

Evidently the appointee isn't that smart either and can't get positions/position without kissing rear ends!

Anonymous said...

The current mayor is not going to be the current mayor once the state police and Feds read the judge's report. Boss Harl will be gone! Elections will be wide open!!

Anonymous said...

Watch the video and make your own judgements.

Anonymous said...

even if charges are brought, it will be years before it goes to trial. Nothing will be mentioned in local media and the sheepeople of Peru vote only vote for the person with the most yard signs.

Anonymous said...

I'd rather have 1/ward and 2 at large come in playing a A to B Game than 2/ward show up with their normal E to F game and no desire to prepare or improve.
A complete political turnover of Illinois State Politics cannot be considered anything but a good thing. About the only thing politically that the State of Illinois leads in is ex governors in penal institutions. They lead us for four and than we room and board them for four more.

Anonymous said...

At least Peru has 1 good alderman with balls. Hats off to ALDERMAN PEREZ!! The rest are a bunch of phony want to be big shots in a 1 horse town.

Justin Loger said...

9:31 a.m. Its sad to think that the only thing that stands between an individual interested in office and winning that election is money. Last I checked, it was votes, not dollars, that won an election (unless you as a voter can be bought).

When studying economics and politics in conjunction with philosophy, it is always the art of the unseen that you should be looking for. If you feel the effectiveness of our system is dependent on the number of alderman or the number of "0's" in the individuals campaign fund, then there is obviously something wrong with our system, or with you as a part of the electorate.

Anonymous said...


If you ever step down from your ideological pedestal and black and white party thinking, you might realize that part of being elected as a leader means you have to RELATE to a vast majority of the people. They need to know that you will represent them, not some utopian governmental system and holy Grail free market.

You don't have to have votes paid for to realize that campaigns cost money. Getting your plans and ideas out there, and relating to the people, costs time, effort and lots of money. Smartest guy doesn't always win.

Many people , myself included, respect you for your intellect, principles and activism. But you also come across as intransigent and uncompromising. Unelectable and idealistic. You like many of your political heroes might win a college debate, but not elections.

Its not about you, it's about your team, your supporters, and compromise. Selling out? Maybe. Broken system, yes I would agree. But local politics are more subject to patronage and popularity than any level of government. They are as close to a pure free market election as you can get, because you can damn near talk to every voter!

You are fond of the free market. If you can't get people to invest heavily in you, don't blame the market. It is the product they are not buying.

If I donate to a campaign nobody bought my vote. I would like to donate to yours. Show me a platform that reaches out to the systems you hate and the people you are much smarter than. That's a product I'll put money in.

Anonymous said...

Yes Justin, I think that something is wrong with Perus' city government system and I as a part of the electorate am trying to do something about it.
Justin it is the number of votes which win or lose a election but it is dollars which obtain that winning vote.
Marketing and the understanding of technology have had a huge impact on political elections, especially since 1961.
Justin are you satisfied with the system of Peru City government and do you believe that the best candidate always wins? Don't you at times think that there is a better way or a better answer.
Justin don't you think that if those in charge had to answer to those they represent once in a while that more intelligent and fairer decisions would be made? I am not referring to campaign promises but to actual happenings. To be accountable every fourth year is not often enough. I will vote in favor of one alderman wards and two city at large aldermen because I believe it will provide much better representation.

Justin Loger said...

7:13 p.m.
You said: "You don't have to have votes paid for to realize that campaigns cost money. Getting your plans and ideas out there, and relating to the people, costs time, effort and lots of money. Smartest guy doesn't always win."

I remember having a conversation with Alderman Perez, and I believe he also said it on video that what helped him most was going door to door. Of course their is relating to the people, time, and effort, but going door to door is free, which supports my original idea.

"Its not about you, it's about your team, your supporters, and compromise."

Agreed! But it doesn't change the fact that the system, as you have agreed, is corrupted at its core, which in turn makes it flawed.

"If I donate to a campaign nobody bought my vote. I would like to donate to yours. Show me a platform that reaches out to the systems you hate and the people you are much smarter than"

To address the first part of your statement: I want the money out of politics, not back in it. If you offered me money, I would respectfully decline. The support of the electorate needs to come from the ballot box, not from checking accounts. Commitment to sound ideas need to triumph, not the number of yard signs you have or the size of your campaign fund. To address the second part of your statement: I never claimed to be smarter than anybody. Am I? Who knows. But if that is the case, anyone who know me will tell you that I'm not one to use my intelligence to attempt to claim superiority over anybody. The only way we advance is collectively, I understand that, but trying to find conformity in what is now a plutocracy has been, and always will be, a fools game.

8:00 p.m.
"Justin are you satisfied with the system of Peru City government and do you believe that the best candidate always wins? Don't you at times think that there is a better way or a better answer."

I believe I speak for a lot of people who are as equally disgusted with what is happening down at city hall as I am. Does the best candidate always win? It doesn't appear that way after they get elected, does it!? But that isn't the fault of the candidate, it is the fault of the system. The oligarchy needs to be reigned in, people shouldn't fear government, government should fear the people.

" Justin don't you think that if those in charge had to answer to those they represent once in a while that more intelligent and fairer decisions would be made?"

YES! That's where I am 100% in favor of alderman having to hold monthly meetings with their constituents. Obviously everyone can't attend, but an effort should at least be made on behalf of our elected representatives. But as I said before, it is the art of the unseen. Why aren't our elected representatives VOLUNTARILY WANTING to do this for the citizens of Peru? This is something, in my eyes, that should go without saying.

Anonymous said...

Justin for Mayor!!!

Anonymous said...

According to the Jan. 27th council meeting video, mayor Harl mentions having a "committee as a whole" meeting at 6:30 before the regular Feb. 10th meeting. After Lois asked the question regarding time clocks, Sherry commented on the grass cutting bids and Mr. Harts question about the agenda format Mayor Harl states "we will discuss things like that" at that meeting. How will citizens be informed as to whether or not this meeting will take place?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Harl should not be referred to as "Mayor" anymore. Just call him Mr. Harl or Boss Harl or Boss.
Start sending letters asking him to resign.
Start sending letters to Mr. Towne asking him to prosecute.
Start sending letters to credible media such as the Journal Star and Ottawa Times.

Anonymous said...

A word to the wise is to call City Clerk Bartley to inquire about the "committee as a whole" meeting.
Now that Mr. Harl has said he is calling for it, and nothing to the contrary has been published it should be addressed as being scheduled for 6:30PM, Feb 10,2014.
Being that this meeting is to be the answer to questions not answered in public comment in front of all whom the questions were asked this meeting is now a must.
In only one month of having 2 formal meetings a month it is being proven that to have 4 meetings a month with 2 being informal in which the citizen has a opportunity to express themselves is much more AMERICAN.

Anonymous said...

"Committee as a whole" meeting. Will this be a meeting where the public will be able to attend?

Anonymous said...

Yes! "Committee as a Whole" meeting will be a meeting where the public will be able to attend. There should be a agenda published similar to a city council meeting agenda stating date, time etc. as for the inclusion of Closed or Executive Sessions legal consultation will have to be obtained.

Anonymous said...

I heard the Peru Lobbyist is gaterhing support in Springfield to repeal the Open Meetings Act.

Anonymous said...

What is the latest on the Peru Lobbyist. Is he still on the payroll for $2K/month and what has he accomplished and presently working on? A monthly update of all promotional agencies and individuals would be a step in the correct direction. We keep hearing of all the big developments which are to take place in 2014, but so far all thats been done is a location change of CVS and the closing of a bakery and the opening of a cup cake shop. Its time to get down to business and get the right people on the right jobs. Presently Peru has people out looking for work for others who have never themselves had to work. They have always had clean hands and manicured fingernails and wouldn't know a job if it was staring them in the face. The only times I have seen a SUIT get something done is when they themselves are going to profit from it the most. Just seems like we should tell the pretty boys to stay home and get the old uglys in place to accomplish what is needed. They wouldn't back down or quit until MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!