“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To All Garage Sale People - Weekends Are OK

Just a short time back we had a discussion of garage sale signs that were being removed without notice and people were upset and understandably so as there was not a city announcement made, it just happened. Enforcement of this was given to the newly hired code officer because our building inspector did not have time.

Just last week while driving through the downtown area of Peru, I noticed a sign for a garage sale that was taped to a light post on 4th and while I usually don't pay any attention to garage sale signs because how else are people going to get the attention of those wanting to shop the sales, I thought this one was inappropriate and I know the area we consider "down town" Peru is raunchy looking at best, this just added to the mess.

Trying to clarify the signage issue last night, I asked that particular question about that particular sign and was told by the Mayor that we have no one to enforce this ordinance on weekends. The code officer is done for the year and the police will not enforce the ordinance because the Mayor said they are too busy doing other things.

So after the big eruption of a few weeks ago, I guess if you are planning a sale yet this year before spring, put your signs anywhere anytime because there will be no enforcement. Weekends are a for sure and most likely anytime because I doubt that our bldg inspector was going about town removing them during the week.

I guess we could now call this the WEEKEND ARE OK ORDINANCE.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when this ordinance went into effect? Has it always been there but never enforced or is it something new? For many years there didn't seem to be a problem with garage sales and signs and now the government is making it a big deal. What doesn't make sense is what good is an ordinance if you have no one who will enforce it? In other words, if you have a garage sale in the summer and during the week you signs will probably be removed. On the other hand if you have it in the fall and on the weekend you're signs are safe.

Anonymous said...

Recently a new committee was formed - the "Infrastructure Committee" - it has now meet two times and each time a city employee was in attendance to take minutes. Is this being covered by overtime, comp time or is the employee donating her time? There is no reason that one of the committee members cannot take the minutes of the meeting. There is surely enough formal education and business background within this committee to take their own minutes rather than adding any more expense to the taxpayers.

Anonymous said...

Wow , Peru is really starting to SUCK !! When's the next elections ?

Anonymous said...

Lois, are you telling people it's okay to go against an ordinance? That's like telling people it's okay to ignore stop lights. Ordinances are rules and should be followed. Maybe if people would follow the rules, we wouldn't need to pay a code enforcement officer.

Anonymous said...

We make a big deal about garage sale signs what about building permits? According to ordinance aren't they supposed to be visible from the curb? Does this only apply to certain builders or certain times of the year or does it depend on the number of homes being built? I don't mind rules and regulations but I do detest when they don't seem to apply to everyone. Or we make excuses for some individuals and others pay the consequences. Just my opinion!

Peru Town Forum said...

10:08 PM

I am saying that is the answer I got that no one would be enforcing it. A better question is why do we have an ordinance that no one wants to enforce? We know our bldg inspector would not be enforcing the garage sale issue and our code officer is officially done until he is brought back.
I honestly expected the mayor or council to give me a better answer than what I got. We do know that people will continue to post signs when and where they wish because until a couple of months ago, no one cared even though the ordinance was already on the books and enforced by the bldg inspector at his own discretion without any advice from elected officials.
I am not telling anyone to do anything but then I am only a private citizen and have no influence about what ordinances are enforced or not.
I have also heard that the no smoking ban is not actually enforced even though it is law. Anyone know anything about that?

Peru Town Forum said...

11:57 correction
"the no smoking ban is not actually enforced in PERU"

Anonymous said...

Smoking ban is not enforced in Peru. Go into a few rather undesirable nightclubs after 10 or so. In defense of the City, the ban is hard to enforce statewide. legal cases challenging who has authority to arrest and enforce.

Peru Town Forum said...

If you are out and about, check the sidewalks in front of the business where people congregate and if you see lots of cigarette butts outside, you know enforcement is taking place. If it is clean, they are probably smoking inside.
I guess I would rather look at the disgusting remnants outside then inhale the health dangers inside the establishment.
I did hear the choice was made within a city dept., up to you to guess which one.

Anonymous said...

I think the city of Peru, should bring the code officer back for the winter. He could ticket all the vechicles parked on the roads when there is a large snowfall. It would help the police dept. because they don't have time to do it. and also they would make some much needed money into the city coffers. The code officer did a great job the short time he was on duty. Get him back!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What are the chances of Peru getting a bypass so none of it rubs off when I am going to Spring Valley. The public works dept. is always short of manpower, the police dept already has too much on its shoulders and no time to do it, the fire dept. is unappreciated with cheap dinners of Prime rib and steak and the volunteers are paid a measly sum of $33 and chump change per hour. Poor old PVAS only draws a donation of $4,000 per month from the city of which no one can give a good answer why.But don't worry citizens the Code Officer who was paid the hefty sum of $10 per hour was laid off for the winter in the towns thrift plan so that the silent bldg. inspector could earn his $28 per hour inspecting the three or four buildings and decks which have been built in Peru this year. The only way I'd move back to Peru is if I could get a job paid by the city.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:54
The code officer did too good a job the short time he was on duty. That is why he is still not there. He did so much that it put the fears into the Bldg. Inspector. Who do you think did his job? Saw more of the big guy in a couple of months than was seen of the little guy in a couple of years. You can be assured that if the code enforcer comes back and does nothing his immediate boss will get him a yearly job. The code enforcer just has to learn his lesson which he never will because he is too good a man.