“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Foreign Fire Fighter Fund - 2% Board

This is a rather complicated and dull read as all codes are but scan through it and some things will jump out at you. I am just learning about this funding to the fire department. I think that the funding to the city has changed and it is money sent directly to the Liberty Fire Department which is only a fund raising not for profit even though they are not a part of the city technically.


Anonymous said...

Are these meetings that the public can attend since it seems they have guidlines set up by state law ? When and where do these meetings take place ? Can we get access to past meeting minutes to see where this money goes ? How much money are we talking about ? And does Peru even follow this law since they seem they think they can do whatever they want ? I find this very interesting . Never knew it existed . Was this to be a secret from the public ? if the state gives Liberty money , and it is supported by tax dollars , than why the need to extort the citizens of Peru saying they need our money (DONATION) to protect them ?

Anonymous said...

These meetings are open to public and notices are posted for all meetings except our Liberty meetings. The 2% meetings are held at the fire station the first wednesday of each month at 6:30
come one come all.