“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, October 03, 2011

Oglesby Pleased With Festivals « AM1220 WLPO News

Oglesby Pleased With Festivals « AM1220 WLPO News



Anonymous said...

In the agenda for Oct 5,2011 city council meeting there is a member of the planning commission resigning? There is also a person named to replace this person? Has this position been opened to the public at council meetings and published in the local newspaper to find if anyone is interested in filling it besides the already chosen? Now that it is known that the Mayor has a particular person he wants and that it is most likely his appointment no one else is going to show a sincere interest only to be turned down. Is this democracy? Recently one person voted for ten thousand because he would not allow a referendum now he quietly makes a appointment without any published notice of this position. As the Mayor stated if you don't like it don't vote for me in two years he is becoming very convincing that he meant it.

Peru Town Forum said...

Amazing isn't it how these little things seem to slide by unnoticed so thank you for bringing it to the publics' attention. I won't post the names on this blog but I encourage everyone to check it out for themselves. It is on the agenda for Wednesday of this week, 10-5-11.
We were told when the Mayor took office that he would do exactly what you said, inform the public by various means so that they could put their name into consideration for any available seat when a vacancy occurred on a committee. Looking at the person to be named, I say this is the mayors choice, period.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone else brought this to our attention. I too had noticed this and wondered the same thing - when was this position offered to the general public and how was it presented?

Anonymous said...

What is the demanding urgency in filling the upcoming vacancy in the Planning Commission when the Downtown Planning and Redevelopment Committee has had a vacancy for two years which never has been filled? The ordinance calls for seven members not six. Looking at the shameful appearance of downtown Peru it would be logical to zero in on Fourth Street before it becomes a complete disgrace to the entire community.
Rather than ignoring this Committee and downtown Peru it would be wise of the city administration to update the committee and its archaic rules.

Anonymous said...

Remember when there was a position open on the library board? Every council meeting the mayor made mention of it and if anyone was interested to please send in their letters. Seems to be a double standard in place, depending on what committee or board position is available and who wants it.

Anonymous said...

I do remember that ANON 3:09. Does the council have to approve this appointment? If so, I wonder if any of them will question the mayor's choice and ask him how many applications he received.

Anonymous said...

This potential appointment by the Mayor is similar to the magician who pulls a rabbit out of the hat. Everyone was so amazed that they don't realize that the rabbit was a rabbit, in this magic act the mayor performs his trickery so silently that no one realizes that the act is already over and his appointment has been made. It will be interesting to observe if the incumbent member is thanked for his years of service tonight before the next commission member is appointed. Don't want to spoil any plans by announcing that there was a vacancy when that can be covered up by announcing a new member on the planning commission before announcing that someone has resigned.
What was the real interpretation in 2009 of the campaign that preached transparent open government? Maybe it is time to question the brotherhood?

Anonymous said...

There certainly was not any trickery when the library position was vacant. Week after week he announced that there was an opening and please send a letter to his office if you were interested. How things can change. But then again it was the library and you know how the mayor and council felt about a very important part of the community. Please if someone goes to the meeting tonight, put him on the spot and question him about this selection to the planning commission.

Anonymous said...

It has been a formality that the upcoming council meetings were published in the news capsule section of the local newspaper on the night of the meeting. Place, time and a brief description of main topics to be under consideration were included. The last few meetings this notification has been eliminated. WHY?

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that lately WLPO announces certain topics to be discussed at other town's council meetings but not Peru's. I too thought this curious.