I have had several questions about how home rule affects the ability to tax its residents and found this article. Link above
This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Agenda for June 1 City Council Meeting
Discuss sales tax increase
Discuss Department Finance Control Policy
Discuss/Approve hiring Code Enforcement Officer
Friday, May 27, 2011
Recreation Funding Budgeted 2011

I would think that most of the residents of Peru do not know how the Peru Recreation programs are funded and who takes care of most of it. Last year it was explained to me that there were 2 different recreation boards, one composed of the aldermen who at that time were O'Beirne, Mertel and Ferrari. The second group were citizens of Peru who were appointed to the Recreation COMMISSION and they took care of employees and financial matters. Since I was new to learning much of this city information I did not ask any more.
And now this year, I was attending the city council meeting last Monday when I received the usual packet of information and I found myself looking at the expenditures of the recreation department. Now this group is usually active only during the summer months and this is when they spend the funds. I decided to ask a question during the public comment and I asked why the director received 9.900.00 for working such a short period of time. The only one that answered my question was Mayor Harl and everyone else just said nothing. The Mayor told me that the city council had nothing to do with the expenditures. I asked again, the same question as I was amazed that all this money was spent and the city council did not approve expenditures.
I learned after the meeting that the money you see approved is in the city budget and there is no oversight as to how that money is spent. It is approved for the Recreation Commission to use and spend as they see fit. These people are good people willing to give their time but they are not elected officials and are given permission to spend up to 75,000 if the figures are correct. Are you surprised? Is this what you expected?
This year Ald. Ankiewicz is on the public property committee and whoever will replace Ald. Mikyska will possibly be the second member.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
"Fuzzy Math" Down at City Hall
I don't think the funding of these projects can be or should be considered donations. When the cell tower was erected, the agreement was set in place to give the money to the youth baseball teams. End of story that is not a donation. It is something they are entitled to because of that agreement.
I have sat in on many Finance Committee meetings and the usual procedure for donations was for the city clerk to announce that he had a request from this organization or another organization looking for a donation from the city, the committee would then agree to it or not. Recreational units within the city were never included in the donation process that I recall. When it was brought up at the city council meeting, it should have been make very clear, that changes have been made and baseball is now considered a donation and of the $20,000 limit we are setting, automatically deduct 7.000 that we give to summer baseball and the remaining $13,000 will be the limit for anyone else asking for money. Even that seems to be a lot of money to give away for a city that is not in good financial condition at this time.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Your City At Work Tonight
Posted by wlpo on May 22, 2011
While some cities have stopped making donations to local non-profits, Peru continues to set aside $20,000 in the budget for such things. That’ll be one of the things they’ll talk about at their council meeting Monday evening.
The council could also approve an agreement with the Ottawa Police Department that would allow the Peru Police Department to provide and receive help from Ottawa officers.
The Peru City Council meets at 7:30pm Monday.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Do The Right Thing….. | LaSalle Insider
This sounds like Peru and La Salle residents need to keep a watchful eye on their government.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Freeway Pollution Causes Brain Damage, Alzheimer's
I first heard this on the cable news tonight and it just reinforced my thoughts on holding movies at the Maud Powell Plaza and sometimes summer band concerts. I understand that people are not mice but much medical research is done on laboratory mice especially with treatments and medications that will eventually find their way into our medical care.
Personally I attended one band concert at the Plaza a few years ago and I found it to me an unpleasant experience due to the noise and smell from the traffic. How can you enjoy a concert or a movie with cars contiually moving by on Rte 6 right within earshot of the audience. So now we are finding not only is it a distraction but a health hazard as well.
If you look at the city web site , you will find a series of numerous events that are at this point, simply titled Movie with Maud. The first will be held in a park and the remaining 6 will be held downtown in the Maud Powell Plaza and are yet unnamed on the schedule.
It is my opinion that the city would be better off to hold them in one of the numerous parks we do have in Peru and help the residents stay away from the polluted state highway routes. All people are vulnerable to respiratory problems but especially children and the older citizen and many of both groups are already dealing with asthma and various other respiratory problems.
There is not much we can do about the traffic but we can plan better and provide a location more suitable for our residents to enjoy music and movies.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Are you in favor of the 1/2% tax increase?
Last night Ald. Waldorf read off a long laundry list of large expenses needed by the water and sewer department.
What should our priorities be?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
News Tribune - News - NCI - Mendota invests in facade restoration
Using TIF funding to update and beautify the downtown area. I believe there is a TIF in downtown La Salle also as it was mentioned when Skoog's purchased the former D J's restaurant on Bucklin Street which had gone into foreclosure. Is Peru in need of a TIF downtown in order to attract business into the area?