This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Monday, January 31, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Condolences to the Family of Ald.Ron Wren
He collapsed after the council meeting on Wed. Jan 26 and passed away this morning January 28, 2011 at OSF in Peoria, IL.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Local businesses and labor unions provide much needed facilities upgrade for Peru Fire Department
Monday, January 24, 2011
New Hit to Strapped States -
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Citizens of Peru are Responsible for $40 Millions Debt
Notice I said nationwide and yet I continue to hear about how this loss of revenue through decreased sales tax, persistent debt created prior to his election and loss of revenue as home construction went down, people were not spending money on large or small items = less sales tax revenue = blame the new Mayor. I would like to believe that people in Peru are smarter than what I believe is a small minority who still have not gotten over the defeat of Don Baker and in retaliation continue and without reason to label Mayor Harl as the cause of it all. This may be a few angry people with too much time on their hands who choose to use our blog to vent their frustrations because they are no longer "in the loop" so to speak. They offer nothing constructive but only find fault.
Did Mayor Baker bring some good to the community? Absolutely. Is it time for the community to exhibit more of a "can do" mentality. I would hope so. Since there are no perfect people on earth, it is time for people to accept the democracy of the ballot box. The election was legal and the majority spoke. If your guy didn't win, make the best of it and move on and be a positive contributing member of this community.
Do I commend the council members when they do what I believe is right for our town. Yes and I would hope they see that, give us some respect and you will get some back. But many times from someone on the outside looking in, I don't see that coming back to those who have taken an interest in Peru government. We have a Mayor who is trying to do what is best for the city and not for the council or for himself. Everyone needs to put their egos aside and work for Peru because yes we need to pull together, pay down this debt. Attitudes need to change, new ideas need to be brought forward. But as you hear persistently on radio and TV.
"We need to stop spending"
Monday, January 17, 2011
Positive Aspects in Peru Since 2009 Election
These are my personal thoughts on how Peru has improved under Mayor Harl.
1. Very important that we now have a qualified City Treasurer who is giving us the financial data that we as citizens need to know. Gary Hylla was appointed by Mayor Harl when Jack O'Beirne backed out of the position of Treasurer for which he was elected. O'Beirne at least knew he was unqualified and had only ran to be Treausrer in name only and with the encouragement of Mayor Baker and Judy Heiser who would have continued to handle the finances and O'Beirne would no nothing if the residents of Peru had not elected Scott Harl.
2. All committee meetings are now held in accordance with the Open Meetings Act and held at the City Hall. Anyone can sit in on a meeting if they so choose. A big change for Water and Sewer that used to meet at the Test offices. No more private meetings for official business. As far as unofficial meetings at local businesses after council meetings, that is up to you to judge.
3. Some will disagree with this but the swimming pool. We finally found out the deplorable condition of the Peru swimming pool This was due to the exploration of the issue and was brought to the forefront by Mayor Harl.
4. He has cut expenditures of donating through every cause that came through the door. Very few are now approved.
5.We have learned how our infrastructure has deteriorated in previous years with no maintenance program in place and we have also learned we are over 40 million in debt and have few dollars to repair them.
6. We have also learned that the current city aldermen never had any intention of being cooperative and as many have noted they many times disagree just to prove how disagreeable they are.
7. Our relations with LaSalle and other surrounding communities are the best they have been in years. Our Mayor does not have the arrogance to believe we should be the leader of the valley but a part of the Illinois Valley working together with the other cities.
At this point, you might be thinking "well what has Mayor Harl done" I will point out to you the things he wanted done and was rebuffed by the council who must agree to get it done.
To cut costs, the mayor wanted to reduce the number city council meetings to twice a month just like most cities around us. THE COUNCIL SAID NO
The Mayor wanted to start meetings earlier to allow more residents to attend. THE COUNCIL SAID NO
The Mayor wanted to hire a City Engineer. THE COUNCIL SAID NO.
The Mayor wanted to televise city council meetings. THE COUNCIL WAS NOT INTERESTED.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Friday, January 07, 2011
What is the Future for Once Historic Water Street
The above was written to me privately and I am witholding the writers name. Those of you who know me realize that I have tried to prevent Peru from destroying what little they have left of buildings that are a part of our history without any success. It always seems that the people who are control in this town would rather hire a bulldozer instead of a preservationist.
I'm sure there is asbestos in the old Power Plant and I am also sure that there is undisturbed asbestos in other old buildings in Peru. That is not a reason to sell it for destruction for $1.00.
Every so often the topic of What Should We Do With Water Street comes up? At present there are just a couple of businesses operating and in spite of all the odds, they are doing well and are an asset to our city. The possibility of flooding always will exist but this is not a yearly event and recently has been coped with very well.
I have always admired the architecture of the old power plant and it seems a shame to have it taken down as it is one of the bright spots you can see when traveling on 251 north and you look down toward Peru.
I am also aware that the city of Peru and those in power have never had an appreciation of the history of Peru and I cannot think of one building they have tried to preserve. I don't know how much they have tried to market this building as I have never heard it discussed at a meeting. There was plenty of talk about the Mirror building while it sat empty for years but seldom anything about other historic assets we might have.
I guess about the only buildings in Peru that might fall into being a part of our history are the several churches located south of Shooting Park Rd. and the Post Office. This is becoming like a city without a past.
Peru Volunteer Ambulance Update
I just received a new posting and decided to move it up.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Aldermanic challengers are paying attention and learning what to do in office and maybe what not to do
Monday, January 03, 2011
Rude Mean and Disrespectful NOT Allowed
Evidently there is someone who cannot read the small print at the top of this forum, my fingers are tired of deleting your small minded rude comments. If you wish to denigrate Steve and other candidates, I suggest you initiate your own blog and keep it open especially for that type of retort.
My apologies to my readers for posting the last several comments. I thought if I did put them on, that person might understand I was being a considerate person but it just seems to have increased the nastiness of the comments.
So whoever you are and I have my suspicions, I have a message. Go away and don't bother me, Steve and anybody else reading this blog. At least get a book and read about etiquette.