“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, April 23, 2010

The "Politics" of our Municipal Pool

Who could have anticipated the reaction of our aldermen in their narrow-minded position that the pool will be opened come hell or high water. Or in the case of our pool, " low water" because it all runs down the ravine or directly into the sanitary sewer. These sitting aldermen have had the opportunity year after year to have the problems with the pool properly evaluated and year after year they have failed miserably to accomplish anything constructive. Why is that? From what I have witnessed it comes down to the same method of operation that has existed with Peru city government for many years. That is, instead of common sense leadership we have certain individuals who are allowed to influence the way the city conducts its business in order to profit in some way. All this has been done with an almost complete disregard for what is in the best interest of the city as a whole. When you look back at the history of the Peru Municipal Pool you see a facility that has been obsolete for at least the last half of its entire existence. Yet elected officials dating back to Don Baker as a first term alderman have failed to seriously and honestly address the problem. I'm not saying they didn't talk about it, I'm saying they never took it seriously enough to upgrade it properly. Not at all unlike our streets and sewers. Flash forward to the present and what do we see? We have a new Mayor who wants an accurate and honest evaluation that will inform us of what we actually have. We will know if our pool is safe for our children or not. We will know if our pool is in violation of the National Code or any other state or federal laws regulating all public pools. We will know what if anything can be done to make our pool as safe as it should be so there will be no unacceptable risk to anyone. Then we have the consensus of our aldermen who say, just as carelessly and recklessly as they have for years, "Let's get it open", "Let's get it open". "It has always lost water, let's get it open". "Kenny will patch the cracks and it will be fine". Another summer fast approaching and it's the S-O-S. And I don't mean Save-Our-Ship. The recent council approval for the hiring of Williams Aquatics to proceed with a feasibility study that includes a comprehensive evaluation of our existing pool slipped past our aldermen without them ever realizing the scope of what they had just approved. They failed to understand that a "real" professional consultant will be bound to provide an honest and accurate report that will not be subject to the "influence peddlers" who have directed the council in the past. Finally, and for the first time in many years we will not be at the mercy of unqualified engineering consultants, unscrupulous (full-time and part-time) city employees, and ethically challenged elected officials in order to make a common sense decision about our pool. Don't be surprised if the recommendation from Williams is that the pool is unsafe and extremely out of compliance with the best case scenario a costly and delayed opening this summer. This is the point where we can expect to see some of our more "vocal" aldermen squeal in protest and proclaim how they will not be subject to state or federal regulations and how this is not at all what they expected for their $15,000. There will be some obvious confusion from at least one long time alderman who will likely mumble something like, "Oh Boy, I don't understand. This is not how we used to do it". I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Steve, please keep your articles coming!

Anonymous said...

Does pool opening=votes?

Anonymous said...

ANON 4:56 I would surely hope not. I would hope people would want an alderman who would put safety for our children first on their list of qualifications.

Anonymous said...

Lois - don't forget Monday's meeting was changed to Wednesday.

Steve said...

To anon 4:56pm - You should have absolutely no doubt that these aldermen, almost to a man, see this as a purely political issue. The idea that we must have the pool evaluated for safety and liability concerns came directly from the Mayor and is, I believe, supported by the city attorney. The aldermen immediately recognized what they see as an opportunity for political gain by opposing the mayors initiative. Just as they did with the sale of the Gen-Sets. That disaster was brought to you courtesy of Bob Ankiewicz and it cost us around $80,000, (not counting the Hundreds of Thousands wasted on the Gen-Sets by Joe Prazen), because he lobbied the other aldermen not to accept the highest bid because he said "I will get more for those generators". He was of course being advised by Don Baker on that issue also. These guys are convinced they are on the "politically correct" side of this issue because they believe there will be a public back-lash in store for anyone who would oppose opening the pool. I'm not so sure about that. If Williams comes in with an initial report that is detailed and clear and indicates serious concerns about the pool I think the public will be more understanding than the aldermen are hoping they will be. Of course, alot of public perception will be dictated by how accurately the local press reports the details.
Consider this, Alderman Dave Potthoff is on record and on board with the others to "Open it up". Do you think Dave Potthoff as Executive Director of the YMCA with its pool facilities is not aware of the lack of compliance with State and Federal law and other code violations of our pool? Yet he opposes the mayors initiative to proceed in a common sense and safe manner. If Bob Ankiewicz, Jack O'Berine, Jamey Mertel, Dave Potthoff and others had the authority right now they would have Ken Drennen filling cracks in that pool as we speak. Filling cracks with the "wrong" caulking material as Williams Aquatics has pointed out already. I really wonder if these guys have any clue what a dangerous game they are playing.

Peru Town Forum said...

I believe that the Council Members believe the city will not survive unless they meet each week. Sorry to disappoint them but things will be just fine and we will save some money in the process by not having to pay them. Start showing some fiscal responbility.

Anonymous said...

Steve, who was the alderman who asked Mr. Bleck can we start patching the pool?

Anonymous said...

Steve - great correlation between Mr. Potthoff and the swimming pool issue. Never gave it a thought. It's surely food for thought!

Art said...

Let me just reinforce my understanding of the previous messages......the Peru Municipal Pool will not be re-opened until the following entities are satisfied that there are not any issues which have to be resolved, including safety and environment (water).
1. Williams Aquatics
2. Illinois Swimming Facility ACT
3. Federal Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Safety ACT (VGB)
4. Illinois Deptment of Health
5. US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
6. IL Environmental Protection Agency (Il EPA)
7. Fed & State Water Conservation Groups
8. LS County Health Dept.

In thinking over this whole situation, I cannot believe that these entitiies have not been a part of all past openings on this pool. I would think it is almost mandated.

Linda said...

Lois - it's Linda again. Take a look at the city calendar on the city web site. It has Monday's meeting rescheduled for Monday at 1:00. What's going on? Was that even considered as an option? This is about as ridiculous as taking the minutes of the meetings off the web site after only a short period of time.

Peru Town Forum said...

Yes I did look at the calendar and it certainly looks like whoever put it together did not know how to do it right. I noticed it earlier but who could we get to correct the errors? I don't believe the City Clerk is responsible for maintaining the calendar.
Any suggestions?

Linda said...

Isn't Heidi responsible? It's almost as though they don't want people to know what's going on.

Steve said...

Ankiewicz was the one who asked Superintendantt Bleck if we can start patching immediately and before Williams Aquatics has a chance to finish its evaluation. Mertel was in agreement with Ankiewicz that they proceed patching immediately. It's obvious most of the aldermen do not want an "honest" assessment of the pool.