“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Recreation Board is Political

I have had an interest in how the Peru Recreation Board is structured and whether  they operate in the interests of the residents?

First and foremost this is a political entity, at least at the present time.  I say that because the Mayor appoints members who are then automatically approved by the council. There have been times recently where people have volunteered and the mayor  would not consider them because he considered them political opponents so even tho very qualified he will instead find someone who has not put his name in to be on the board and ask them if they will be a member. The term limit although written in an ordinance is not enforced and members continue on until they tire of being there.

From my observation, the rec bd, and Director Lynda Kasik are free to implement summer recreation activities including things like movies in the park, craft activities, tennis instruction, T ball etc. I do not know what the schedule is for this summer. Add the Halloween and Christmas parades and treats and yes the July 4 Fireworks.

With more oversight and direction plus following term limits if possible would help this board do a much better job and more encompassing of the entire community.


Anonymous said...

I think he appoints those that he feels would provide positive input and oversight to the recreation program.

Anonymous said...

How do you determine qualifications? You mentioned those who are qualified and not being appointed.

Anonymous said...

Several people have volunteered for more than one board position only to be ignored. These people are more "conservative" than the Mayor. He has a big "D" after his name and doesn't want anyone from the "other side" gaining any experience or having any influence. He definitely views them as "the other side" no matter what people say.

Anonymous said...


Spare me the conservative label and how does the Mayor know or care about Republican names for committee? Qualifications of those who applied and were not chosen that's what's debatable.

Anonymous said...

How does Conservative play into being appointed to the recreation board? Are they conservative in their politics or their values? And what determines the label of conservative in a city park board, planning board, zoning board, city council? I have heard some lame brain excuses before on why a person wasn't chosen or elected. This could top the chart of GRASPING FOR STRAWS.

Anonymous said...

Lois, find another tree to bark up. This is what you are worried about! These people volunteer their time. Linda does a tremendous job, and yet you try to find fault and conspiracy with EVERY organization within this city. This is another perfect example of why there is no credibility to this site!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

not really 12:24 and 12:34. That is how the Mayor thinks. He does not want these people's name to get out there. My feeling is that if he appoints someone to the library or even REC board, they will gain experience and a reputation. The next thing you know, they will be running for Alderman or even Mayor. If the choice is between politicking and qualifications, he will make the political decision.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:38 PM

If you agreed with me I would be concerned but your comment just vindicates what I have posted.

Anonymous said...

There are two fundamentals that drive local government in Illinois. The first thing is that local government employs a lot of "friends." So no matter what, the stream of revenue needs to be maintained. The second is that local government buys a lot of stuff - almost always from local businesses. So no matter what, that stream of revenue needs to be maintained. Therefore, after the politicians spend all their effort taking care of these two issues - there are absolutely no resources left over for innovation or improvement. Its sort of like a "Perpetual Revenue Machine." That is why I always say that the single purpose of any local government is to spend money of friends and friends of friends. As funny as it sounds, the only way to fix local government is to elect people that don't have any ties to local business or "friends." The quotes around "friends" is important because obviously everyone needs true friends. I'm talking about the leaches that everyone picks up over time.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:30 PM How do you propose to accumulate enough people to fill all city positions with people that don't have any ties to local business or "friends".
For starters would you prefer all candidates to be from in state or out of state or a little of each.In the future are you thinking of having a Eskimo Mayor from Greenland and a City Clerk from Chicago. To watch the "Perpetual Revenue Machine" the city treasurer should come from Cicero, Illinois or possibly Dixon. The city council would be a easy fix do you think the 7 dwarves and Al Sharpton would would be friendless and have no local business ties.
Does this comment sound extremely backwards to you because this is how your comment sounds to me!

Anonymous said...

11:50 - can't you see sarcasm? jeez - lighten up. I simply said, it would be nice if a politician didn't "owe" anyone anything or had the backbone to tell friends to pack sand when they come to them and ask for the city to buy some product or service.

But - your idea of importing Native Greenlanders to run our government has merit. You see, I have a very healthy distrust of ANY politician from Illinois.

Anonymous said...


Your post is out-of-line and should not have been posted. Its filled with false information and is part of what people resent about this blog. You must have problems validating your job skills to create such as nasty description. Talk to the recreation committee members to get a sense of what the job entails.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:16 PM

I waited and reread that comment numerous times and had to put on to read the entire post as I must always do when they are a bit long. I hesitated and the last sentences were so complimentary to Linda who is doing a great job that I did post it and before you criticzie, read it in its entirety and realize he is giving her quite a compliment and I hope Linda sees that and if not and you wish it will be removed It does require that you understand satire which that posting is. Linda give me your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Since when does a college degree qualify anyone to manage recreation programs? We have another elitist advocating college degrees for entry level positions.

Between you and me - college is way over rated. It did not prepare me in any way for the real business world. That is learned through experience.

Anonymous said...

To 12:38 PM, Oh no you don't. The lack of credibility is on you based on you r ridiculous comment that "Linda does a great job". The position of Rec Director is and always has been a political patronage position. Linda does not now, nor has she ever had a single qualification or credential for the job. Scheduling two or three parades a year and organizing a few summer craft programs does not represent a "tremendous job". She's overpaid by at least 50% at around $10,000 per year which is ridiculous for the limited work involved. She has no business being in the position. She's a political hire left over from the Baker administration. Wait a minute, that actually is a pretty impressive reume for a city of on Recreation Board

Anonymous said...

These comments are both confusing and scary. The rec director only makes $10,000? Are you kidding? I wouldn't do it for that and she does do a good job.

So 3:35 who is it that is so much more qualified to replace the person who has done it for years? The job requires giving of oneself, a love and dedication to kids and a person who organizes and seeks new opportunities. She is doing just fine.

It's so easy to pick out people like 3:35 who have never been anywhere else. Go to ANY community and EVERYONE is tied to someone. That is why it is a community. It is a network of people with various relationships. It is how the world works. Stop acting like Peru is so different or unique because I am guessing you would find fault with any appointment to a position such as this.

Get involved or get a life. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

3:29 PM There is a very good reason college did not prepare you in any way for the real business world.
Have you ever realized that you are supposed to prepare yourself just like any other grown-up, or are you so immature that you are still standing around waiting for it to happen?

Anonymous said...

8:17. Not really. I'm getting ready to retire, and I still have a considerable number of years before turning 65. Is that even the magic age anymore? I've managed to put away quite a nest egg in my working career. I realized a long time ago it was up to me. Just wondering what flash of light made you go in that direction. Not that I'll actually quit working. I just might decide to take up some damn fool crusade like running for Alderman and working toward the merger of LaSalle and Peru.

Anonymous said...

To 3:16 PM and others who read the original 11:05 comment before Lois changed it,
That comment was spot on accurate. The "wreck director" is a patronage hire that never was qualified in any way as a "Recreation Director" and she was a patronage hire by Baker without allowing anybody else to apply. Sorry, just the truth. The job was never properly posted and others interested in applying were never allowed to do so. The current salary is high because the position is part-time and primarily seasonal. The ideal candidate for the job would be a current college student pursuing a degree in a related field or a retired person with experience in a related field. Of course in Peru hiring is seldom if ever done on a fair and impartial basis. I recall the current wreck director's most impressive and significant work experience when hired included Concession Stand management at the now defunct Peru municipal pool. Well now, that is a high standard indeed. This position could still be properly posted and interested candidates could still be afforded an opportunity to apply in a fair and honest hiring procedure.
Anybody see that happening? Anybody?

Anonymous said...


Your stating that a current position that is occupied by current staff should be posted to hire? I don't like your chances in the legal world. Will that work with all the committee members, current city employees and let's have another election to get those qualified candidates that you desire in office. Your thought process is less than impartial. You have those that you want in your city. Now tell us who all these qualified people are that should be working or holding office with the City of Peru are.

Anonymous said...

maybe it might be interesting to see what the job description is (bet there is none).

rec board is set up to serve 5 year terms and move on and make room for the next person. but always ignored. just another one of those pesky ordinances.

Anonymous said...

If I ever decide to do something stupid like become Mayor of Peru, the first thing I would do is FIRE EVERYONE and make them reapply for their job. It would also be posted for other applicants to apply also.

Anonymous said...

11:36 Good luck in court.

Anonymous said...

its been done before. Several times. Just not around here.

Anonymous said...

I would just slowly outsource everything. It would take about 4 years, but it would be worth it. A suburb of Atlanta did it. Its a pretty big town. Only a handful of employees.

Anonymous said...

1:09 The elimination of all employees for the purpose of rehiring in not legal. If a city declares layoffs and does not rehire that position than it may happen. If you outsource everything you hope it will provide economic benefits. What would you outsource that currently is not? And would your city be better off with that particular service in the hands of private business? Examples?

Anonymous said...

11:04 AM, Are you reading a different comment than I am from 8:23 AM? I see no mention of elected officials in that comment. Nor do I see any reference to specific individuals who should be hired in that comment. All I see is a comment pointing out that the current "wreck director" is a political patronage appointment and was never qualified from the get-go. I also see a comment illustrating the fact that the position was never posted so that other interested folks could have applied. It all jives with the way I remember it going down when "The Don" was hiring friends and family. Why would you try to defend the indefensible act of patronage hiring? Are you ethically challenged like so many other people in Peru government?
BTW folks, did you notice the Peru council gave Bartley carte blanche to hire a new part-time employee. They did not say the city would accept applications or conduct interviews. They said Bartley would hire a part-time assistant for the clerks office. Does not sound like apps will be accepted. Gee, I wonder if this new hire will be connected, LOL. Anyone care to guess who it may be?

Anonymous said...

2:01 - please provide the specific statute that makes it illegal.

Illinois allows "At-will" employment. If you don't know...

At-will employment is a term used in U.S. labor law for contractual relationships in which an employee can be dismissed by an employer for any reason (that is, without having to establish "just cause" for termination), and without warning.

Anonymous said...

Just cause is not a simple term and does not meet the qualifications that you can fire without reason. And it's crazy to think that a company or a city would just have everyone eliminated without reason. And hire others to take their place.

Anonymous said...

Why would you fire good people? What business "fires everyone" and opens up the jobs? Who does that? No one. At least no one with any sense at all. So many comments on here are just utterly stupid.

Anonymous said...

3:40, you are correct pertaining to the administration side. Any appointed employee such as Supt. of electric, public works, chief of police, can be replaced with any new mayor, those are his picks. Also as far as at will, it would mostly apply to secretaries, human resource personnel etc. as far as the electric, pw, cops etc, the unions aren't 'afraid of a costly battle with the city, at will is a tough one when they are protected.

Anonymous said...

1:09, you could very easily outsource the water department and the streets dept. Every spring you could bid a contract to provide "on call" services for water main breaks, pothole repair, etc. Several Chicago suburbs do this. Payment for the actual work is typically based upon an "as bid" hourly rate, so the City only pays for the time actually worked. Compare that to the cost of employing an entire department 365 days a year + benefits, not to mention all of the equipment required. Speaking of equipment, has anyone ever witnessed the water department use a trench box during a water main repair? It's required by OSHA. I've never seen them use one. Does anyone know if the city even owns one? Another benefit of hiring professionals to do this work is that they have the proper equipment to do the work in a timely, safe, professional manner. They'd also have the equipment/ability to actually fix the road after a water main break was repaired. Currently they just wait until they have enough holes in the roads to warrant purchasing asphalt. It's kind of ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

5:23. firing in the sense that the comment was made is more of a figure of speech. It would actually be more correctly called a reorganization. In a correctly executed "Reorg", every position is reviewed and the following is determined:

1. Is the position required to achieve the goals of the organization.
2. What are the responsibilities of the position?
3. What does the incumbent actually do? This could be different from the job description, particularly in a poorly managed organization.
3. Is the incumbent qualified to perform the actual job?
4. Is the total compensation in line with the market?

Once all this is determined, the shuffling begins. Some people may keep their position. Some might be shuffled internally, some might be shown the door. New people may be hired.

So that is what I meant when I said I'd "fire everyone and make them reapply for their job."

Anonymous said...

@11:30AM "To the victors go the spoils", this is the way it was done for years and everyone who took a politically associated occupation was aware of it.
As each new mayor (manager) was elected he had freedom to select and appoint who he wanted in each position which was normally campaign supporters and each of the former administrations appointees fell back into the ranks.
This selection included City Attorneys, C,PPD and all Department Heads and was normal procedure to see changes. The one company which created a lifelong employment no matter who became Mayor has been Chamlins.

Anonymous said...

9:41 Why such mistaken information?
The city has a in-house engineer. And a engineering tech that has saved the city addition costs associated with out-source of engineers. Is there something that you have against the local engineering company? Did you understand that engineering fees are required and fees paid on a percentage of the job, with every municipal job? The in-house engineer does not have all the resources to do all the major jobs required. Is there a relative that you would suggest that is more qualified? The meetings are open to the public and have public comment.

Anonymous said...

@12:07 PM I see no where that 9:41Am has mistaken information. Where their is smoke there is a fire and it appears you are trying to hide something that you don't want revealed. How long has the city had a in house engineer and a tech and how does this compare in time to Chamlins 65 years with the city. In these 65 years no one else has gotten a lick.

Anonymous said...

12:07 PM Yes, I have a relative that is more qualified. Sadly he has never been employed locally even though he has a world wide reputation as one of best in water treatment and consulting engineering. He also has been involved in business for endless years. My cousin goes by the name, Common Sense.

Anonymous said...

@7:51AM Yes , it appears that when it comes to water treatment and consulting engineering the overall attitude of the citizenship agrees with the historical practice of selection of the same firms.
Although this practice is very unusual there are very few that openly oppose it.
In a age of a tight economy and advance technology it would be thought that the majority would be hollering for a continuous shop around by price, quality and quantity.

Anonymous said...

Referring back to the blog statement that the Recreational Board is political. What else do you expect. The board members are chosen by politicians and its appeals and decisions are approved or disapproved by the same politicians. Although the present board no matter who controls them could at the least be more productive such as being a little more versatile and open minded. A good start to improvement would be when 3 people volunteer for the board those who have served over the ordinances maximum 5 years of tenure be forced aside and replaced by the 3 applicants. This board is known to have the same occupants for as long as 20 years.

Anonymous said...

And, 9:29. for many years this board did not abide by the OMA rules and regulations. A perfect example was the pickleball fiasco and having the same fireworks company for many, many years and with no contract and no bidding process.

Anonymous said...

9:29 Your putting qualifications together that would fit your description. Would it be good for the city? And can you work with the group structure? If so you are probably on the rec. board, if not there may be reasons as listed above.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:06 Anon 11:06 don't you mean that for many years the this board defied the OMA rules and regulations and by doing so may have turned it into a self serving money maker of his or her own.
Many surrounding towns have been known to have as many if not more fireworks than Peru for a lot less than Peru's $20K annual expenditure.
If you doubt this maybe you should be put in charge of counting city dump trucks every night and every morning.