“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Being Catholic: No union dues required

Being Catholic: No union dues required

 Madigan and his interpretation of Catholic doctrine and unions.


Anonymous said...

Now they are getting a little carried away.

Anonymous said...

Exactly how are they getting a little carried away? I deliberatly read this article and believe that it is a very common sense approach to satisy all workers, not just a few.
Although brief, the right to work states appear to advance the the big picture of those who do not have a "in" for membership to a union.
Preferred membership has been a negative to unions which has never been confronted by the masses until recently.
Unions now and in the future are going to have to prove their need to the employed, unemployed and overskilled worker and their abilities to confront and coexist in the global market.

Anonymous said...

I'm talking about how AFSCME and Madigan are claiming "Devine Rights" and that the Catholic Church says everyone should be in a union. That is NOT what the Bishop said and that is not the official position of the Holy See.

Who does Madigan think he is? Some King that rules with the authority of God?

Anonymous said...

Speaking of self-righteous democrats, I had to laugh at Harl's comments in the Daily Disappointment about three offers received by developers for the old Econolodge. Harl used the opportunity to try to justify using taxpayer funds to send Vickrey to "international conventions" in Chicago and Las Vegas as the reason proposals were received for the property. Harl says the conventions are the reason the developers "came to us". What a load of crap! Among the many things Harl is lacking in, Geography is just another of his shortcomings. So yer honor, let's break out the Atlas and see where these three "international" developers are located and determine how difficult it must have been for them to find Peru, IL USA. #1 is from Rockford IL, USA which is one hour north of Peru. #2 is from Peoria IL, USA which is 1 hour south of Peru. #3 is from Peru IL, USA which is, well uh, according to my World Atlas is actually very close to Peru IL, USA. And what a shocking surprise to find out that Janko and Pohar have presented a proposal for the property. Dick and Mark Janko must have just happened to run into Bob Vickrey at the Las Vegas International Convention in between stints at the BlackJack tables. How fortunate we citizens of Peru are that Vickrey traveled to Sin-City to promote Peru IL to tow companies an hour away as the crow flies and another company with offices located within waliking distance of Peru city hall where I beleive Vickrey's office for his private consulting business is located and paid for with Peru tax dollars. If Harl's comments and this whole scam wasn't so damn infuriating and phony it would be hilarious. Sure Mayor, we citizens should beleive these other two companies just an hour's drive from Peru have never heard of or considered possible opportunities in Peru or the Illinois Valley? It's laughable and embarrassing at the same time to have to read the phony crap these Peru officials are pushing on us. Anybody want to place a little wager? I'm offering 1000 to 1 odds that the Janko/Pohar development that came to Peru by way of Las Vegas, NV will emerge as the favorite of Peru's city council. Any takers? Perhaps that development will include a state of the art Movie Theatre / Entertainment Center. We can only hope the "players" resurrect that scam. I also enjoyed the manufactured shock and surprise on the part of the city attorney that offers were recevied for the property. Sure Doug, as the consumate Peru insider you had no idea that Janko was cooking up another profiteering venture designed to take advantage of the taxpayers of Peru, again. These people have become so damn predictable over the years it's just insulting to those of us that have seen it all before and understand their mode of operation. I'm going to send Harl a link to Google World Atlas Maps and a note that I regret to inform him that looking out from Peru, Rockford and Peoria do not qualify as international cities. By the way, I hear Peru taxpayers are stuck paying all expenses for Vickrey for attend the IML Conference in Chicago. Why is Vickrey, who is a private contractor submitting lodging, meal, and travel expenses to Peru for payment? These Peru political insiders are actually getting more and more bold with the scams they are perpetrating against the people of Peru. No shortage of arrogance from these characters.

Anonymous said...

11:20, take out a petition and run for an office instead of crying on the blog which won't change a thing.

Anonymous said...

11:20 Mr. Insider,

The proposal for the old hotel site was done by newspaper and Chicago retail meeting. What is this imaginary Las Vegas secret meeting about? You need to confirm many of your conspiracy thoughts.
The newspaper was clear that there were 3 proposals. Nothing was done in Las Vegas! I do believe the proposals are public record, please update us on the factual items to consider.

Anonymous said...

2:04 & 3:10
11:20 has strong points of ethical government to consider and since both of you are critical but state no reasons for such why don't you answer the following questions? Why is Vickrey given free reign of Peru taxpayers money to cover his expenses? Since he has created a business out of his previous volunteer service to Peru why doesn't he pay his own expenses to the IML meetings and why does he continue to get free office space and telephone from the city? Is he continuing to get milage along with his salary? When this position was changed from unpaid volunteer to a salaried position was it advertised as a job opening in the local paper? How long has Vickrey been in this position and what has he accomplished in terms of new business and total jobs?Which is currently in the lead, the number of times Vickrey has changed his city title himself or the number of times a business has changed locations and Vickrey has claimed it for a new business?

Anonymous said...

3:10 PM, You don't seem to understand. 11:20 is criticizing Harl for claiming the reason the city received offers for the property was due to Vickrey attending an international convention in Las Vegas promoting Peru on the taxpayers dime. But all the offers are from Illinois only an hour away. 11:20 is exposing Harl and Vickrey for claiming they are bringing development to Peru when in fact they are just promoting themselves. I should not have to explain this. Some of you people need to get informed and at least read the newspaper. Nobody is claiming any conspiracy. 11:20 is just pointing out lies and misinformation on the part of the mayor of Peru and exposing a waste of tax dollars sending Vickrey and his wife on a LasVegas vacation. That's not conspiracy, that's just Peru political crap.

Anonymous said...

Pohar and Janko - go figure. They have been TIF Suckers for years. What will the development deal be - if the location is for shopping, they will get some sort of sales tax rebate from now until 2050 or so. If it is a hotel, oh maybe they will get "hotel-motel" taxes returned to them. I read the word "convergence center" in the article. I guess will take the $850K from the defunct movie deal to make a conference center - ha!

Bottom line - Taxpayers will pay - Janko and Pohar will reap. Same story, different decade. Been going on since the 1970's.

Anonymous said...


You look to be under the influence of fiction story lines. The truth of the matter is that Vickery despite your distain for him, has one job and that is with the city of Peru. If you truly don't understand the value of reaching out for business consider the amount of money other local cities have spent for economic development. I know your in the stone ages of hoping somebody jumps into town to open up the old diner or hardware store and that professional conferences to discuss other ideas are a bit much to swallow in 2015. That telephone bill has got your goat! Did you know that people use telephones and visits to do business? Smoke signals are expensive with the newly EPA agency violations. What is this ethical charge? You don't want telephones, conferences, offices to be used at city hall?
Peru looks to be busy and working on business. Everywhere you go there is movement. Why your jealousy toward Harl, Vickery and others. Something must be personal.

Anonymous said...

I don't want any more stores. We have enough of them. I want HEAVY INDUSTRIAL. Something dirty that employs hundreds of people. I want the restrictions on coal use lifted so they can start mining coal in this area again. I want incentives put in place to build another oil refinery - we don't have enough of them in this country. I want incentives for more warehousing and trucking. I want incentives to turn Water Street into a pier with multiple new barge terminals.

Anonymous said...

To 3:57 PM, WOW! How much of that Kool-Aid have you ingested?

Anonymous said...

To 3:57 PM. Upon extreme consumption of that Kool-Aid which you overindulged in yesterday have you had any after affects? What has Peru ever done to you that has created your dropping Bobby upon us and calling it a movement?
I do believe that a hardware store and dinner plus another grocery store would be a positive addition rather than the monthly grand opening of another bakery or relocation.