“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, February 28, 2014

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Affordable Care Act and you: part 22 | WEEK News 25 - News, Sports, Weather - Peoria, Illinois | Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act and you: part 22 | WEEK News 25 - News, Sports, Weather - Peoria, Illinois | Affordable Care Act<p>

This looks like downtown Peru. Did the Peoria paper get approval from our city council? What do you say about social media as I also saw it on one of those so called social media sites.

Free speech is the foundation of this country and let's not tamper with that right.

Sample Ballot in News Tribune is Incorrectly Printed

Sample ballots were included in the News Tribune and were to have a proper and exact wording of the referendum regarding the At Large proposition to be voted on March 18.

I have not seen the ballot (don't get the paper) but was told it said To Redistrict the number of aldermen to six plus two at large. This is incorrect.


We only have 4 wards in  Peru which equals 4 Aldermen and we would elect 2 at large which equals a total of 6. (if initiative on the referendum is approved)

Currently we have 8 aldermen, 2 from each ward and none at large.

I understand that the County will correct the ballot.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Committee Meeting of the Whole OR Executive Session in Peru Government

I frankly don't quite understand the need to call an executive session of the city council anything other than that and not a committee meeting of the whole. From my observation I see no difference unless it is an inside procedural difference.

For the past 2 meetings the mayor has called for a Committee Meeting of the Whole at 6:30 PM and the Public Meeting of the City Council to take place at 7:30 PM.  Now for the past 5 years there have been more than the average number of Executive Sessions of the council members, usually occurring after the regular council meeting was done. Residents frequently questioned the need for so many and Ald. Potthoff tonight states that most of those meeting minutes mostly relating to collective bargaining would be released to the public in the coming weeks.

Tonight Ald. Perez questioned why are we now having Committee meetings of the whole that are occurring an hour before the regular council meeting, he asked why the change and why weren't they held as previously later after the regular meeting since it appears that the press is now coming at 6:30 PM as are numerous residents and they have to sit and wait for an hour before the members return to the chambers.

The mayor appeared to get rather defensive about his choice of timing of the meetings and why they are now called the Committee Meeting of the Whole.
Can anyone tell me the difference between the types of meetings? Yes I have researched the term and up to this point have not find a difference in what takes place other than a name. This was a term used in the US House of Representatives in years past but they no longer meet as a committee of the whole.

Ald. Waldorf did say they discussed in the meeting the plans to go out for a hire of a city engineer with a P.E. degree and it will be referred to H.R.

A lively discussion occurred between Ald. Perez and Ald. Potthoff regarding the payroll investigation and the need to make it right with the rest of the public works employees with an equal pay raise for them to compensate for the unfair pay given to 2 employees.

Reboot Illinois - Mapping out the unemployment rates in Illinois

Reboot Illinois - Mapping out the unemployment rates in Illinois

Ordinance 4734 Peru

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Concerts For A Cause is now a Public Works Concern.....What Does This Tell You?

Exclusive rights for concerts at the airport. About now we should all be asking if it is time to sell the airport to a private concern. How many times must it  be said that this entertainment conducted on city property with aid and assistance from the current administration is wrong? A city with our concerns and inability to govern for the people does not need to be involved in the private business of Merry Noonan. Does anyone for one minute believe she would be doing this if there were not substantial profit for herself?

Why the special efforts for one individual? What is the connection?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Insights Into How Our City's Public Works Committee is Handled

Now would be a good time for every Peru resident to take about 20 minutes and read the very lengthy minutes from the previous Public Works Committee meeting on February 3.

It appears that all of the business in Peru is being taken care of by Chamlin Engineering and co superintendents taking on the job of being Superintendents of Public Works, our current Police Chief Doug Bernabei and current Fire Chief Jeff King. I now ask who is doing the work of being police chief and fire chief? Read the minutes and let me know if we really need a replacement in the public works department to lead the department?  Secondly I almost wonder who would be brave enough to even submit a resume.

Ms Noonan is evidently getting ready for a concert season with the blessings of the city once again.

Anybody seeing any red flags yet?

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Monday Feb. 17, Public Works Meeting......Hold Onto Your Hats Again

As I look at the Agenda it is dated for Monday February 7, 2014 but since Feb. 7 was on a Friday, I will take this as a typing error.

Aldermen Waldorf and Lukusos will conduct the meeting which will be attended by the Mayor, Chamlin Engineering and Test. Off hand I will say the Water & Sewer, Streets & Alley and Landfill will be conducted by Chamlin. Followed by Test who actually gets their own heading.

At the bottom of the page is New Business: Discussion of job description for Public Works/Utilities Superintendent/Director of Public Utilities. The job description will be put together by this Public Works Committee and that in itself scares me. Just like the previous job description of Superintendent of Public Works/Civil Engineer was new to the city. We are all aware of what happened and this surely leads to many more questions.
For as long as we can remember Peru had a Supt. of Public Works and a Superintendent of the Electric Department and run separately and it appears on the surface that we will combine the 2 departments that will be run by one Superintendent who does not have to be a Civil  or Municipal Engineer? I can't wait to see what the qualifications will be.
Will Mayor Harl have enough courage to bring in another outsider and expect him/her to conform to his standards?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

La Salle hires new city engineer « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

La Salle hires new city engineer « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO<p>

If you have been wondering as I have about the city engineer status in La Salle, this is your answer.
The next question is, When will Peru get back on track and look to hire a city civil engineer? Or will being caught once  keep this on the back burner?

Catalytic Converters are being Targeted in North Peru Shopping Areas

I am sure we all realize that with the great revenue collected from our retail outlets, there are also challenges and this is the most recent.

Our police are frequently called for shoplifters and various other criminal activities around the Route 80 and 251 area. Posting for you to keep your eyes open and be alert to all around you when shopping.

Article in todays News Tribune will give you details on the operation.

Monday, February 10, 2014

City Council Will Begin @ 6:30 PM Tonight

The city council will begin the evening with an executive session beginning at 6:30 PM and will be in session for an undetermined amount of time. I have been told it will be a short session.

It will be followed by the "committee of a whole" meeting and I guess one depends upon the other as far as time is concerned.

The aldermans packet on the city web site which you can download is over 100 pages long and if interested, take a few minutes to check it out.  That is where the letter from Brian Towne's office is located.

It does appear that there was a get together for lack of a better term between Ald. Sapienza and Ald. Ferrari to determine not to let Chief King allow Ald. Perez the use of the fire truck at the winter event and I will be watching to see at what events it is allowed. Now not for one minute do I believe that the 2 aldermen took it upon themselves to do this, they would not even think about it. There is no paper trail on this transaction so it was done either by email or phone conversations and I believe this was all illegally done. We all are aware there was someone else with influence and power involved. Ald. Ferrari did comment he was not the only one when contacted.
So with all the spite thrown at Ald Perez, he went forward and organized a great event appreciated and enjoyed by all the families that took part, it was truly a community event.  Lots of great photos on FB of lots of smiling kid faces.  Wonder if any of the elected will do the right thing and thank him this evening.

If you have time,check out the events at city hall this evening..

Saturday, February 08, 2014

Friday, February 07, 2014

Committee Meeting of the Whole Feb. 10 2014

When I left the last meeting of the Peru City Council, it was under the impression that there would be a committee meeting of the whole and at that time all our concerns would be answered. It was at the time that the Mayor was "done" with public comment. 
Looks like according to this document that the committee meeting of the whole will be a closed session. Were you at the meeting and what do you understand about this meeting?

Association wants to make Route 6 a destination « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

Association wants to make Route 6 a destination « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

Thursday, February 06, 2014

From First Street to I-80, La Salle’s development is included in comprehensive plan « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

From First Street to I-80, La Salle’s development is included in comprehensive plan « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

This is news to the Illinois Valley as it looks like La Salle is the first local community to develop a long term comprehensive plan. It is quite detailed and available for download from the La Salle City web site.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

News and Investigations Smaller Council Could Improve Accountability

News and Investigations Smaller Council Could Improve Accountability<p>

The referendum in March for a smaller council is right in step with what most cities are now doing.