“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

There was a City Council Meeting Tonite and also a Public Property Meeting

Any comments welcome as I had other plans for the evening and did not attend either meeting.


Anonymous said...

Would Aldermen Perez be kind enough to comment on the blog with a report of the Public Property meeting and include a list of attendance. The city council meeting should be on the city website in a few days.
It is a good idea to watch the meeting as the newspaper has errors and omissions tendencies within the gray matter of legalities.

Anonymous said...

Lois, this is only a "Summary" of our 6-12 Public Property Meeting:

We discussed sale of the ESDA building located in the 1700 block of Water Street; an appraisal has been ordered and we should have it by the end of June. (We'll discuss sale options at that time)

Information, and Work Order requests from the Recreation Board Meeting was shared with Superintendent Gary Bleck.

Landscaping Estimates were reviewed and discussed:
The most resent request for landscaping Service estimates was to include prevailing wage rates... which increased the costs by several thousand dollars.
Discovery was made that Prevailing Wage laws Don't apply to the landscaping services the city is seeking.
(According to IDOL)

Due to these findings, Mayor Harl made the request not to move forward with landscaping services for this year, then advised Superintendent Bleck to seek two summer workers who will maintain areas that aren't covered by volunteers.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Two summer workers are to maintain certain areas. Anyone hear something more comical than this? This means 16 hours a day wasted and the kids' wallets fattened.

T. G. said...

This gets better and better each year i live in the almighty harl city of Peru . I never thought the city would have to sell tickets to put on a fireworks show for the city . I think the city councile is draining the city money on bullshit stuff . THE LAST PERSON TO LEAVE PERU TURN OUT THE LIGHTS , BUT REMEMBER TO LOCK THE GATE AT THE PICKLEBALL COURT .

Anonymous said...

Being that the city wishes to sell government property the Mayor had best to follow all legalities if he wishes to avoid similar problems that he is having with Dimmick and the county board.

Anonymous said...

Why not hire the landscaping service at the actual market wage? It sounds like the Mayor only wants to pay the inflated prevailing wage. Or should I say "non-prevailing wage" because nobody actually gets paid that much for that type of work.
Sounds to me like he had a little back door jobs program going.

Anonymous said...

Is Perez the committee for Public Property, Parks? Is he the head or is Mayor Harl?

Peru Town Forum said...


Ald Perez is the chairman of the committee

Anonymous said...

Thank you Alderman Perez. It's nice to have an official who will actually get on this blog to answer questions. My husband and I saw you and your wife watering flowers on Sunday evening that was very nice. If more of Peru Officials put in half the effort you seem to pitch in this would be a much better community.

Appreciate you, CJ

Anonymous said...

Maybe we can get a group of volunteers to get all the citys beds cleaned up and looking good by the 4th of July. But that will probably not happen. Way to much work for a group that doesn't have the needed equipment and lots of extra time. The landscaping beds are in really bad shape.

Anonymous said...

who had the lowest bid for the project? and how many bidders?

Anonymous said...

10:08 pm

Will you volunteer to help? Will any aldermen volunteer to help? How about the mayor? Treasurer? City Clerk? City employees?

It is alot of work, and if the volunteers had some backing and help from the mayor and city council, word would get around fast, and more people would be willing to help.

Anonymous said...

10:45 why blame the Mayor, Treasurer, City Clerk and Council for the lack of volunteers? Why not hire a professional company to do the work?

Peru Town Forum said...

11:25 AM
Please read the post again, no one was blaming them, they simply suggested that they roll up their sleeves and contribute with a little bit of real work. Kind of like setting a good example of a citizen giving back to the city as a volunteer. I hear other mayors in other cities do exactly that. Like Be a role model.

Peru Town Forum said...

I have just heard from a city official that Mayor Harl would like to level Pulaski Square and only have grass there. This is right along Rte 6 and a small area and a perfect spot to show that Peru really cares about their parks. Remove some of the brush and overgrown bushes and put in some real flowers. You might even add a sign to let people know this is city property. Our mayor seems to have no vision other than how to level either buildings or parks. I travel near this area frequently and I personally object. Maybe I shouldn't say that because the mayor might decide that is a good reason to eliminate it.

Anonymous said...

We hire summer help, we hire people to do jobs we used to do in house, and now we hire professionals to do landscaping? We spend, spend, spend and hire, hire, hire and yet I don't see any real progress in our parks.

Anonymous said...

12:34 they have had summer help since we have had summers, somebody has to cut the grass. Do you expect volunteers cutting grass, pulling weeds?

Peru Town Forum said...


I wonder if the new summer help employees are instructed in the manner to mow the grass in parks or are they turned lose to do the job as they please. Are they allowed to trim around equipment, poles, trees with a weed whacker?

Anonymous said...

why don't we get a chain gang from the county jail? I'm sure they would enjoy some time outside.

Peru Town Forum said...

2:37 PM

And your point is? Have times changed so much that people are not longer responsible for doing their job well even when no supervision is present? This is getting to be more about an attitude.

Anonymous said...

Lois - not sure what you mean by your 2:49 comment. My comment about forming a chain gang is that it is free labor and that they deserve a little bit of hard work to reinforce their rehabilitation. We should also do that to cut the weeds in the ditches, shovel the sidewalks in the winter, pick up litter, and many other necessary but unplesent tasks.

Peru Town Forum said...

it sounded like the chain gang would be getting the supervision that I felt the summer help does not get. I know they don't get because our residents observe a lot of shenanigans on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

That is because the planning stops at how many they hire, not what to use them for.
You get what you ask for. The Mayor and Council want to hire "X" summer employees. Instead they need to say I have "XXXXXX" work that needs to be done.
So, the lack of direction is actually teaching the summer help how to goof off when managment is not looking, does not have a clear idea of what needs to be done, and provides loose direction.

Anonymous said...

I’m tired of all this talk about volunteers and chain gangs. The purpose of government is to provide jobs for people. Peru just needs to hire more people and distribute the money to the people that don’t have jobs. It’s really simple people – take the money from the rich old people that have pensions and money in the bank and create jobs for the people that don’t have money. I mean really! What did I vote for anyway!

Anonymous said...

10:12 PM Those who are now drawing the pensions,social security (which did not raise for the last two years until this year) and whom you term as being rich are people who have worked for far less than todays wages, paid into social security and a pension all their work years, possibly fought in a war and and lived through a depression and also had to taske the job available many times in their lives.
If you want a job so bad get out of bed early tomorrow morning and start opening doors and applying. Their are alot of jobs out there but your not going to start at the top nor is it up to the government(which is you and me) to make a job for you. Wake up to the fact that it is up to you to make a success out of yourself not Uncle Sam. GOOD LUCK

Anonymous said...

10:12 I am in charge of Human Resources for a division of a major corporation in the area and I assure you that it is your attitude, attitude, attitude which has prevented you from being hired. As for your work history if I was to interview you we would not get that far into the interview before it would come to a close. Anyone who comes into my office proclaiming that their idea of success is to take away from others so they will have something is put back out on a short leash with a tight muzzle never to return.
Applicants who are looking for a free ride at the expense of others I don't have a position for and at the conclusion of their interview I write in big black letters on the first page of their application PARASITE1. If they live to be 100 they will never be interviewed by our corporation again.

Anonymous said...

the president said it is not your money. You rich people would never get anywhere if it was not for the government. Time to start distributing you money back. Peru needs to hire maybe a hundred more people and make those north end stores pay!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:12 PM Several years ago i could not find a job. I was desperate for something to do so I volunteered to work for nothing on a civic project. Getting to know people and letting them observe my work ethics my volunteer job led to a position I am doing today with rather good pay and working conditions. Why don't you do as I did, it worked for me. You could also put a ad in the application section of the classifieds for a job. Let people know you want to and are willing to work. Its alot easier once you get a start.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:12 Has this comment been submitted by the Mayor of Peru?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:58 The comment by 10:12 sounds like something from the Mayor.

Anonymous said...

I hear the union people are not happy with Ald Perez watering plants because he's volunteering.

Anonymous said...

This comment was submitted on a Saturday. Isn't this the day that Reverand Harl conducts weddings.

Anonymous said...

The mayor had a job right from college, his roommate's father was connected and in construction - so the story goes. He never knew hard times and that is one reason the money flows freely.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:14's reference is to Anon 10:12.

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Harl attended college nor do I believe he graduated. What college, what major and when?
I would say that the money flows freely from his lack of college and inability to understand day to day government finances.
He may have visited someone who was enrolled in college but as far as his own scholastic experience at best he could have taken a bus trip to Lackluster U.

Anonymous said...

Wausau Daily Herald – 86 year old volunteer crossing guard let go because of union objection – city forced to hire a full time employee.

Bridgewater Mass – Union grievance over volunteer librarian forces middle school library to close.

According to a Volunteering in America study, last year 63 million Americans volunteered more than eight billion hours. When you calculate average wages and benefits for city employees, local governments saved $173 billion.

But not everyone is thrilled about the civic spirit. Some unions are pushing back, fearing volunteers are cutting into their territory. “They’re eroding the number of hours for our people,” says Ian Gordon of Laborer’s Union 1239 in Seattle. “It’s of great concern that they might be doing work that we would normally do.”

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:08 Could you be more specific? What union people or unions are unhappy with Ald. Perez and what is their real complaint and who is instigating the complaint?
Is your source reliable and is their source reliable?
Is this the personal feeling of one or two people who belong to a union rather than a union body problem?
There is no reason to make a bunch of dew do about this if not needed.

Anonymous said...

More nonsense from a few who adore the headlines. Create news if you have nothing to offer. Water a plant and create headlines....for yourself. Unions could care less about some guy watering a plant.

Anonymous said...

Wausau, Wisconsin; Bridgewater, Mass; Seattle, Washington these are three examples across the entire U.S.A., and examples that all particulars are not brought forth.
I prefer to direct my time to problems and improvements in the nearby area.

Anonymous said...

Unions are national organizations with a national agenda. The local Rat Patrols do the bidding of the "National." If you want something a little closer to home, how about the Springfield and Peoria parks? END PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS NOW! Make IL a Right to Work State NOW!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:46 Because a person volunteers their time to their hometwon do you have to be such a prima donna that you belive they are doing its for headlines. How much time have you volunteered recently or ever?

Anonymous said...

7:18. Anon 6:08 here. Not making dew do over anything. Simply stating what I heard from a reliable source. No other details were provided beyond somebody from the union being unhappy that the alderman was volunteering. Why can't people work together, or volunteer together, to make Peru a better place?

Anonymous said...

Unions are outdated, globly non competitive and soon to be extinct as now known, and it is their leaderships fault. Peru presently has a over abundance of this same form of leadership with union ideas and look what is happening to it. Constant raising of utility costs, no desire to pay $14.9 million debt on hydreo plant which produces $17 Rec credits when producing, highly paid administrators and appointments made by senority or favortism. This list could go on and on.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is that most union workers are lazy! Take note of union workers on a job site. One worker works and five lazy workers watch the one worker working, of course those five are holding a shovel. Two or three workers riding around in a truck to do a one man/woman job! No wonder the younger generation doesn't have a work ethic, they observe lazy workers! getting paid a ridiculous hourly rate. Just go to a bar establishment after a bunch of union workers get finished working: aka: workers watching, and listen to them bragging on what they got paid for the day. My father was a union electrician for 40 years and he is in full agreement with my opinion of unions! A honest overpaid union worker would also agree if they were asked but they wouldn't want their answer to be known to other union workers! Who can go to work for a couple hours and the job is called off, and still get paid for 8 hours? Unions are a joke!! All states should be a right to work state. Have to laugh when I see a 200+ pound union worker. Really, $45 a hour. Who is worth that? I say Santa Claus is.

Anonymous said...

The union rat is in front of Schimmer's today and strikers are out picketing. The rat is a form of bullying. I'd like to say something to the union about that rat, but I'm afraid of having my house set on fire. Is that really the image union workers wish to portray? Bullying and intimidation??

Peru Town Forum said...

1:29 PM

Personally very disgusted with this type of bully behavior, just keeps business away from this city and increases the joblessness.

Anonymous said...

Elections are won by those candidates supported by the unions.

Peru Town Forum said...

4:09 PM

Not always, just depends upon the population and also depends upon the integrity of the voter. If they are union and only voting union backed candidates, they are irresponsible and only thinking selfishly of themselves and not of the city, state or country as a whole. That type of mindset will surely bring down the growth of city or state. Look at the state of Illinois, that surely must be an example.

Anonymous said...

Does the union rat have a place in a country which lives under the freedoms of a democrarcy and a capalistic economy?

Anonymous said...

The best remedy for the rat would be a rat trap. It is way to often that out of town people are the individuals escorting the rat or someone who the hall has paid to picket that is on unemployment and is not even a union member. How much is the hall paying these people?

Anonymous said...

7:05. No. Unions take wages away from the free market system. You will have a decent hard working union person making the same amount as a lazy no good union person. It isn't right, and isn't the way a capitalistic environment is supposed to work, hence the reason unions are going bye bye.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Unions...who did fire board hire to be next full time firefighter?

Anonymous said...

NONE of the union big mouths especially those with positions will ever hire another union contractor, It's TOO EXPENSIVE. They hire the so called "SCAB". Unions can't be gone quick enough to suit me! Too many free lunches!!!

Anonymous said...

Lois, yes you are correct. The issue is the financial backing of local candidates.

Anonymous said...

A good home for the "Rat" would be in the front yard of all the union members, retired and active, who hire non union contractors to perform work on their own homes. There wouldn't be enough rubber to produce all the "Rats" needed.
You should hear the excuses when these people union backers are questioned.
Another example is all the fine union ballcaps,union tee shirts and union jackets being worn when the strong brotherhood is strolling through Wal Mart.

Anonymous said...

Whoever runs against Harl in four years needs 1,001 votes to win a head to head contest. The current mayor will get 1,000 union related votes.

Anonymous said...

In a two candidate race for Mayor of Peru a person who has no present ties to the present administration, is courteious, honest and is willing to embarass and be embarassed and conduct a tough political campaign with no fear and no holding back will defeat Harl 2 to 1. In the last election Harl did not defeat Mayor Baker or Mike Hart. They defeated each other and Harl won with a minority of 35% of the votes. Hart had 26% and Baker 25% and the fourth candidate had 12%.
Add up Don Bakers vote along with Mike Harts and the 4th candidate and take away the votes Harl will lose in the next election and you have a 67% vote for the winning candidate and 33% for Harl, 2 to 1.The problem now is that there is no mayor election for more than 45 months.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the pickleball,controversy? I never see anyone playing anymore. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

1:20 It hasn't gone away. That's for sure. It continues to be a pain in the you know where and it continues to control a court that was used regularly by many.

Anonymous said...

What is the schedule for pickle ball lessons this summer and how many are attending? In a few weeks I am having company from the West Coast and they have never heard of pickle ball? A few free lessons would be great and where do I get the equipment the city paid for? I am a resident of Peru and a tax paying home owner.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that a handful of people have the ability to control city officials. That court is in a public park and should be able to be used by everyone, not just those who belong to the club.

Anonymous said...

Twinkies are back!!! And they are NOT union!!! HEY! HEY! HEY!!!!

Anonymous said...

There are union jobs and non-union jobs. A form of bullying by a union is when they put a Rat in front of a worksite where that job is a non-union job. Not all jobs are union jobs. Has anybody heard of union halls closing their doors for lack of money? What's really happening when thus happens? Maybe a union member will answer this question.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering. Does the union hall on route six that doubles as a banquet hall have unionized kitchen and wait staff workers?

Anonymous said...

Does Local 150 have a maintenance person and does it pay him Local 150 scale. Local 19 in Ottawa had a full time maintenance man and paid him way below their hourly wage. Mayor Harl is a 150 member and should be able to answer this question if anyone sees him.

Anonymous said...

1;55 Great question, that would be something to check. There are probably illegals washing dishes in the back!