“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

News Tribune - Business - Business Daily - IVCH to open FastCare Clinic at Peru Wal-Mart

News Tribune - Business - Business Daily - IVCH to open FastCare Clinic at Peru Wal-Mart

How do you feel about opening a clinic in WalMart? Will it be putting the average shopper in more contact with sick people? I noted how they will give you a silent pager if they are busy and then you can get out and walk around among all the non ill shoppers until they are ready for you.
We are always told to avoid crowds during the flu season so will this make things worse? Will it help or hurt the Walmart business.
I have seen eye glass clinics in Wal Mart but do not remember coming across a health clinic. Are you pro or con and would you use it?

P.S. This is for the person who did not comprehend the article or did not bother to read it and I deleted his post.. In case some of you don't know, I do have some medical background and by sick people I don't mean those with chronic or debilitating  diseases and most of the illnesses mentioned can be transmitted to others in an airborne manner.


J said...

Lois, I never thought of it that way but it makes perfect sense. Where better to spread your viruses and infections than Walmart? I try to avoid shopping at Walmart. When this clinic opens, I'll have another excellent reason to not cross the highway to save 10 cents.

Linda said...

I think there's probably enough germs being spread in stores already without inviting sick people to shop while waiting to be treated for an illness. I think this is a very bad idea and though I shop there regularly I may have to reconsider other locations.

Linda said...

Lois: I don't know if my post went through so I'm repeating it. Read Brian Foster's latest post and especially the article from the Bloomington Pantagraph. An excellent idea in my opinion. You might want to post it here.