“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Help public 'follow money' via websites

Help public 'follow money' via websites


Anonymous said...

What an ingenius idea. Do you think our local government would provide us with that information? It sure would be nice to know where my tax dollar is going and maybe it could allow us to show our council where they could cut back and avoid unnecessary spending.

Anonymous said...

Talk to the Mayor not the city council. According to the Mayor,m he said at the city council meeting that if they raise sales taxes he surely has places he could spend it on. Now that is the typical politician spending our money JUST BECAUSE HE WOULD MAYBE RECEIVE AN INCREASE IN TAXES.
When do you think the Mayor will realize the problem in not revenue but the problem is SPENDING.

Remember this for the next election, Mayor wants to raise sales taxes, thereby driving people OUT OF THE PERU town to purchase goods. What happens with tax revenues if that happens? What a dumb thought!
Ask the Mayor to help is useless.

Peru Town Forum said...

He did not say that he has places he could spend it on. This does not involve the Mayor spending money but it does involve how the city council chooses to spend it as they are the source of all financial approvals.

Mayor Scott Harl said: “There’s plenty of places for it, believe me.”
He did not use the word "I"
This has been discussed in finance and even before that Jamey Mertel discussed a tax increase for the proposed bike path. So at least be honest and place the blame on those who will vote yes and that has not been even discussed.
Yes call the Mayor and give him your opinion and call you aldermen also. Emails are also appropriate.

Anonymous said...

I guess Lois, the Mayors quote as above means something else to you or some of his followers. To Me , what it means is that the Mayor wants to continue to SPEND our money and to him it means "So What " I got it and I can spend it where ever I want.

This Must stop.

Peru Town Forum said...

If you believe that the Mayor controls the spending of the cities money you do not understand city government as set up here in Peru. It is majority rule on the council and the mayor only in case of a tie.

Anonymous said...

Lois boy are you ever wrong.
The way it works in the city of peru is that the employees or department heads (who work for the Mayor) recommends to spend the money to the city council to vote on the money. If the department heads working for the Mayor and the Mayor cannot run their departments without asking for support from the city council , WHOSE FAULT IS THAT!

If you would remember Mr. Baker would tell the department heads to control there costs, in fact send them letters to control there cost, thereby NEVER BRINGING UP THE NEED TO THE ALDERMEN.

But again your memory is very shortsighted and Probably don't remember.. That is in the past what was called LEADERSHIP. Today that kind of leadership is LACKING.

An example of the lack of management is the following issue about "writing Grants".
This adminstration sent Gary & Heidi to Springfield to LEARN how to write a grant . How much did we spend.
It was in the Paper this week where we the city actually pay $3000 annually for an orginzation to write grants FOR the city.

Then what is the city doing sending Heidi to school to learn how to write grants.
What are they doing but spending our money . This is the Mayors office ! Not knowing what they are doing. Period.

Peru Town Forum said...

Now that you have all that vitriol out of your system, I hope you feel better and don't come back with more of the same again and again. You know at first I was irritated at your post and then I just laughed when I went back and read it the second time.
Actually it was rather humorous as I pictured what you might look like saying all of that, maybe you were even stomping your feet and shaking your fist. Imagination is a wonderful thing.

Steve said...

2:29 p.m. - You are in serious need of a lesson in the chain of command and how local government makes decisions. You try to suggest that department heads under Baker kept costs down because Don said so. Oh my! Department heads now and then will never run out of requests for additional money for something or other. The ultimate authority on approving or disapproving will be the Aldermen. Period.
This is the checks and balances I am always talking about. If you don't like the way money is being spent, you need to take your bitches to the ones who APPROVE THE SPENDIG BY "VOTE".
Stop trying to deflect the responsibility away from the decision-makers. The ALDERMEN.
Regarding your tyrade about grant writing.
Training for in-house staff for grant writing or anything else is just good management and has already paid big dividends. You know that but are just to "jaded" to admit it.
Why so much anger and envy of Heidi?
It may help you to talk about it. Please share.

Anonymous said...

In regard to grant writing, I guess you went to lunch when the city council was told that the city is already paying $3000 annually for grant writing.

This is just stupid to spend the money TWICE to get the job done. The question is to whom would do a better job writing a grant? I would prefer those folks doing it for years, rather then the Mayor Secretary , just to give her work.
Frankly, I have not heard of any grants awarded the city the past 18 months.

Linda said...

ANON 8:50 Then apparently you have not been attending meetings. I believe it was the last meeting that it was announced that Heidi got us around $100,000 in grant money. Correct me if I'm wrong Lois or Steve.

Peru Town Forum said...

Yes just recently at a council meeting, thanks were given to Heidi for 2 grant requests that she wrote and the grants were awarded. It was mentioned but doesn't seem to have been included in the minutes.