“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, August 02, 2010

Our Only Choice is A New Swimming Pool or Is It?

Wisely the Council Members decided that the first 2 options presented by Williams Aquatics were not worth spending money on as neither one of those options had any guarantee with them because we would be using the same compromised pool and bath house that we currently have. In a perfect world all the residents in town would agree to go ahead and plan a new pool.

The Council would certainly like to be able offer that to Peru but considering our financial condition, we cannot do that. Are grants available? You can apply for them with no guarantee that the state or federal government will have the money to give.  The Mayor would like a referendum on the November ballot but that request would have to be turned in by August 16.

Looking at beautiful pictures of pools that can be built it is very tempting, but then we need to look at the short term use each year for a swimming pool. Also is the swimming pool a playground for the toddlers and mid age kids? Should we also plan on making it a place that advanced swimmers and adults would enjoy using? So it sounds like anywhere up to 6 million for a pool used approximately 70 days a summer. Very much a dilemma and not an easy solution at hand.


Anonymous said...

Patch and repair or Forget it .
Everybody knows estimates given at this time are extremely low just to get the job.

Six to Seven Million would NOT be the final billing , therefore taxes would go much higher then anticipated.

When can you believe a politician ?

Anonymous said...

I believe we should remove the existing bowl and put in new concrete. Bring the bathhouse and concession stand in to compliance. This would be the cheapest an most prudent option. We need to get this pool open for the 2011 swimming season. Fund the project partially by private and buisness donations like they did for Howard Fellows Stadium and the Peru Airport. Just some food for thought.

Peru Town Forum said...

Perhaps it is time for the city to think "outside the box" with regard to building a new swimming pool considering the difficult economic times the entire country is in. It is no longer important as to whether we delayed the construction of a new swimming pool too long because the fact is that Peru cannot afford to build one in the near future unless someone donated the money to do so, a rather unlikely prospect.

Last night Linda Kasik, pool manager, was asked what age group used the pool most often. Her answer was that many Moms or Dads with young toddlers enjoyed using the "mushroom" waterfall in the baby pool or just splashing around in a little bit of water and that older children up to age 12 or so just enjoyed playing in the pool.The older kids don't come to the pool and not too many adults use it.

Someone mentioned that the LaSalle Pool had numerous "water playground items" that kids like playing around with. I guess they actually call it "water furniture" It is true that all newer type water parks, splash pads or swimming pools have lots of plastic equipment to play in.

So with that in mind and the current trend to developing splash pads in city parks to cool off in, might it be a good option for the city to pursue. I have only personally seen the one in Ottawa but if you do a search for "city splash pads" on the internet, you will see that they have become an extremely popular and a less expensive option compared to the standard swimming pool of years past. Environmentally a good idea as all water is recycled and most don't have safety personnel employed to watch.

If you do a google search, make sure you click on images in the upper left and there you will see great pictures to show you what could be accomplished.

Some of these pads can be built for less than $250,000 and again it all depends on what you want to put into them So now the question for Peru residents is "Would you be happy to have a splash pad or maybe even two of them instead of a pool until we can afford a swimming pool"?

Anonymous said...

Please bear in mind the pool has also been used for swimming lessons over the years as well as Red Cross Life Guard Certification classes. This feature may actually be more important than the recreational aspects,come to think of it...

Steve said...

Lois - I like the idea of a scaled down pool or "splash pad" as something that could be the near term goal with the full scale pool facility being the long term goal. The entire facility could be completely designed, then constructed and paid for in phases to soften the funding burden. This would not affect the ability to present the question to the voting public in an advisory referendum in November.

Anonymous said...

Went to the farmers market today in LaSalle and parked by the pool. There are three depths all separated by chain link fencing, with water sprinklers, then water furniture, and finally the deep end with the slide and diving board. And there were kids of all ages there including some college kids and adults.

Anonymous said...

Do Nothing in Peru and continue going to LaSalle or the "Y".
NO MONEY SPENT NOW would be the wise thing to do !

19% (70 days of 365)usage for any water facility just does not make sense to spend the money, even $250,000 when we got a payroll to meet in the city or hire a new plumber(which we don't need)

J said...

COME 0N PEOPLE! How can we remain "the leader of the valley" if we don't have our own pool? Let's bite the bullet, find creative ways to fund it and get it done. POOL! POOL! POOL!

Anonymous said...


It was just a few months ago that the city needed to reduce work staff. I assume all of the considerations were looked at when the early retirement offer was made.
Now , Like alderman Potthoff stated, the ink is not dry and this Mayor wants to hire one of his buddies as a licensed plumber. This is reckless and irresponsible by our Mayor.
The Mayor has all kinds of excuses that the city can not afford to do because of revenue shortages , but YET HE PROPOSES A STUPID SUGGESTION OF ADDING A PLUMBER.
Well I say NO, and a better solution is IF plumbing work is needed sub contract the job out to the local trades businesses and save the expense of wages and benefits of a plumber.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the new position advertised in the paper yet? I thought that's what they approved at Monday's meeting. Did I miss it?

Anonymous said...

They only voted to advertise for a plumber not to add to the staff.

Anonymous said...

That's what I'm asking. Did anybody see the advertising for the position?

Anonymous said...

To address the need to advertise for a Plumber (which we don't need).

Does anyone believe this Mayor will run an ad in the paper versus just hiring one of his buddies WITHOUT THE OPENINESS of advertising for the best candidate ? I bet the later is the case. Lets watch and see ! Transparency ??

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that Lois and Steve are silent on this issue of trying to force out a city employee that has helped many citizens over the years. I understand the city has put a GPS in his truck to track his movements. Now we are going to hire another person to do the job that is already being done at a reasonable price. Hold on to your wallets folks!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Anon 10:48AM.

The issue here is a scam for the city to hire a plumber when we have a person qualified to do the job but does not have a union card.

In Regard to Lois and Steve on this issue, well, once again it is not what is right for the city but what is right for the Mayor of whom they support.

Steve said...

First off.....2:06 p.m. does not dictate new subject matter here. Next, before you start ranting about a new hire you should at least have an accurate understanding of what you're bitching about. I'll provide a post tomorrow with the facts up to this point in the process and all two of you can piss about it all you like after that. In the mean-time, Take a pill and turn on Oprah or Dr. Phil. My goodness!

Peru Town Forum said...

9:52AM, 10:48AM and 1:11PM
Those rumors have been around for the last year and a half and I was not about to take on anything that I had no hard facts to base it on. It was having no affect on the functioning of this city as far as I know and was strictly an internal employee issue and only 2 people are posting and complaining about it, perhaps only one. It has nothing to do with support of the Mayor or anyone else in this government. Do you want every issue an employee might have, posted on this blog? I don't think so.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:11 PM

FYI Steve has nothing to do with what is allowed except when he makes his own postings. And before you accuse people of bad language I think you should remember some of your own as I surely do.

Anonymous said...

they all have union cards! Know you facts 1;11!!

Steve said...

I apologize if I offend anyone with my occasional profanities. I use it to help re-inforce my opinion from time to time and I do pull my punches in that respect.
General George Patton supposedly said, "I give it to em' loud and dirty so they remember it".
Considering some of the uninformed off the wall comments and accusations that a couple select individuals make I usually just release a burst of obsenities to myself while sitting at the keyboard. But occasionally it helps me to vent.
To 8:32 - If you're referring to me as a union member you need to guess again. I have not held a union card since 1996.
Know your facts please!

Anonymous said...

Some considerations for the city of Peru for a swimming pool.

Folks the news trib has published minutes of city council meetings discussing the pool back at least 15 years. I say things ARE WORSE OFF TODAY versus then as far as affordablity for a pool.

As I look at the city today, look around,low tax revenues,(Poor business intake), high unemployment, high food stamp usage,local people are hurting, many retail facilities For Sale,i.e.,tiki motel for sale, trailer court for sale, flea market (truck stop) for sale,. two massive hotel complexes by Arbys for sale for years plus others empty or For Sale that you all see around town.

The Amount of current swimming pools available in town today, Holiday Inn express, Fairfield Hotel, La Quinta, Hampton Inn, "YMCA", La Salle, Oglesby, Spring Valley, private back yards.
(At least 8 pools available today)

If we look at the 2010 census , how many people now live in Peru with children wanting a pool that the above pools could satisfy ? We were told very few families in 2009 & before did attend and use the Peru pool.
(I won't be suprised to see the city of Peru population has declined with the 2010 census)

La Salle did shut down there pool to remodel BUT DID NOT BUILD A NEW POOL. There decision was A very wise use of tax payer money.. It appears that the La Salle pool is about the SAME AGE as the Peru pool.

Here's a suggestion; Why are we not starting a POOL fund that anyone interested could donate/sponsor just like the baseball teams,(take a look in the news trib all of baseball team sponsors) or like any charity fund measuring donations ?

Keep any tax increase AWAY FROM THE CITIZENS OF PERU. I will vote against any such proposal of increase taxes without a throughly thought out proposal.
No rush question to the ballot in November without a clear defined proposal will also be voted down by yours truly.
I cannot accept a $5 Million limit for a pool without a clear definition. No construction estimate like $5M will be met but will be exceeded without definition. (Ask the Mayor how many construction estimate's meet the dollar amount proposed? I think if honest he would say NONE. That is my experience. )

Let's see if this blog can be constructive and provide solutions without an increase in taxes then present the solutions to the city council for consideration.

Anonymous said...

One suggestion I would make would be to re-adjust the recreation director's salary being that half their resposibilities are eliminated with the pool and concession stand closed. That savings could be earmarked "Pool Fund".

Anonymous said...

According to the article in the news tribune regarding the pool it appears that problems existed quite some time ago. My question is why are we making such a big stink about it today when we have no money? Why didn't we replace it years ago when money was supposedly in abundance for the city? Maybe it would have been wiser and more practical to rebuild the pool instead of a new city hall. Just food for thought!

Anonymous said...

To Anon aug 7 12:28.

That is History , let's take a step towards tommorrow and have ideas .
Anon 11:32 haa a small idea to move forward.

What is yours and the blogs ? If we cannot come up with ways to fund a pool opening without raising taxes and put our mouth where are intentions are, then this blog is worthless.

I will vote against a raise in taxes. We must have a different option OR ELSE MY VOTE WILL BE KEEP THE POOL CLOSED OR REPAIR IT AND UNTIL THEN THE SUBJECT IS CLOSED.

PS: lets face it the pool WILL NOT BE OPEN IN 2011 OR MAYBE 2012 EITHER.

Where are the IDEAS FOR FUNDING?

Peru Town Forum said...


My first point is that we have no way to know if our views that are expessed here on the blog have any effect on policy in Peru. If positive comments are written, we can only hope that they will take them into consideration when they make decisions affecting the residents.
Or on the other hand if people are unhappy with a city decision, I hope they will consider that also. In saying that if we can be the venue for an exchange of ideas, that is our goal. And we also are trying to make residents aware of the importance of taking part in their government.

When the Williams reports first began to be announced and it did not look good for opening the pool, I did talk to the Mayor about establishing a fund to save for the building of a new pool. He definitely was positive about that so perhaps that should be the first step. Pool funding to be used for nothing else and not borrowed from.

Anonymous said...

Since you and Steve are the sponsors for this blog both of you should present in open session to the mayor and city council the ideas of this blog.
"When the mayor asks for comments from the audience at the city council meeting, that is when you should stand up and say: "I on behalf of the blog have these etc etc ideas to put forth, and WE SUPPORT NO TAX INCREASES"".

If that does not work in presenting to the city council then this blog is just conversation with meaningless teeth. Good Luck , we will be there & listening/watching!

Therefore now what we need in this blog is to start a list of ideas without tax increases starting with #1....... so forth. Lets see how many ideas can be put on a list?

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:55 Good point. Where are your suggestions for funding the pool? It should be every citizens duty not just those on the blog. Get others involved.

Peru Town Forum said...

It would seem that the city needs to establish a savings account at one of the local banks.I'm not sure how a donation process would work. Likely would have to go through the City Council for approval. I will consult with the City Treasurer about the proper procedure about organizations or just ordinary people making a donation and how it is done.

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:58 Instead of just sitting there and watching and listening why don't you join in and come up with the #1 suggestion? It seems to me that you have some good thoughts but want others to do the work and then you'll sit back and criticize. This blog cannot speak for others. Citizens like you need to voice your suggestions and then they can be presented to the council.

Anonymous said...

No matter what question is asked , it is possible that a vote to build new could get turned down .So what are the options ?

If the mayor and city council do not provide a option of either repair (Like La Salle) or build new , HOW MUCH MONEY HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED with a conceptional design ?
Right now the picture is very cloudy with out knowing where we are going ? But the Mayor wants to rush to judgement with a question vote on a ballot in Nov.. THIS APPROACH WILL NOT WORK.

Peru Town Forum said...


Your best option is to go to the city clerks office and ask for a copy of the final report from Williams Aquatics, they will give it to you.
After you read through it and see the options, know that the City Council has already eliminated the first two choices so there will be no repair of the present structure. The report has all the money amounts with each description.
I do believe it was a unanimous council decision that the only option is to build but it ended there. That meeting was Aug. 4 and is not yet online. They also decided not to invite Williams for further consultation at this time.

Anonymous said...

To the people that think that fundraising in these times is a bad idea. I offer you the LaSalle/Peru St. Jude runners. They had fifty people raise roughly $58,000 for a cause they beleive in. Way to go guys and gals!!! IMAGINE WHAT AN ENTIRE CITY CAN DO! Lets get the original pool redone NOW.

Peru Town Forum said...


I agree that fund raising by motivated residents can make money for the pool.
But we cannot get the original pool redone because the current configuration will not meet federal and state swimming pool guidelines. That is why the aldermen said a new pool.
If you are interested in the whys, contact Ald. Wren as he has a letter he received from Williams with the same request that you have stated and why we can not.

Anonymous said...

To why things can't get done is a bunch of bunk.

Anything can be done if there is a will. What we need is qualified people with the desire to move forward .

Thanks Anon 9:12PM

Anonymous said...

It would be much easier and less burden on the taxpayers wallets if we could spend $500,000 to $800,000 to renovate, and not spend 5.5 to 6 million dollars for a new pool. To renovate would be within grasp of donations. I dont believe that we can't reconfigure the current pool to meet guide lines. I believe that with the right engineers and architects on the project it could easily be redone. OPEN THE EXISTING POOL, IT CAN BE DONE!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree that this project could be done with the help of the community and fund raising. But my question is will the aldermen want our help?

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon 12:40 - would the aldermen want and appreciate our help? It hasn't seemed as though they even like us questioning them. Sorry anon 11:29 but I don't believe it's feasible or possible to open the existing pool. It would be a waste of money and a very short term solution at a very high cost. AND, there is still the issue of safety for our children.

Anonymous said...

It is feasable, It is possible, what kind of safety are you talking about if everything is brought to code?