“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Illinois Municipal League - 97th Annual Conference

Illinois Municipal League - 97th Annual Conference The details


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the IML conference agenda.

As I review the schedule there surely is MUCH for the Aldermen to take notice to help the city. It is a very good thing for them to attend.

However I Highly question the attendance of the employees, Heidi & Stephanie. There is no session on this schedule that is of any interest or benefit for them to be going to this event.
The thought of them going, paid or not paid , is a down right WASTE OF CITY TAX DOLLARS. (they will be paid a salary while attending ?)

Others, take note of this schedule and I think you will also see the reasoning for the ill decision for these employees to attend.
It is Wrong !!!!!!!!

Peru Town Forum said...

Open Meetings Act and FOIA in the Internet Age

Council Practices & Procedures

Local Governments Helping Each Other and Grant Dollars Available for Education, Training & Equipment

The Municipal Clerks will have a program at the conference this year.
We will post additional details as we receive them.

FYI Stephanie is also deputy clerk and sits acts in his place at council meetings whenever D.Bartley is away.
Just scanning the schedule briefly shows the above meetings will benefit the "women" you think are a waste of money.
But there were probably more if I had the time to peruse it thoroughly.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Lois but all of the above you mention are not any that the "EMPLOYEE' can enforce without the boss enacting first. That is why it does not pay for them to attend. If they do not have the responsibility to act on , then their attending is a waste of money, regardless of women or men.

Peru Town Forum said...


FYI there are many employees who attend seminars, meetings etc. to increase their knowledge and learn and be a better employee and sometimes their bosses learn from them. Yes it does happen. But you would not know about it because it is happening in private businesses and not usually given a big announcement in the local news. You don't have to agree with me and that is fine but I and many others continue to say that it is well spent money.

Anonymous said...

To Lois 1:18pm
Your singular support is recognized but for the city peru , this action of attendance is wrong and wasteful of city money.
Believe me I have attended many a conventions i.e., private business or orginizational and I can tell you from experience that these two employees attending a convention (One day) with subjects spread over the entire 3 days is not relevant for these employees.

What is going to happen is a boon dogle and a spend of money we could use elsewhere.
Ask Gary H ?

Linda said...

6:15 I agree with you we could use the money elsewhere. Can you imagine what we could do with the money we save by keeping the 4 aldermen home. That should constitute a substantial savings for the city - don't you agree?