“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, May 08, 2015

Minutes from the April Task Force Meeting

These are the minutes from the April mtg of the Administrative Task Force.


Anonymous said...

Hail to the new city manger.......can't wait for his announcement of retirement from the police department, to begin collecting his pension, and his new 6 figure payed and benefited position as boss of all bosses. I called it months ago...........

Anonymous said...

Just read the Public Services agenda for Monday's meeting. Looks like we're in the market for more new vehicles (1 for the electric department, 1 for the engineering department, and another new lawnmower for the cemetery). We just purchased a new lawn more for the cemetery within the past year. I think we have more new vehicles than we have employees.

Anonymous said...

Anon3:54 PM This position of city administrator and why it was being considered in Peru and precisely for whom has been called by many months ago. The problem, which has escalated to new heights and camouflaged so smoothly, is that those who care do not know what to do about it and if did know what to do are too small in numbers to be effective. Sadly the choices in Peru, which the majority have allowed a few to control, have narrowed down to ignore it, realize it but live with it or move.
Are any of the questions or hints of the questions given out before being asked at the task force meetings? Maybe it is time for the task force to discuss if they are working for the answer of which they were created for and if they presently believe their creation has been for a purpose of the promotion of a specific individual.

Anonymous said...

Bernie, Bernie, he's our man; If he can't do it nobody can. Yay Bernie!

Anonymous said...

The idea of intensely exploring whether a city administrator would be a suitable fit to the city of Peru is impressive. Possibly a similar exploration of having a city manager could be conducted and a final comparison of the two's advantages and disadvantages could be made. Surely this would be a long process but since either position would be filled for a tenure of length it is a very important decision of Peru's future.
The above decision is truly a attempt to move along with the 21st century and upon being made will be exciting to find how many capable people will be interested to fill it. Careful consideration of all applicants and a open minded choice will be a major contribution to either a city administrator or a city manager and hopefully this consideration will be allowed. Government and business to be successful cannot enter the game already knowing who is to win so why should Peru?

Anonymous said...

9:44 - because that's how it's done in Peru.

Anonymous said...

The conflicts of interest become apparent the more the Police chief become the defacto government. If the city does anything dubious, the police chief will likely be the first to minimize it. And the Police have access to exceptional resource and powers to cover things up or put pressure on malcontents. It is disturbing. This is not the place for a Police State. I would want them less involved and more a third party observer.

Anonymous said...

Too bad Bernie can't get the cars off 4th st at night. No parking there...selective enforcement welcome to Peru

Anonymous said...

@6:22 PM It appears that you have a general idea that a Police Chief should be exactly that -a Police Chief and that the more power he absorbs the more power the police accumulate which is disturbing you. Don't feel alone as there are many more lifelong Peruvians who feel the same way.
I will assure you that the majority of the PPD has for the most some very outstanding policemen but there are a few on the force who have a reputation that is ruining it for all. To name them presently would be foolish because they know who they are and all know why they are as they are.

Anonymous said...

@7:41 I don't particularly have any grudge against the chief, or any particular officers. Its more in my opinion an obvious separation for most cities. Law enforcement by its very nature requires a constant focus on separation and impartiality.
You truly only see cities run by their police in more conservative and backwater areas... the Boss Hog syndrome. The Police need to have a healthy separation from the Administration. It seems like the city is always trying to pretend its a big city while also presenting its officials as simple and pure-hearted as Mayberry. I would prefer my chief had a healthy respect and distance from all of the city officials and employees.

Lois said...

2:06 PM

I agree wholeheartedly with your comment.

Anonymous said...

"You truly only see cities run by their police in more conservative and backwater areas."

I take offense at your reference to conservatives being backwater yokels. Conservatives support our constitution and our civil rights. Progressives support restrictions of individual rights and government control - which is more in keeping with your worry about the Police Chief running the city.

Anonymous said...

2:06pm you are 100% correct however you will never see that with Chief Bernabei as his aspirations are much higher then police chief. I hold no grudge against him either other then his admission that he spends half his time away from the PD. He receives a very nice salary for that but admits he relies heavily on his rank to manage. I bet dollars to donuts, pun intended, if the rank weren't afraid of him they would admit they don't like doing parts of his job that the tax payers are paying him to do.

Peru Town Forum said...

Maybe what we are talking about is really

a Separation of Powers?

Anonymous said...

2:49 I apologize if I offended, because I consider myself a fiscal conservative as well. I believe I was referring more to extreme social conservative, almost class based systems. Strong religious prejudice, a desire for conformity... these things contribute the 'ruling class' and all the others under them who should really just shut up and let the smart rich people govern.
In the Valley, I see it more as a type of fear of outsiders and desire to be well behaved citizens who never dare to question government. The voter turnouts really show a kind of master/slave mentality around here. Discussion is suppressed if it hints of questioning authority. Outsiders feared. Last names revered over time. In many ways it reminds me of the deep south around here.

Anonymous said...

There is no such thing as a fiscal conservative. Either you believe in Civil Rights and the Constitution or you don't. It is the Progressives that promote division. They are the ones promoting a "ruling class" of political hacks. Even you have fallen into their trap as evidenced by your comment about religion and conformity. The "smart rich people" are actually the Progressives.... Bloomburgs, Clintons, Gates', Fienteins, etc.

Anonymous said...

2:06 & 2:51 You either are or you aren't make up your minds. You both claim you have no grudge against the C,PPD but. If you are looking for the gray area to hide in why even comment.
Many police officers have informed me that there is no room for politics in a police department. Sad to say the most proficient politician in Peru is the present Chief of Police. Presently he has his in everything and his thumbs suppressing everything he has his hands on.

Anonymous said...

I really hope that this commission discovers that the City must search outside to get a qualified candidate to run the city. Nobody from the Illinois Valley should be trusted with any paid government position.

Anonymous said...

5:47 5/10/15
It would educate all of those to define a number of your historical terminologies as most of the older sect are using the same words but have learned the TV or newspaper usage.
I am sure you understand that this is resulting in your usage, technologies misinterpreted usage and the older age groups usage of the misused TV and newspapers use.
This will probably result in a better understanding of theories.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard if the "new part time" office worker has been hired as of yet and if so who it is?

Anonymous said...

"Nobody from the Illinois Valley should be trusted with any paid government position."

The comments just get crazier. How anyone can be as narrow-minded as you is beyond belief. This "all government workers are bad" crap is such a joke. Our local governments have just as many great people (if not more) working for them as anything in the private sector.

What's your radius meathead? 30 miles? 50 miles? Never mind. No one cares what you think.

Anonymous said...

The Police Chief needs to work FOR the head of the city - he/she should not BE the head of the city.

Anonymous said...

"There is no such thing as a fiscal conservative."

"It is the Progressives that promote division."

More genius blog comments. Nope. It's just as you say. Everyone falls into one of two categories. That's it.

It's people like you who repeat talking points over and over and want to stereotype and lump people together with labels because that is what you do. We've heard from you a million times and it's the same crap.

You can criticize some of those progressives, but I'm in the vast majority of Americans who are pretty thankful we have had progressive-minded people over the years or I wonder where our country would be now. It takes ALL kinds of people with DIFFERENT ideas and compromise to get to a workable end result. Bu saying that probably makes me a "communist" right?

People like you who think that everything that matters is found ONLY in the Constitution have absolutely ZERO understanding of American history and absolutely ZERO understanding of the brilliance of the system our founding father established. A system founded on ideas as different as they are today and what ultimately put our country together when some of those founding fathers didn't even want independence. A Grand Compromise with people open to ideas.

Thankfully so many who have made this country great don't think like you, where in your world, everyone who disagrees with you gets a label. Thankfully, you are in fringe minority.

But hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion! Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

All due respect to the members of the Task Force, but if this group is going to base its recommendation solely on the testimony of highly compensated city officials who are appointed by a mayor who wants only to consolidate poltical power by creating a City Administrator position in which he will have authority over, I say NO THANKS.
These meeting minutes reveal a Task Force that is buying this politically based scam "Hook, Line and Sinker". Reading these minutes is actually embarrassing to think the Task Force members apparently don't see the way they are being manipulated by the process. What the hell do you think these High Dollar city officials are going to say about the way they are running the city? C'mon people. Who else will be asked to provide opinions and information to the Task Force? Will city employees be encouraged to provide testimony of their observations of the current management structure and how well it is or is not working? Will the department foremen and other employees be allowed to provide "confidential testimony" to the Task Force in order to avoid poltical retribtution from the mayor and the super chiefs if their opinion is not so flattering as Bernabei and King have indicated? I'm sorry but this Task Force is severely lacking in its approach if it does not solicit more input and do more research of the situation. The testimony recieved thus far is severely biased and politically motivated and no effort has been made thus far to investigate if all these rave reviews provided by politically appointed officials are accurate or simply manufactured. Unless this Task Force decides to actually "get to work" to verify what is really happening in Peru they will fall directly into the trap that Harl has set for them. These minutes read like a transcript from a trial where a jury is allowed to hear testimony and recieve information from only one side of an argument.
Justice is blind in Peru politics and this Task Force is getting scammed by Harl and the super chiefs. Damn it, there are some really disgusting personalities pulling strings in Peru right now. Sickening.

Anonymous said...

My question is and has been, why are there no everyday "folks" on this task force?

Anonymous said...

I think the confusion comes from the fact that the left most wing of the Democrat Party - the wing that includes our current President, Ms. Clinton, and most of the senior Senators and Representatives, are closer to being Socialists vice the traditional Liberal Democrats. Classic Liberalism historically called for more freedom. The current "Progressives" are not about freedom and cannot be compared to the Progressive Movement of the late 1800's as practiced by Theodore Roosevelt and his wing of the Republican Party. In fact, you could say that there has been a role reversal.
I'm sorry. Those calling for "Progressive" changes today are actually leaning toward totalitarianism and social control. The current atmosphere is one in which children are expelled from school for wearing a "Chick Fillet" T-Shirt or having a keychain in the shape of a pistol. Furthermore, these same "Progressives" advocate increased government control over day to day activities - like eating lunch. They try to pass laws against soda pop. While it might be a good idea not to drink a case of cola a day - the "Progressives" want to make it the law of the land. On the other side of their mouth they encourage the smoking of Marijuana - obsessively for medial purposes but mostly for revenue purposes.
So really - you can't say Conservative or Liberal anymore and "Progressive" has lost its meaning. What we really have is some people support Individual Rights & Rugged Individualism while others are for Collectivism. Maybe a better word for the new extreme left of the Democrat Part is the "Collectivists" and the extreme right of he Republican party are the "Individualists."

Peru Town Forum said...

12:52 PM

The Task Force is composed of successful professional people of the business world. They are smart and are asking good questions. The interviews will be going on for some time and I suggest if you are interested come to the next meeting in a couple of weeks and I think you will understand what I am trying to tell you.

Anonymous said...

I will agree with you to a point Lois, but I still believe there has to be a mix of people on this committee.

Anonymous said...

1:08 PM

I like to put my marijuana in brownies and eat it thank you very much!

Peru Town Forum said...

1:46 PM

Like any responsible board, they always ask if there are any questions at the end of the mtg. As one who has attended many mtgs at city hall, this one has a different feel to it so far.

Anonymous said...

1:08 :) ... but you lose the "value" of it when it is baked.

Spell check changed ostensibly to obsessively. But, I think the modern "Left" would like us all to smoke pot obsessively - just like the British encouraged the use of Opium in China. Keep the population stoned enough not to fight back but still able to work.

Anonymous said...

Bernabei will be hired for this position. Mark the date down that I called it. No matter how long the committee takes. Same outcome. Wake up.......open your eyes......smell the coffee......the decision was made months ago.

Anonymous said...

Peru City Parks look horrible absolutely horrible. So it's rained for a few days but it does year after year. City workers got on the mowing in between the rain and the sunshine never waiting for dry ground first.
Someone posted a comment on Alderman Tom Payton's Facebook page complaining about the parks and their concerns have gone ignored and not answered by this newly elected alderman. Many small things in Peru go ignored and not answered which leads to be bigger issues later. Where's the city's representation now? The city can't even get our parks looking nice. I say get the summer helpers cutting it again at least it got done.

Anonymous said...

5:47 I will stand by my position that I can be a fiscal conservative while abhorring the religious right , social conservatives and those who have a litmus test for being American and interpreting the Constitution as a fixed and immutable document. I dislike extreme liberals as well as conservatives because I believe they both live a Fantasy World blaming each other for all evil. If I fail your litmus test as a Conservative, so be it. I can live real well with that. If my IQ is too high when you make your first purge, please leave my kids alone and just shoot me , ok? They don't always listen to me and you might be able to convert them. Hope you like it here in Stepford.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 3:39. It's a done deal. I also agree that this committee is asking good questions and when they are done, may even decide that this position is unnecessary. Unfortunately that won't stop Harl from appointing Bernabei as city administrator. Harl is mayor and as such, has the authority to create positions and appoint whoever he wants. I just wonder if these business people realize they are wasting their valuable time.

Anonymous said...

I called that conclusion 3:39 before this committee was even formed. I called it when it was in the planning stages. I agree wholeheartedly the ASM will become the administrator.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has known that Bernie was slated for this job since it was announced they where thinking about creating it. The question is - will he keep his job as the Police Chief?

Anonymous said...

6:42 he probably will retire and collect his pension. Do the same thing that the electric department head Prazen did about 10 years ago. I believe his pension was about $75,000 and baker then appointed him supervisor or consultant at $100,000 or so. Nice check at $175,000 a year for less work........just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:07 PM You say a fellow named Prazen took a pension 10 years ago for $75K and than became a consultant for the same city for $100K. Now people are predicting that some ASM is going to do the same thing.
Does anyone realize that the two people doing this do not have a problem but the entire city allowing has a major problem. Everyone involved, every citizen 18 and over should be yelling to the high heavens about such a situation. Sadly if it was not for the blog only those involved would know of it. All I have to say for Peru and the majority of its population is normally you get what you deserve and when you feel safer not getting involved when it is involving your tax dollars too bad for you but its your own fault. Personally when I pay for something I make a effort to get something back for it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:00 The newest alderman, Tom Payton was sworn in one week ago tonight. This was the 1st council meeting that he was a alderman at. The Alderman Committees have not been assigned as yet so you can take it that the city parks are still under last years selections.Are you starting to get the drift of where we are going.
It is easily recognized that you don't have ant idea of a chain of command and responsibility. If I was to address a problem I would surely not choose Alderman Payton knowing that he has not been assigned specific areas as of yet and I would be smart enough to call upon those that presently have that responsibility.
If your real problem is that you simply feel you have a axe to grind be careful before you cut your oversized nose off!

Anonymous said...

$175,000 pay/year I am not the sharpest stick in the pile but I am as sharp as these clowns. I am on my way to a government job working for Peru. Get out my talkin' clothes Mama I'm getten me a b.s. session early a.m. tomorrow.

Peru Town Forum said...

9:25 PM

I don't believe that aldermen have anything to do with parks but they should direct them to the proper people and I think all including the newly elected know who is in charge of the care of taking care of the parks. Maybe starting with Bernabei or King would be the place to direct the complaint to.

Parks are city wide not a ward issue.

Anonymous said...

9:25 May 11th. Your statement is incorrect. Committee assignments were announced immediately after the swearing in. Payton is on the Finance and Safety Committee. Verify your statements before making them and no matter what he could simply have replied I will pass that information on to the ASM or PSM who are in charge of it all.

Anonymous said...

The park grass is high because it has rained for 5-6 straight days and in May the grass grows. Give it a few sunny days and your parks will look great. Comments like the parks look horrible are senseless. It's like saying snow is pack up on streets after a 10 inch snowfall. Some people look for the anything to complain about Peru.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:16 you're missing the point! Yes it has been raining for days straight. My point is simple. Compare the cemetery to the parks. Cemetery looks beautiful cut by city crews compared to contractors in charge of parks. Did it not rain at the cemetery??

Anonymous said...

Amen 11:16. It's like the people that complain about the garbage cans being full at the end of the weekend. If that's what we blog about, it is all the proof you need about how good things really are. Nothing is ever perfect but the city crew does a great job.

Anonymous said...

10:29 - should comments to the blog be submitted on a 3 x 5 card ahead of time? Who are you to say "verify your statement before making them"?
Sounds to me like you are one of the City big wigs - maybe if the City of Pere had an official forum for making PUBLIC comments misunderstandings would not happen. Instead, everything has to be SECRET in Peru. Even when questions are answered, the answers are not broadcast for everyone's benefit. PeeeYou, Peru Stinks and providing public information.

Anonymous said...

What is a secret in Peru? When I want to know something, I just kindly ask the person who I think can help me. I've never been treated poorly, but of course I don't act like an idiot either. I'm not saying anyone is, but I've only heard a few anonymous people on here talk about how rudely they are treated or about all of the conspiracies. I just don't see it but I'm sure I will get ridiculed for saying so. Whatever.

Anonymous said...

1:55 it's all in the questions that are being asked and by whom. if you ask a question that could be debated than expect to be treated rudely. Especially if you're the type to verify what you're told. I personally want verification and follow up. I, nor should anyone ask a question of a politician and take it for what's told to you. Verify it, then if you have further questions then ask.
You must not be one to verify or ask the difficult questions because of you did you would know what certain people are speaking of. Asking the clerk a question like what a certain payment was for then walking away doesn't cut it

Anonymous said...

3:52. Nope. I've asked "hard" questions. Sometimes I trust, sometimes I follow up if I think it is necessary. I don't need a lecture in how to interact with someone. I treat people how I like to be treated and that works well for me. They are just fine to me as well as anyone else I have asked.

If your view is that they are elected people then they are evil, that might be part of your problem. They are people. One on one they are fine and I've not seen a problem. No, I am not an "insider" or a "city employee" and I have no "special connections." We have a lot of good people working for our city. If your attitude is typical that they are corrupt liars then it is you with the problem.

Just try talking to people. No grandstanding and no silliness. They are just people and trust and relationships go both ways.

Peru Town Forum said...

I will be deleting any further comments about how you do or do not get along with your alderman, it doesn't further anything good for the city. Save your comments about how wonderful the city is unless you can be very very specific.

I will continue to treat them (elected and appointed officials) as they treat me and it is definitely a person to person situation.

Because I have to trust my inner feelings as to where most of these comments are coming from and none of the readers are interested in any of that stuff I have and will continue to frequently hit the delete button.
When it comes to how money is spent and how contracts are given out that is open to discussion.

Anonymous said...

3:52, Amen. I don't care who the politician is, their first inclination is to make themselves or the government look good. So they will lie. Either through omission, spin, or downright deceit.
Take EVERYTHING a government official tells you with a big grain of salt!

Anonymous said...

10:29AM 5/12/15
Mayor Harls appointment of Alderman Payton to the Finance and Safety Meeting is a outstanding decision as this is how the new Alderman performs the same in a self employed professional service.
Payton and his excellent background is a welcome addition to the city council and will add many updated financial thoughts.
Alderman Payton fills a much needed hole and further brings the city into having a 2015 ready city council. Welcome Alderman Tom Payton.
P.S. This is not a paid political advertisement and in no way has Alderman Payton been involved.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:10 PM Speaking of a politicians 1st inclination have you ever thought that those politicians who do not practice it are not well known because they are not reelected. A major problem with our system is that the majority of times the most popular in the race is elected not the most qualified. Proof of this is in the long time serving politicians. Most public offices were not created for life time employment.

Anonymous said...

To 9:42 AM, Really? Filling a much needed hole? What city council have you been watching? Mr. Payton, as the other alderman will fall in line very quickly and will contribute absolutely NOTHING except an additional rubber-stamp vote. Please feel free to let us know when Payton offers up those "ideas" he spoke of on election night at the Mensa Meeting at Right Spice. Perhaps Payton can offer some "ideas" on how the city can save money on the way it buys insurance. Yea, that's gonna happen. The Peru council is the place where "ideas" go to die and Tom Payton will join in lock-step with the other non-thinkers on that council very soon.

Anonymous said...

We need to start teaching "Civics" in school again. Most of the voters vote the way they do because they think government is some magical entity that takes care of them and gives them stuff and money.

Time to roll back the clock! We need educated voters - not "Rock the Voters"!

Anonymous said...

We need a campaign to discourage voters under that age of 21.

Anonymous said...

Why not discourage anyone under the age that can draw social security. Most people under this age cannot read as well as think before they draw social security. A rule such as this would do more to straighten out the country than letting rug rats vote and screw everything up.