“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Here We Go Again Ms Noonan Says Concert is Scheduled

The radio was making announcements to day that Ms Noonan has once again scheduled a concert for herself at the Peru Airport on July 13. The city has not voted on this at a city council mtg and the last heard was at the Public Works committee meeting where a city clerk said no concert has been scheduled.

So the mystery arrangement with the city is just that. We all know that a vote was not taken but evidently an "arrangement" was made with someone in this city.  My question is "Who in this city is allowed to make arrangements for a private individual to use city property without approval of the council?"
"Who can make arrangements for a private individual to schedule a concert which requires the Public Works employees to work at the airport to set up for the concert, the Fire Department and the Police Department and Ambulance Service to be available and yes to provide their services?"  As far as I know how those departments are paid with taxpayer dollars. The PPD will not be paid for all the time that is spent watching and directing traffic before and after the concert and in particular watching for drunk or impaired drivers after the concert.

We do all those so that someone can make a profit at our expense, time after time, year after year and then we wonder why people move away and the children don't return. What is the benefit to those who allow this?
There aren't enough pizzas made to make this right to the city and its residents.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Your Aldermen....What is Their Role in this Administration?

How effectively is Mayor Harl and this administration using your elected aldermen?The residents of this city put a stop to change in the aldermanic ward system on March 18, when they voted no to reducing the number of aldermen. If you can get  beyond thinking about your ward and the relationship you have with your aldermen and think how is he/she working within this municipal government, read on. Being a part of this government has to be more than coming to a city council meeting twice a month and casting your yes or no vote on topics put before this council. We would hope that he/she is serving on one or two committees and learning about the inner workings of the city and doing this consistently, so that when he votes he understands why he is voting as he/she is.

If he arrives on meeting night and has only attended his own committee meeting for the previous month, he will be totally unaware of what topics are really important and how the vote he/she makes will be dependent upon info heard  listening to a 2 minute presentation by the chairman of the committee such as Public Works and vote and hope for the best.

When Mayor Harl reduced all committeees to 2 alderman from the 3 previously held positions on a committee,I don't know what he hoped to accomplish but it certainly has changed how the aldermen learn about the city inner workings.

Following this you will see the agenda for Monday mornings Public Works Committee followed by the minutes from the last published minutes of the Public Works Committee. I think we all know that that committee is monitored by Alderman Lukosus and Waldorf but the work on that committee is run by Test and Chamlin engineering.

So then I thought about the remaining committees which are Public Safety (Ferrari & Sapienza), Public Property (Perez & Mueller), Finance (Radtke & Potthoff).
Finance meets regularly twice a month and as does Public Property but that committee has had something removed  and that is the Airport which is now in Public Works .

Now we come to Public Safety (Sapienza and Ferrari), this committee has met once this year and has no minutes posted for this year. They don't meet because they have nothing to discuss. This is a total waste, to put 2 aldermen on it, one of whom is one of the longest serving on the council and the other one of the newest. Surely its topics could be incorporated into another committee, if the members are only going to meeting rarely. Why not increase Finance and Public Works to 3 members and also Public Property?

Was this done for control by the mayor? What is the reasoning? If we have 2 alderman on a committee which is not pertinent to the running of this city, why not eliminate it and add the topics to Public Property since they just had the airport removed from their venue.

The 2 extra aldermen which the people said we need must be put into positions where they have something to work on and learn.

I will add that some of the aldermen do attend meetings which they are not involved with. The last Finance mtg, Ald. Sapienza and Lukosus attended in addition to Radtke and Potthoff. But they need to be on working committees not just a name on paper. We certainly have enough problems in this city to keep all of them working more than now.

If you have not read the following 2 posts, please continue.

Public Works Committee Meeting Monday April 28, 2014

MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2014
TIME: 10:00 A.M.
o Public Works Committee Meeting 4/7/14
o Public Works Project Status-Bernabei/King
o Water Street Improvement status-EPA/EDP Grant Status
o Area 1 Sewer Separation-Phase 1-status
o Area 1 Sewer Separation-Phase 2-construction status
o Pit Stop Lift Station Improvements-construction status
o Water Treatment Plant piping status
o Diversion structure-construction status
o Menards pipe repair status-Jeff King
o STU Shooting Park Rd – construction status
o 2014 Street Maintenance-MFT/Non MFT-update/construction cost
estimate/Township Intergovernmental Agreement/Waive IDOT Prequalification’s
o Peoria Street Design status
o 2014 Sidewalk/Concrete Improvements-Approve Ladzinski proposal
o Approve Patrick Engineering progress bill
o G.A. Apron Rehab-construction schedule
o Taxiway Extension status
o Status of the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) repairs
o Status of King’s Inn & Banquet Center Demolition and Asbestos Abatement-Jeff
King change order-unforeseen asbestos wall compound

Aldermanic Committees: Minutes From Last Approved Public Works Meeting

DATE OF MEETING: Monday, March 3, 2014 TIME: 10:00 AM
PLACE OF MEETING: Peru Municipal Building
1901 4th Street, Peru, IL 61354
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dave Waldorf, Alderman Jim
OTHER PERSONS PRESENT: Chris Perra, Amanda Glover, Jim Potthoff, Mike Perry,
Police Chief Doug Bernabei, Clerk Dave Bartley, Matt Debo, Kevin Heitz
PUBLIC PRESENT: Mike Hart, Tom Riordan, Todd Bogatitus
The committee approved the minutes of the February 17, 2014 committee meeting.
Chief Bernabei told the committee that he and Chief King have a board at City Hall with all
current and upcoming Public Works projects that gets updated daily if anyone would like
to see what is going on.
Mike Perry said that FEMA will not be funding the rock columns for the Water Street
project. He noted that the water and sewer re-routing was in progress and should be ready
to bid by the next meeting. It was noted that the road portion of the project will not be
happening until after October due to interference between the rock column installation
machinery and the Ameren high voltage lines. Alderman Lukosus said that he met with
Representative Mautino in Springfield who knows that the rock column and city share of
road repairs on this project will cost $300,000 and is working on trying to get the City
funding for it.
Dave Waldorf noted that it was his understanding that Opperman Construction is waiting
for the weather to get better before continuing on with the area 1 phase 1 sewer separation.
Chief Bernabei said that the temporary road is working as expected.
Mike Perry told the committee that the area 1 phase 2 sewer separation advertisement for
bids went out last week. He said that this would be a base bid and alternate bid process.
Center St. to West would be base bid, estimated at ~$600,000 and West St. from Center to
4th St. would be an alternate bid item, estimated at ~$400,000.
It was noted by Mike Perry that the contracts have not been received back yet for the Pit
Stop lift station improvements, thus a start date is still pending.
Dave Waldorf noted that it was his understanding that the water treatment plant piping
project is ready to be put out for bid so he asked Clerk Bartley to include it on the next
council meeting agenda. Chris Perra said that the re-piping would allow the plant to
receive water from wells 8 & 9 by bypassing the ground storage tank. Mike said the
project is estimated to cost $60,000 - $80,000. Mike and Chris both told the committee
that the pipes that will be re-piped are large ductile iron and that there are many buried
utilities, etc. so the City is not capable of doing the project themselves.
Chris Perra said that the raw water main that runs from the Red Door to the water plant has
no way to be flushed which can cause sediment to find its way to the water plant. Chris
said that two hydrants somewhere near Centennial Park would allow for proper flushing.
Chairman Waldorf said that the City is currently able to get a discount on the hydrants and
that the project could be completed by Public Works. Mike Perry said that the permit
would be easy to get and could be obtained in 30-45 days. Chairman Waldorf asked that
this item be put on the next council meeting agenda so the entire council is aware of the
upcoming project. Chief Bernabei asked how many man hours this project would take.
Chris said that two hydrants shouldn’t take longer than a day to install.
It was noted by Dave Waldorf that there is a pre-construction meeting with Trovero on
March 12th for the Shooting Park Road STU. Chairman Waldorf asked if an estimate has
been received for Pulaski Street. Matt Debo said that would come from non-MFT and it
would need to be added to the bid. Chief Bernabei asked if 18th Street was included also.
Matt said that 300 feet of it was included. Mike said that he would update the road listing
with the changes the council requested and he would have documentation for the next
council meeting showing what is to be bid for the 2014 street maintenance program.
Chairman Waldorf said that the City would be performing the monitoring at the landfill by
utilizing TEST’s equipment. Chris Perra said that he would show the guys how to
perform the monitoring when they were ready. Mike Perry said that Patrick Engineering
would be coordinating with the City on this project also.
Alderman Lukosus said that Jim Potthoff will be retiring soon and that someone needs to
be put in place now. He asked to have this item added to the next council meeting agenda
so an advertisement for an apprentice could be sent out. He suggested the committee talk
to the finance committee prior to the council meeting.
Kevin Heitz told the committee that the apron expansion project at the airport was done and
that it is being closed out right now. He also said that the circuit separation project was
done and being closed out too. He told the committee that January 17 was the bid opening
for the GA apron rehab and that there were seven bidders. It was estimated to cost
$431,000 and D-Construction came in at $379,247.50. This project will be completed
from May – July of this year and will take 73 days. Kevin provided a handout to show the
rehab to the entrance road and the parking lot. He said that this has been 100% submitted
to the Aeronautics and is estimated to cost $225,000. The handout showed extending the
asphalt beyond the OSF area and also showed possible future corporate hangers. He said
that this project has an April 25th bid letting, with construction being done in July and
taking less than 30 days. He told the committee that the runway 18 36 north taxiway
extension would be paid for with discretionary funding. There are two discretionary bid
openings, (one in March and one in June) and possibly one added later in the year (either
August or September). Alderman Lukosus said that the City lobbyist is working on trying
to get the funding. Mike Perry said that the construction for this would not take place until
Clerk Bartley said that he has been in contact with the Department of Aeronautics in
regards to the concerts at the airport due to an email they received from Kristy Mrowicki.
He assured them that there are no concerts scheduled as of yet and that there would be no
change to the footprint of the concert(s) if there are any this year. Clerk Bartley said that
the Department of Aeronautics would be keeping very close tabs on the City to ensure their
compliance with any future concerts. He told the committee that an audit of last year’s
concerts will be done and that the City has been fully cooperative. Chairman Waldorf
asked if the concerts were worth having. Clerk Bartley said that they can and have
benefited the area. He said that there were some initial fixed costs with the first concert
such as the land. Chief Bernabei said that responding to unfounded claims is not the best
way to utilize City employee’s time.
Chris Perra said that Tonka would be at the water plant early next week to start work on the
softener rehab. He also told the committee that due to an IEPA inspection, a deep
basement foundation leak at the west wastewater treatment plant needs to be fixed. Due to
the location of the leak there is no way to fix it by digging up outside the building so he
obtained a quote to have epoxy pumped in and cemented over. The water leaking in is
ground water. The project is estimated to cost $7,000. Mike Perry said that the basement
is 20’ below grade and that fixing the crack utilizing epoxy is much better than relying on
the sump pump. Clerk Bartley said that he would have this item put on the next council
meeting agenda.
Alderman Lukosus said that the timing was great for his visit to Springfield. He said that
he met with Frank Mautino who was also meeting with IDOT. Representative Mautino
was optimistic that he could get something done for funding of the City’s project. He said
that he also met with a member of Senator Durban’s staff and that the City lobbyist is doing
great things.
Mike Perry said that the Urban Limits and Federal Aid Highway Network map has been
updated to include roads that were recently added, such as Donlar Road and North 31st
Road. He said that surrounding areas were also updated. Kevin Heitz said that since
road usages have changed so should the map. Mike said that he would bring the updated
map to the next council meeting. Clerk Bartley said that he would add this item to the next
council meeting agenda.
Chief Bernabei passed out a copy of the memo between the City and the Township
outlining the exchanges of services between the two. Clerk Bartley asked if this should be
put into an ordinance. Chief Bernabei said that it could be done now and amended later is
need be. Clerk Bartley said that he would get the memo to Attorney Schweickert.
Chairman Waldorf asked Clerk Bartley to inquire as to the whereabouts of the Professional
Fee Reimbursement Agreement that Attorney Schweickert was also working on. Matt
Debo said that the county would like to give the county portion North Pulaski Street to the
City. Alderman Lukosus said that the 1993 agreement between the City and the County
states that even if the road is given to the City that the Township has to maintain it forever.
Matt said that it makes no sense that the county has it as it is only 1400’. Kevin Heitz said
that Matt should ensure the county still has enough roadway if they give this section away
as that is the only way they generate income. Chief Bernabei said that he would work on
this with the Matt and the Township Board.
Chris Perra said that he received a water complaint from a resident because her fixtures
were corroding. Upon further inspection the resident has a water softener. Chris told the
committee that the City already softens the water and by further softening it with the at
home softener she made the water very corrosive. Chairman Waldorf asked Clerk Bartley
to add this item to the next council meeting agenda so the community could be made aware
of this issue if they have home softeners.
Clerk Bartley said that he received two requests for sewer bill relief. The resident at 2003
12th Street had a frozen and broken pipe. The sewer bill was $75.15. The resident at
2731 2nd Street has been in the hospital and had a pipe burst that the City discovered. That
sewer bill was $268.40. The committee agreed to reduce the sewer portion of the bill only
by half.
Mike Perry said that he met with Chief King in regards to the King’s Inn Demolition and
Asbestos Abatement. He said that the contractor is currently putting together an asbestos
abatement plan. He told the committee that the original agreement says that the City will
pay for third party air monitoring after the abatement which will cost an estimated $5,000
or less. He said that the abatement would begin in April.
Chief Bernabei said that he received seven bids for mowing and trimming services
throughout the City. He said that two bids did not include the required insurance
certificate so they would not be reviewed as they did not comply properly with the bid
specs. He said that the landscape bids were also received but they would be forwarded to
the public property committee. He told the committee that by the beginning of next week
he would give his recommendation and lowest bidders to them. He said that his
recommendation will be to go with the lowest bidder on individual parks and to keep the
cemetery and airport in-house as they are a very different kind of cut and maintenance.
He said that Baker Lake and the landfill will either go to the lowest bidder or require the
City to go out for different proposals. The landfill bids that were received were for 26
cuts, but it could be reduced by stunting the growth of the grass instead.
During public comment, Mike Hart asked if there have been any cuts made in the non-MFT
projects for the year. Chairman Waldorf said that the council is waiting on the bids before
any decisions are made. Mike Hart also asked if there would be less summer kids since
there would be less grass to cut. Chief Bernabei said that there would be less hours
worked by the summer kids. He also said that the Affordable Care Act was changed last
week to not include summer help in the total numbers. Chief Bernabei also said that he
would be looking into getting a trailer for the mowers as it is unsafe and against the law to
be riding them on City roads.
There being no other business to come before the committee the meeting was adjourned at
11:05 am.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Streator, others named in rain-related lawsuit

Streator, others named in rain-related lawsuit

 Ottawa, Marseilles, Grand Ridge, Lostant and Peru.

Brian Foster has written extensively on this on his blog Peru Pages.blogspot.com. It is information we all need to know about why and by whom the lawsuits were filed and since he focuses on Peru, he tells of what we have not done to correct this issue before it reached the courts.

People ask how many  lawsuits is Peru involved in and the answer is always, I don't know. In the last week, we have been told of two.  Monday it was the lawsuit mentioned by Mr Barnes at the committee mtg of the whole and now another filed as a class action suit by the insured and companies due to flood damage in the above mentioned cities.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Public forum to be held for splash pad proposal « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

Public forum to be held for splash pad proposal « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

This forum hopefully will be open and you can then ask questions you have about location, structures and playgrounds.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Evening of the Meetings Went About as Expected

Public Property discussed the backstop and the grant for the possible splash pad near the cell tower and volley ball court, boccie ball court and picnic tables to be placed on north side of 12th street near the library plus a new parking lot. In order to apply for the grant of $500,000 from the DNR they have to have activities for all ages so the extras were added to the original idea of a splash pad.

Committee mtg of the Whole was about what one would expect from a meeting that did not have an agenda. A Mr Barnes who ran a bakery equipment business in part of the old Westclox spoke at this mtg and I only heard the last portion of his comment. Evidently it involves electric power and the city of Peru who cut his power off due to non payment of a large electric bill which he claims was not his usage but someone in the Westclox bldg that was able to connect to his meter. He wants to start up the business once again and the city will not give him power and I think I heard something about a lawsuit. The mayor appeared very unhappy that the gentleman was there and said the was a whole lot more to the problem.The reporters should have more information in their reporting.

So about 6:50 the mtg. ended because no one had anything else to discuss. Treasurer Hylla spoke until 7:15 when it was time for the Budget mtg to take place. I did not stay for the second mtg.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Unreal And In Fact Unrealistic Schedule of Meetings for Monday at City Hall


Discussion and motion to approve to the relocation of the baseball
backstop from 28th Street Park to Washington Park to create a new
practice area for our 7 and 8 year old minor league players

MONDAY, APRIL 21, 2014
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Alderman Perez, Alderman Mueller
Recreation Board President Ray Zbrowski to request backstop for
Washington Park
Update from Friends for Peru Pool
Discuss budget
Discuss and motion to install a backstop at Washington Park

There is a Committee Mtg of the Whole scheduled for 6:30 PM.  I have gone through the information online and can find no reason for the meeting and no agenda that makes any sense, so if interested please draw your own conclusions.

There will be a Budget mtg from 7:15 PM to 7:30 PM so we can hope no one has any questions on this budget and mine would take at least an hour.

At 7:30 PM there is a Regular City Council mtg. if you have any interest after being at meetings for the last hour and a half prior to that.

You have to see it to believe it, so divy it up with your friends and family and have your own meeting afterwards to figure out what was important and what is not. I can't believe what they are doing.

Who will explain the budget if Treasurer is away because of personal business due to the funeral of his mother on Monday?

Hoping You All Have a Happy, Blessed and Relaxing Day

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Making Places to Play

While thinking over the presentation of the Accounts and Finance mtg. and the indoor recreation and sports complex to which people would travel to Peru to use, I thought about the hundreds of people here who have to need for it here.

This is in interesting link http://www.parksandrecreation.org/2014/April/Making-Places-for-Play/

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Endangered Backstop Located at the 28th Street Park in Peru

It has come to light that one or two members of the Recreation Board would like this moved to Washington Park so that some of the young baseball players can practice. I don't live in the area but know many that do and I am told that young people, boys and girls, practice here with softballs spring summer and fall. For the many children that live in this area, it is the only park east of rte 251 that has this type of equipment.
The backstop is approx. 30 years old and is embedded in concrete. For your information no one in the park area has asked for it to be removed. It was considered a neighborhood park for children and still is but adults from elsewhere keep trying to take it over and do what they want.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

About Romeoville Athletic and Events Center

About Romeoville Athletic and Events Center

This is interesting and wonder how many of you believe that Peru might be a suitable location for this type of facility?

I didn't pull this out of the air, a presentation was made at the Finance mtg this afternoon.

Added 4/19/14
Along the same idea, the following paragraph was taken from the March 5, 2014 Accounts and Finance mtg minutes: Economic Development Director Bob Vickrey reviewed a promotional poster targeting a specific entertaining venue prospect. Mr. Vickrey presented a marketing plan for the site selection magazine for the next budget year for approximately $12,000.

No further explanation was given and does it or does it not fit in with the presentation.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Accounts and Finance Meeting Want a CFO but Enough Available Funds for a City Manager Instead

Economic Development Director Bob Vickrey discussed the economic development project
sports complex. Is he referring to LaSalle? I did notice that Vickery is budgeted for $7000 in the 2015 Budget.

The CFO mentioned in the 2015 Budget created by Budget Director Gary Hylla has several line items for a Chief Financial Officer paid 65,000 plus, My understanding this was inserted by the request of the Accounts and Finance Committee.

The salaries in the 2015 budget are Treasurer 5,800 per year and an additional 19,500 as Budget Director. Add the 65,000 proposed for the new CFO with the additional administrative under the electric enterprise fund (13,800) and the water and sewer enterprise fund of (6,800) and it appears that we have enough money budgeted for a City Manager. According to some web sites salaries vary from a low of 40,000 to over 164,000+. And if the referendum had passed we would have had an additional 7,400 and coming to a total of 97,00.

Evidently we have more than enough money to hire a city manager NOW and all we need is the courage at City Hall to do it.

Added: 10/28 PM 4/16/14
I have come to the conclusion that if the city council really wants something, the mayor generally steps aside as long as they don't interfere with what he really wants to do.

The Finance Committee really wants to hire a CFO as a paid appointed position.

I found this information interesting:


Spring Valley mayor: Council needs 'perspective of a lady' - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Spring Valley mayor: Council needs 'perspective of a lady' - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

All cities do and  go for it Spring Valley and may this be an encouragement to all women who really want to be involved in local government. My only advice to them would be to be true to yourself and your beliefs at all times.

Saturday, April 12, 2014



Interesting article about how the main focus of the FBI has become fighting corruption on all levels, federal state and local. They feel that this type of corruption hurts the average person, the taxpayer the most.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Our City Council and Mayor Forgot Something at the Meeting on Monday April 7........

This has been National Volunteer Week April 6 - 12.

National Volunteer Week is a time to celebrate people doing extraordinary things through service. Established in 1974, National Volunteer Week focuses national attention on the impact and power of volunteerism and service as an integral aspect of our civic leadership. The week draws the support and endorsement of the president and Congress, governors, mayors and municipal leaders, as well as corporate and community groups across the country.

A Must Read....Peru Proposed Financial Budget for 2015 Now Online

If you have wondered even a tiny bit where your tax dollars are being spent, my suggestion is to read and analyze it. Some amazing information in there and we would like to hear what you think and I believe the City Treasurer might even be interested.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Do We The City of Peru Really Need??

Talking to a friend to day about the possible property tax increase because the City Treasurer states we are not getting enough sales tax.

It seems like one day the city has more than enough money and the next day we don't have enough. Just a few weeks ago Ald. Waldorf read an email from Treasurer Hylla telling us not to worry funds were available for the necessary public works projects even though a few weeks before that the same alderman stated that maybe they were going to be short on some proposed projects. So it seems there seems to be uncertainty in city government, I thought maybe we should offer some suggestions to them.

I will start with this one....Mayor Harl had himself appointed to the Illinois Municipal Electric Board a few weeks ago and the council approved (just went to get the exact date on this one and the Peru city web site is unavailable) so this will be from memory. Do we the city of Peru Really need to be paying for the overnight stay of the mayor and associated gas costs when no one asked him to do this? In fact if the city is running short of cash, I suggest he make the offer himself to pay his own way. The travels are to Springfield, IL.

Peru City Treasurer wants more sales tax revenue « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

Peru City Treasurer wants more sales tax revenue « Classics Hits 103.9 WLPO

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Municipal Aggregation FAQ

Municipal Aggregation FAQ

This is the same web site which lists the cities taking advantage of aggregation but there is a whole lot more to it. I'm sure that we all have received the annoying phone calls about electrical providers and we all said but we are municipally owned as if it was the best thing since ice cream and now maybe we are finding out not..  Has anyone reading accessed the $22,000 study done by the IMEA a few years ago?

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Municipal Aggregation List

Municipal Aggregation List

This is the web site suggested by Justin and you will find many of the communities near to Peru on this list.  Among them are Ottawa, LaSalle, Mendota, Granville, Spring Valley and many more. Interesting read.

Ottawa switches to electric supplier with lower rate - The Times: Local

Ottawa switches to electric supplier with lower rate - The Times: Local