“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, August 18, 2014

Peru Seems to be Interested in Expanding PPD to Plank Rd

Oh and also I wonder if they are interested in renewing the Lobbyist contract for another year. Since no one seemed to remember that his contract signed on August 1, 2013 was no longer valid since this is now August 18.

The first partial letter is a recommendation to the Peru City Council Aldermen. The full page letter shows why the mayor wanted this appt. As his first task, he seems to be interested in the Peru Armory.
The last page on this post is the last 2 months of the Lobbyists work for the city. Draw your own conclusions on this.


Anonymous said...

Not that I needed one, but this is another reason to vote AGAINST Durbin!

Anonymous said...

Anon, the way I see it, he is doing his job as a lobbyist for the city. I know your going to get bent out of shape because of all the golf outings, don't, that is part of being a lobbyist. That is the setting where politicians from different sections and departments get together, so as a lobbyist, you have a better chance of seeing the right people and be able to set up future meetings. Looking at his report, I hope the city renews his contract for at least another year, government doesn't move fast, so another year will show if he will bring something back to the city.

Anonymous said...

Just saw an article in the Ottawa Times reporting that State Rep. for Life Mautino got some phony baloney award for Ag. Education at the State Fair. I smell an increase in funding for Ag. programs at our bloated state college system - not to teach anything, just to pay the administrators. Maybe they will start teaching Pot Cultivation at the IVCC Miller Media Group Technology Center - or maybe slot machine repair!

Anonymous said...

On July 11, he attended a "gold" outing. Was he mining for gold or does somebody need to sharpen their proofreading skills. I realize "business" connections are made at golf outings, but really, enough is enough. I don't think he did enough to merit being re-hired.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that these are things the mayor should be doing, we shouldn't have to pay a lobbyist to do the mayor's job.

Anonymous said...

Is there more to this so-called report that has been omitted? What happened between Sept. 2013 and June 2014? And, just because someone attended a golf outing with another politician I'm more interested in the results (and I don't mean the golf scores). This, in my opinion, doesn't tell me anything that was accomplished by hiring this individual.

Anonymous said...

This id good stuff Lois. It shows the slimy underbelly of what lobbyists do and what thety are. The sad thing is the lobbyists have replaced the common citizen when it comes to communicating with elected officials. The practice should be banned and made illegal. This is exactly the kind of unethical back-slapping and glad-handing that makes Harl feel like he's actually important. He's not, and I suspect we have paid for nothing more than the cost of maintaining our ace lobbyist's golf handicap. This is nothing more than a small fish (Harl), trying to swim with the Sharks (State and Federal Pols). I suspect they laugh amongst themselves at Harl's ineptetude and big-shot envy. LOL. This lobbyist needs to be fired sooner than later. There has been NO benefit other than massaging Harl's ego, and I'm sick of watching him masquerade as a legitmate public official.

Anonymous said...

Peculiar how I do not recall any open meeting discussion or solicitation of public feedback for purchasing the Armory or selling the Hydro-Plant. Why do Peru elected officials choose to operate in such closed secrecy. could it be that the Hydro-Plant is not now and never has been the "Great Deal" that some of the phonies have always claimed it was? Will any of the elected officials ever explain the facts of this matter? Why would you consider selling this city asset or liability, whichever the case may be? Another stinky deal in the making by Harl his minions. With these guys sneaking around behind the scenes and no "honorable" elected officials in Peru minding the store we are destined to make more "bad deals" on top of those already in effect. Who's in charge?

Anonymous said...

This is a joke. This is why government never accomplishes anything.

Anonymous said...

Damn straight the Police need a new military complex!

Actually, they probably do, given the shift in demographics of the town. Not a horrible idea at first blush.

Anonymous said...

How do you get from the Army Reserve Center to the mall area?
So when Boss Harl gets his new army base, he will need to build the Wentzel Road extension - who will pay for that.
The Reserve Center was built in the 70's and is outdated. It will need renovations in order to function as a modern office building / "Public Safety Complex."

Yup, The Boss has all kinds of spending plans.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Harl has been working on obtaining the Army Reserve Center for several years. true it will need renovations but these renovations along with the land should not equal the expenses of purchasing land and a new building. To explore different options are worthwhile. This is the start of progress.

Anonymous said...

I disagree 10:09 AM, The back-room deals to buy or sell property is not progress. It's nothing more than wishful thinking and Harl attempting to scam the Federal government into beleiving they should give some property away. That's not real progress! Real progress for the city of Peru will only happen with a change to Council Manager form of government so that the operations of Peru will no longer be a political free-for-all with only the well connected individuals and businesses being given phony appointed positions and no-bid contracts. We can start by electing aldermen who favor the Council Manager form of governemnt. Only then will Peru have a chance for progress instead of politics.

Anonymous said...

I see many cars in the parking lot most weekends. Why do we think the Army Reserve wants to get rid of the facility. What happens to the local reservists? Will the need to drive many miles more for their monthly training?

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:24 To sit still and do nothing is stagnation, to speculate and to explore is movement in a correct positive direction. Could you reply to why you believe so deeply in the Council Manager form of government.

Anonymous said...

Boss Harl is dangerous. He is trying to bring the "Chicago Way" to "down state" communities. Unfortunately, most of the voters are conditioned to vote for the Chicagocrat Party.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:29 Being that Chicago gets the 1st 75% of all funding of the state and the balance of the state shares the other 25% I agree with Mayor Harl in trying to bring the Chicago Way to Peru.
If at all possible to receive a larger %age why not go for it. Downstate might just as well admit that we are not going to ever beat or even run parallel with the Windy City.

Anonymous said...

9:44 PM - so you condone government corruption, pay to play government contracts, bribery of public officials, crony capitalism, rigged bids, union strong arm tactics, voter fraud, manipulation of the press, extortion, and cover ups? That my friend is the "Chicago Way"

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:53 a.m. I couldn't have said it better myself. Chicago should become a state of its own. Downstate would be so much better off.

Anonymous said...

unless my employer forces me to, I never go to Chicago anymore. And when I must go there - airport, meetings, etc. I never spend any money. I won't even buy lunch at the airport.
There is nothing in Chicago that interests me. I WIL NOT spend any money in that place as long as I can possibly prevent it.
I'm actually thinking about starting a boycott of companies that have their HQ in Cook and the surrounding counties. I've already stopped shopping at that worthless drug store for different reasons.
But it is not enough just to do that - people need to know what is going on. Everyone should send a letter to King Rahm of Cook County and explain that you are keeping your money south of I-80!

Anonymous said...

Chicago does not need to become their own state. They just need to be put under control. What we need are Carpetbaggers from "down state" to run for office up in Cook County. We also need "down state" voters to send money to the candidates that WE want to run up their. This will clean out the Legislature in Springfield. Imagine what would happen if every voter from central and southern Illinois sent a 100 contribution to a Republican running against Madigan.

Anonymous said...

WOW! If you think downstate Illinois is going to take over Chicago you are naive. To send a 100 you have to have a 100.

Anonymous said...

1:32, I don't actually think it could happen. Not enough people care, and those that do tend to be more mobile and vote with their feet - to another state. The post is just a what if and a bit of a fantasy about what could happen if we where determined.
In all actuality, the exodus from Illinois has been going on. I believe the Chicagocrat hold on the state will only get stronger. Quinn will win reelection simply because the conservative reformers are leaving and the low information and government dependent voters are increasing. What really has me worried is it won't be long before the takers outnumber the producers.

“Money is made... made by the effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability. An honest man is one who knows that he can't consume more than he has produced.”