“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, May 07, 2017

Best Practices in Event/Festival Planning

Best Practices in Event/Festival Planning  Ok now this gives us the "how to do" from a successful city, any ideas about what type of event Peru can host in its city and not at the airport.


Anonymous said...

How about a Fall Bonfire / Harvest event consisting of the burning of all the confiscated garage sale signs ? It could be held in Washington Park.

Anonymous said...

Our code enforcement guy walks over grass in the street to grab a garage sale sign. What's more important? Grass clogging the sewer or Taxpayers making money selling stuff .

Anonymous said...

Is there no way to advertise a garage sale with a sign now without being fined or arrested?

Is it true that Peru is being considered for the filming of The Handmaid's Tale and a remake of the Stepford Wives? I know Harl was passed over for the Man in High Tower, but that was just type casting, not the Mayors fault.