“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

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Anonymous said...

I fear our Peru government is taking money for the general fund that doesn't belong there. In today's paper it states in regards to the city cemetery fund "Potthoff said since the money was originally earmarked for that purpose, it should be used for cemetery improvements and mausoleum repairs. Miller said while the money is in the general fund, it is in a subaccount, which could be spent as the city sees fit as a home-rule municipality".

If that money was earmarked for the cemetery, that is where it should be used. I hate to think about what might happen to the pool fund, since it also is in a subaccount of the general fund. One day down the road, the city could think that money could be better spent on something else, and as a home rule, they can do it.

I feel sorry for the pool ladies.

Anonymous said...

Your article might be worth reading if it was from a reliable news source. It is not. It is a far right conservative propaganda source for people who cannot think for themselves. to imply that teacher pay and benefits somehow improved under Walker is a total lie and that is not even what the article says.

Anonymous said...

Lois I also saw that in the paper. If I understand the budget if the funds are earmarked in the general fund for the pool or cematary then that money cannot be used for anything else.

Anonymous said...

5:50 pm, I hope those funds earmarked for the cemetery and pool cannot be touched for anything but what they were intended for, but why would Dave Potthoff make a statement like he did, then Miller say since the city is home rule, the city can use that money however they want?

Anonymous said...

Wrong 5:50 PM. The scourge of Home Rule governemnt allows dishonest officials to use and abuse their authority over funds any way they choose. In essence, in Peru no funds are safe from being bilked by Peru's ethically challenged officials. The young and impressionable Financial Officer made it very clear when asked by Potthoff if the money was to be used for what it was initially meant for. Miller admitted in so many words that money has now been stolen from the dead by the city officials of Peru. Just when you think they can't get any lower they become "grave robbers".

Anonymous said...

the city of peru does not like restricted use funds. the mayor likes to "write a check" on a whim. kiss that $400k in the cemetery fund good by.... it will be used to purchase another fire truck or command vehicle or a down payment on the new public safety complex up by are 51. it wont be long before Barnaby jones starts pushing for that new monstrosity.

Anonymous said...

I think Potthoff made the statement to insure that those funds would be allocated to the cemetery. He has been around long enough to know that funds placed in the general funds can be used for any purpose.

Anonymous said...

I thought there was talk about updating the mausoleum. Maybe they transferred the money into the general fund in anticipation of paying for the updates and repairs? I certainly hope that is the case.

Anonymous said...

11:49 AM, May 04, 2016 - according to the article I read in the paper... the cemetery fund and mausoleum fund was created back in the dark ages and the ordinance was set up so none of the principle could every be used. The creators of this fund thought that interest income alone would be sufficient to maintain the bone yard.