“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, August 17, 2015

Peru C.S.O. Picnic - By it support

Peru C.S.O. Picnic - By it support

This is the advertisement on 815 Life and it differs in detail from the Rodders one. Let this settle the issue about city being involved as you can see it is not from what i read on this ad.


Anonymous said...

It was not sponsored by the city. But I'm sure the city leaders will say it was. That way they can say it was ok for a fire truck to be there since it was a city sponsored event. But in reality we all know it was not a city sponsored event, all proceeds went to the CSO, and the unfairness continues by allowing a fire truck at this event, but not at an event put on by a former alderman.

Anonymous said...

I just checked the city's website for their calendar of events. The fireworks were listed and the Maud Powell music event is listed, but no where could I find the CSO picnic listed. Obviously it was not a city sponsored event.

Anonymous said...

8:33 Former Alderman Perez had use of a official fire department vehicle for the Mendota sweet corn parade to haul a float that was non city affiliated. Unfairness continues!

Anonymous said...

Stop your whining about the city being unfair. The point of the Fire Truck at the park was for the kids to see it.
The former Alderman had the use of the FD truck because it was approved by the chief, which was wrong since the former alderman is just that former. He also took Operation Prom-ize away from the FD where it got it's start.
To take it one more step why should a private citizen be allowed to use FD equipment? Who carries the Insurance?
As a resident of Peru can I drive the Fire Truck? NO I think not.

Anonymous said...

@9:58 A.M. I've been told 2 wrongs don't make a right. The fire trucks should not have been allowed to be at the CSO picnic. It's a fire apparatus at a non-fire department event. I wonder if the mayor and all the aldermen complained to the fire chief like they did when former alderman Perez used the fire truck in Mendota?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it is time to create a festivals committee. Many cities our size have them. That way, the council doesn't have to micromanage the use of the parks and also listen to clubs like the rodders begging for money every year.

Anonymous said...

11:07 your wrong. It's ok to use the trucks for a festival parade, not for a event like the CSO.

Anonymous said...

10:43 you do realize Perez is a Peru firefighter, right? So I take it you would agree Alderman Ferrari should have not been allowed to drive one of the fire trucks in the Mendota parade since he is a "private citizen". But that was allowed.

Anonymous said...

A festivals committee will never work. Leadership in Peru has control issues. Besides, unless there is a way to butter the bread, they won't do it.

Anonymous said...

You know, that beer ain't free. There's a certain someone that makes lots of butter with that beer. And the "free" signs. Yup, lots of butter is churned at these charitable events.

Anonymous said...

Isn't former alderman Perez a firefighter? Why should he not then be able to use the fire equipment but the CSO can?

Anonymous said...

You are right. Just like employees should be allowed to use snow plows to plow private drives and trucks to help move their friends and families.

Anonymous said...

What's the difference between the Fire Truck being used at the CSO picnic and the winter sled days? Oh! That's right. The aldermen and mayor said the fire truck can't be used at non FD events. Appears to be event discrimination here.

Anonymous said...

1:03 Alderman Ferrari was driving a float on behalf of the city. Perez was driving on behalf of his private endeavor. I don't think he had election signs posted on his float, you never can be certain.

Anonymous said...

2:29 Perez' event is sponsored by the Peru FD.

Anonymous said...


So what if he did. I don’t know if it’d be one iota of your business. You keep picking on him, but I don’t think his replacement is a bright shinning light either. “I got some ideas”, sure hasn’t done anything for our ward, that I know of.

Anonymous said...

Fire chief was appointed full time by harl, fire chief donated $600 to Harls campaign fund, and I believe I read a while back on here that fire chiefs relative who lives in Missouri also donated to Harls campaign fund, remember operation promise money that was in wrong account for what a hear or more and Perez met with fire chief regarding this? Don't forget public doesn't see how donation money to the liberty account for fire department has been spent and on what, would be fun to see as far back as 10 years. Just want to say this to perez, remember a blogger wrote once to watch who stabs you in the back? It's just a saying, but seems to me the person is right in front of your face and you have been way to protective of this person for years, you know the crap that has been going on in that department.. You are smarter than that. This is my opinion and I stand by it and I'm usually a good judge of character. Some people are fake. Need not blog more.

Anonymous said...

To 1:03
From Rodney Perez

I think you should get your facts straight before Ass U ming anything:)
The fact is.. Peru Fire Department is a sponsor of Operation Promise. Fire departments across the country raise awareness of drinking and driving and now texting and driving crashes.
The awareness goes hand in hand with fire and police departments.
It appears to me you aren't familiar with Peru Fire Department so I will help you and others understand.
I'm the Public Education Officer of the Fire Department. Being the FD is a sponsor of OP. and I educate in public safety there's no better message then to use Operation Promise's Prop as its a public safety display.

Fire Chief King continues the support of OP therefore, not only did Operation Promise gain additional recognition by raising awareness, but The City of Peru and Peru Fire Department reaped the positive PR by hauling the OP float.

In addition, the PFD had two trucks in the Mendota Parade; I drove one and so did Firefighter Riordan. The only difference here is.. I pulled a float behind mine:-) point being- there were no additional fire trucks used by the firefighters and we "clearly" represented the PFD. during this parade.

I would love nothing more than to prove to you that the PFD and city reap positive benefits by supporting such a great cause. You'd have to be foolish not to support it.
Last year, The city made it very clear that Fire Trucks can't be used for events not directly associated with the PFD (non departmental events) "keep in mind, PFD is not only a sponsor of O.P. but they take part in our events.

City officials are blatantly inconsistent with their self made policies and procedures, especially when it comes to things like this.
For city officials to step over and around SOP's is wrong!.. If an emergency broke out during that parade Our two fire vehicles could've went in service immediately. I would've simply parked the float and responded.
The difference with city officials using a fire apparatus is simple- non of them are firefighters therefore, by them not having a trained firefighter in that truck...they took a fire truck completely out of service which is very irresponsible. This issue isn't who the aldermen hauled the float for, the issue is.. They never should've took that truck completely out of service.

There's no difference between the CSO event and the Family Fun Days? Neither one are FD events. The new self made policy made by city officials last year was broken. They made it clear..."No fire apparatus or equipment can be used for non FD events.
I personally don't care if we take Fire trucks to non FD events like the CSO and Fun Days. But policies must be upheld by those who make those policies.
Hope this clears it up:-)

Lastly, Anyone with questions about financials of Op Prom our tax filings can be foun on the "Operation Promise Inc. FB page" which is open to the public.
We also have a list of All sponsors and contributors of OP on all of our event programs.
Feel free to browse around. And even make a donation. When writing a check please make payable to "Operation Promise inc." not "Prom-ize" I had to correct Alderman Payton on his spelling of the group when he requested our filings.
Thanks again,
Rodney Perez ;)

Anonymous said...

Alderman Payton spells Operation Promize, not Promise? hmmmm, the 10:43 comment above also had it misspelled that way. hmmmmmmmmm

Anonymous said...

You could of parked the float and responded? That's a stretch. And don't pretend your were advertising Peru. This was a Operation promise promotion 100%. Two wrongs don't make a right and don't tell us it's ok for you and not ok for the CSO to have a truck in the park. At least the truck was parked in Peru for the CSO event. The tax filings have nothing to do with anything. The questions is how are the donations spent? Clear this up and who paid for the gas for the float?

Anonymous said...

12:13 PM When you have a city of Peru fire truck in a parade, it is promoting Peru because Peru's name is on the truck.

Anonymous said...


It indicates that Peru is affiliated with Operation Promise, the Peru float promotes Peru. Its all ok and not a problem. The only point that rubs us wrong is that the Perez reply indicates that its wrong for a Peru fire truck to be in a Peru park. I don't think anyone on the Peru float was going to use a fire apparatus.
The practical solution would be to have trained fire fighter Rodney Perez drive all the trucks at all the events because he can un hook the vehicle and go to the fire scene?

Anonymous said...

11:55 I wonder if it is him??? and the conspiracy continues.
I would think he might ask someone to post for him.

Anonymous said...

The taxpayers pay for the gas for the fire trucks to be in the parade. I'm happy to pay taxes for things like that.

Anonymous said...

OK - to correctly address this issue, a problem statement is necessary.

Problem: Political infighting is having a detrimental effect on how the City of Peru handles participation in charitable and other community events.

Solution: A non partisan "festival committee" consisting of volunteers is required. This committee should have the responsibility over all events that the City of Peru coordinates or participates in.

Anonymous said...

To 12:13
From Rodney Perez

I think you are just so anxious to respond that you don't take time to read, and comprehend comments before responding so I will slow this down for you :)

Last year after I took a Peru Fire Truck to a community winter family fun day at City of Peru McKinley Park, Peru city officials came up with a new operating procedure, making it clear that Fire Department Apparatus and equipment can NO LONGER be used at NON FIRE DEPARTMENT EVENTS. therefore, I was unable to take the fire truck to the next scheduled winter family fun day at the PERU PARK.

There was no difference between the Winter Family Fun Day or the CSO picnic.. Do you follow me so far? Furthermore, if you go back and read my above post... I clearly state that "I don't have issue with fire apparatus at non FD events. It was the majority of Peru officials who came up with that policy, not me... The same officials who were at the CSO picnic and the parade:-)

In regards to the parade, I drove one of two fire trucks to the parade. The fire truck I drove had Peru FD on the vehicle as they all do.
The fire apparatus I drove was directly behind the other Peru Fire Engine. The sign up for both of these two trucks in the parade, were registered in the parade under "Peru Fire Department" if Operation Promise was solely there for OP then we would not have been behind the other PERU FIRE TRUCK. "Are you still following me 12:13?" Lol The reason the third fire truck that pulled the CITY OF PERU FLOAT was not in line with our other two fire trucks was because that apparatus was registered in the parade as "CITY OF PERU"

I'm ready to address your Operation Promise question but will pause to let you catch up... Ok long enough:-)
First and foremost- Operation Promise is not a governmental agency like the City of Peru is. There are things we are required to share and some we aren't. But because I'm into 100% transparency I will provide anything you would like from our organization. As you know, I have posted all tax filings. All of our contributors (all who have donated) can be found in any of our community event programs that we pass out to the community. That too is on our page. For a list of our expenditures I will be happy to give you our complete list of all Disbursements. All you need to do is send me an e-mail requesting what you would like and I'd be happy to provide that for you:-)

Please send your e-mail request along with your name to: operationpromise@yahoo.com and I will have that to you in no time at all.
If you don't agree with this procedure please contact Lisa Madigan's Office to file a complaint. Just be prepared to come up empty handed as you will if you don't sign your name to your request to me:-) lol

Well, I sure hope this post is comprehendible.

Best regards,
Rodney Perez

Anonymous said...

@ 235 that would mean Payton would have to get that same person to send personal email to, Payton's copied mail to Perez was spelled Ize

Anonymous said...

To 12:13
From Rodney Perez

The float doesn't require gas. It's a trailer hauling a crashed car. The car has no fuel tank.
Like the other fire truck, the funds came from the FD budget as did the fire truck that hauled the city float.
Lastly... To the one question above... Yes, if there was a non false alarm fire I would've dropped the trailer down the street from Sullivan's and went in service. We had adults from our team present to take over the March:-)

Anonymous said...

Too bad Chief King can't grow and stand up for himself and his department! When a new mayor comes in he's gone anyway ! Be a man , or a leader , not a follower

Anonymous said...

Why does Peru have a "float" anyway. And why would the City of Peru enter it in a parade in another city? Why should our Aldermen parade around in another city? Are they afraid if they do it in Peru somebody would throw eggs?

The "float" was purchased from a friend of somebody in the city government. Pure butter - not even any bread involved in this one. A municipal government has absolutely no business owning a "parade float". It should be disassembled and the metal sold for scrap. The very idea of a permanent city of Peru parade float boggles my mind!

Anonymous said...

Amen 5:36. I can see all the kiddies lining up on the streets expecting to see Goofy the Dog or a marching band or maybe even Junior Miss River Queen - but what do they see. The "Officials Float" for the City of Peru. Egad! That would scare the bejesus out me. Barnaby Jones, Not the King, Boss Harl, and his Elected Minions waving like bobble head dolls.

Anonymous said...

A few citizens continually complain of having no activity in Peru, but every time a activity is carried out by someone or group they do not LIKE that person or organization and it will be evaluated by them and will be discredited. This is getting old and honestly sickening.
The present elected officials are responsible for city equipment and it is their duty to protect it-no one else has any authority to authorize its use and this is the way it should be.

Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that the past few topics are of any interest to anyone. I wonder what the blog would be without the weekly update on the antics of Rodney Perez. 99% cares less about a parade float or the CSO picnic. Give us updates on the road progress or the economic activity. I would even take the Maud Powell event schedule. Maybe, the Rauner budget impact on the area would be a topic. Please, please no more posts about some alderman that had surgery, sled ridding at the park or unfairness at the fire department. I would even take a tabloid story about a local official secretly dating a Kardashian or Caitly Jenner.

Anonymous said...

11:34 The taxpayers of Peru own your equipment. What great activity did those mean officials stop you from doing?

Tired of the meaningless dribble.

Anonymous said...


I think most of us understand that the float requires no gas. And what about the truck pulling the float? Gas card? City? Operation Promise?

Anonymous said...

@ 1:14 Refer to 7:26 Rods post for your answer. Rod said the fire dept paid for gas

Anonymous said...

Insurance companies do not consider if a person is a former alderman or there are personality conflicts within a city but what liability is involved and if the responsible parties are within the clauses of the insurance companies stipulations.
If there is any doubt as to the use of anyone's wishes and use it is best to refuse rather than pay endlessly. Rather than carry on a continuous "bitch session" why don't interested parties question the City Attorney during public comment at city council meetings?
There are way to many subjects of the blog which are directed to particular individuals which are created from one's feelings rather than from facts.Change is not a easy process for many to adapt to but the majority of times it has been included in any process it results in progress.

Anonymous said...

9:16 - questions are not allowed during public comment. In fact, not much is allowed during public comment - I believe it was, maybe still is, a rule that public comment is:

1. Not allowed unless the topic is on the agenda
2. Must be submitted in advance on a 3 x 5 card
3. No Questions allowed

So, you see, that is why the blog is popular.

Anonymous said...

11:31 That is what they want you to believe. The agenda has two areas in which public may make comments and all of the committee meetings have a open forum in which to speak. Its much easier to post comments that are inaccurate than go to a meeting and make those same comments.

Like any other business and community meeting it's good practice to have and follow agendas. If your looking to make accusations about certain individuals that hold public office then I don't blame anyone from giving you the hook. I don't think that happens, but you never know from reading some of the comments posted.

Anonymous said...

12:44 Yes, there are two areas where the public can make comments but it has been made very clear that questions are not allowed and will not be answered. I will agree with you that alderman Potthoff, who is chairman of the finance committee, does allow questions and will make an attempt to answer them. The same does not hold true with the public services committee and its' chairman.

Anonymous said...

Peru government views the citizens as a necessary evil. They would rather have no actual citizens. Nothing but a retail district - that would the best for our current minions and their fearless leader "Boss Harl".

Anonymous said...

Hasn't the CSO raised over a quarter of a million dollars and spent it on Peru? Has any other group accomplished as much financially?

Anonymous said...

9:30. You are correct. They raised over a quarter of a million dollars between 1935 and now - that is $3,100 a year for the last 80 years. Wow! What would we do without the Geezer Squad?