“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Reboot Illinois - Illinois is predicted to be dead last in job growth in 2014

Reboot Illinois - Illinois is predicted to be dead last in job growth in 2014


Anonymous said...

Thank you REPUBLICAN senator kirk for the
No jobs

Anonymous said...

No - you should be thanking Democrat Governor Quinn. Or should I say Quinncome Tax

Anonymous said...

And sue rezin

Anonymous said...

11:06 with all the things you can blame Quinn for, you choose income tax which still ranks in the median in the nation, and has a low impact on job creation.

My guess is it affected you or your smal business negarively. So everything from no jobs to the cold winter is caused by what hurt you.

Anonymous said...

"Median in the Nation." You say? Well then, we can't settle for that, we need to be number one in the Nation. Hike it up to the max I say, especially on those evil people that make discusting amounts, like $50K. And those "Corporations" that do nothing be keep the little man down and suck life blood out of working people.

Despit increasing Illinois Tax Revenue to an all time high, the Governor and the Cook County Cabal still can't get the bills paid. Illinois is becomming the worst place to live and the worst place to do business.