“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Plans announced for a new Peru CVS « AM1220 WLPO News

Plans announced for a new Peru CVS « AM1220 WLPO News


Anonymous said...

That's good news. However, it does nothing for economic development - other than short term construction. Possibly more low paying retail jobs, but there are already poepl working at the existing CVS.
What is the Mayor and Mr. V doing to attract real jobs?
Don't want to sound like a downer - but I'm really tired of Peru concentrating on retail development.

Anonymous said...

Bold move on the part of CVS Pharmacies, Inc. I think there is a considerable market-share for CVS to tap into after they construct a shiny new store. Walgreen's is crowded and provides poor service. These two giant companies are quite accustomed to going head to head. This is strictly a corporate decision based on the opportunity at hand. If any Peru official, elected or otherwise, attempts to mislead the public into thinking they had anything whatsoever to do with CVS's decision to purchase and build on that site they are just stroking themselves and taking false credit for something they had absolutely nothing to do with. Typical political phony crap by Peru's elite inner circle.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:35 AM

You are absolutely right on all counts. CVS in the meantime has built a very nice new store in Mendota. About the time that Walgreens built their new store here in Peru, rumors began to circulate that CVS wanted to build a new store and remain competitive with them.
The owners of the entire property on the corner are are said to be from Ottawa and are very prominent names there. This will be a big improvement to that property but not something Peru can claim as their own.
Does anyone know about the water damage to the old KMart property?

Anonymous said...

They turned the head off but not the water. Pipes burst during the recent extreme cold. The City had to go in on Sunday night (6th) to shut disconnect the water.

Anonymous said...

All over where a walgreens is, in a lot of instances across the street is a cvs. Who cares about a new cvs

Anonymous said...

Walgreens service sucks! And those stupid candy bar sales contests the cashiers have to compete in are annoying. I'm asked to donate or buy 2o different things when I check out after waiting in line for an hour. Plus you get your receipt for 2 items and its 12' long.

Anonymous said...

I believe Walgreens leases the current building on a possibly 30year+ agreement.

Anonymous said...

11:58 Does that mean the city is responsible for the damage done to the building? Was it their mistake?

Anonymous said...

11:58 - I should have typed "heat" not "head" ha ha... I'm sure it was the building owners fault for not winterizing the empty building properly. Can't see how the city could take any responsibility for that.

Anonymous said...

The city is not responsible. The company is responsible by law to have their own winterization done and their own maintenance done. The key holder or responsible person refused to respond when the fire department was there several times for alarms is what I was told. Too cold to maintain your building is your problem. Too tired or lazy for the key holder to get up in the middle of the night isn't the cities problem.

Anonymous said...

its not the citys fault but i bet they cry about the water bill and the city will give them a break for their stupidity!

Anonymous said...

I heard that the owner of the property for the new CVS is not only from Ottawa BUT there is another owner involved; AND he works for Peru in trying to bring in development to the city. Does anyone know if this is true, and if so - isn't this a Big conflict of interest? Also, why would CVS build another store when the one they had was very poor on customer base?

Anonymous said...

Go Joliet,aurora,'Plainfield,'quad cities, ... You will see that most new cvs's and walgreens are newer buildings and are kiddie corner from each other. It's just business. Face lifting cvs.

Anonymous said...

Wow. A new business comes to town and nothing but criticism. If the new CVS were going to Oglesby or LaSalle you would be ripping Peru for getting beat.

Most of you do not know how economic development works, but you are not going to turn down a store like this. Any other town 30 miles around would fight like crazy to get it.

Let's be thankful we still have some things happening, unlike most communities. I'v heard there are some other things in the works but I have never and will never say something that is uncertain. Give it some time and we will see.

Also there is nothing wrong with retail. As a Peru taxpayer you are crazy to not want it. We just have to also do what we can to bring more higher paying jobs, but there is only so much a municipality can do for this. Infrastructure is the key, and we still lead that by a long shot.

Stay positive!

Anonymous said...

Does Peru have a conflict of interest policy? How can a ft police officer be a paid on call firefighter and also does service for several city departments. Are they paying prevailing wages?

Peru Town Forum said...

8:16 PM

If I know about it, I am sure every department head knows plus the mayor and aldermen know it. Their silence is approval.
As far as a written policy, I would think that it would involve PPD and their policy would override all of the others. It must be an ok thing to do.

Anonymous said...

A new cvs store. Does our appointed building inspector/code enforcer have the qualification and knowledge to oversee this project??????????????????????????

Anonymous said...

One warning to CVS. Be ready for dozens of meeting with Zoning & Review committee, the unelected keeper of aesthetics for Peru. Be ready to discuss your choice of bricks, shrubs, placement of your signage, color of the paint in your bathrooms, shade of black on your roof tar, size of the building, location of parking spots, utility hookups, number of coat hooks, type of wire used in the electric, location of exhaust fans. You see, every part of a building design in Peru requires a variance. I think the baseline building ordinance actually states “new construction is not allowed without a variance.” You will need to justify where the tree grew for you 2x4’s and get a special ordinance passed. Once you get through this mess, you might find it difficult to hire a contractor. If you try to bring your own contractor in, be ready for giant inflatable rodents to take up residence near your project. Naturally, the Mayor can help speed up this process and take care of the rat problem…

Anonymous said...

You can't say a new business came to Peru, they were already there.

Peru Town Forum said...

5:25 AM

Even worse is the Design and Review Committee (the mayors choice and parent to). This is the committee that eventually caused TEST Inc to give up an idea of a new building. They don't like anything unless they develop the idea. One of the first jobs of a new Mayor should be to eliminate this committee.

Anonymous said...


Another one of those things that they don't bid out or even look into someone else doing it. Just submit a bill and its paid . And if you look at the disbursements sheets you won't see Nick's Lights & More on it. They probably pay him in overtime hours just like the public works guys were doing. If its good for one department its good for the other. The bad thing is they aren't smart enough to stop it when one of them get caught because they are so greedy. Peru will never change.

Anonymous said...

that's what I meant... however, the same people on the Design and Review Committee are also on the Zoning Board of Appeals. Double the meetings, double the fun.
This is not just a Peru problem. This is an Illinois problem and relates to why Illinois is last in jobs. The "Bull @$%^" tax and "Corruption Tax" are just way to high.

Anonymous said...

They dont have to pay prevailing wage when there is no paper trail of him ever doing any lighting work for the city. That's why they don't give his company a 10-99 at the end of the year. Hush hush under the table like everything else in Peru .

Anonymous said...

Also, don't forget the high electrical rates in Peru.

Anonymous said...

you might check with the chief of police he seems to have the same problem!

Anonymous said...

11:11 Nick's lights is listed on the disbursement sheets. Almost every pay period. He must do a lot of work for the city.

Anonymous said...

Conflict of interest or Double dipping? Ever notice the police car at the fire department after they have a call? We pay him as a cop plus he signs the ledger for fire calls while on duty and collects $36 more per call. Or when he takes the squad car to fire calls when he's off duty. More ghost overtime.

Anonymous said...

How good of buddies is this officer with the fire chief? In the club? Boys club?

Anonymous said...

Isn't there two full time fire engineers(another title)that have been city employees for 30+ years that are making $75k a year each? Should they be retiring soon? If so, The city could save $75k a year by having the full time appointed fire chief fill one of those positions, any paperwork as fire chief that the fire chief has could be done on the shift that is worked. Don't they basically sit at the station and wait for a call to come in and they drive a fire truck to the scene? Wash and wax trucks? Think about this. A great was to be frugal. How about cameras at the fire station? Just some thoughts for the way for the city to save money, and it makes sense.

Anonymous said...

3:44 that could be easily found out. Check the sign in sheets at the fd. If person is on duty as police officer, he shouldn't be on sign in sheet at fd as a fireman being paid to attend a fire call if there was one.

Anonymous said...

Harl should have been well aware that when he was campaigning for the mayorship that there was a full time fire engineer who worked shifts at the fire department paid as a city employee who was also the fire chief paid an additional $7,000 (approx) per year salary, and also was paid per call that he went on when not on duty at the station as a fire engineer full time city employee. As I understand it to have worked well from the late 1990's until April 2009. Why didn't Mayor Harl continue this format? It seemed to have worked very well. And now look what this is costing the city. I have to laugh at the fact that Harl seems to try and portray himself as being frugal. The topic should be under a different topic, but from reading the above blogs this is where I put it.

Anonymous said...

Why criticize a individual who possesses ambition? What is wrong with being a policeman, fireman and in house lighting expert. This entire group is known for multi tasking. It is much better to hire individuals who want to work 3, 4, or 5 jobs than one who does not want a job or does not want to work.
Also there is a opening on the Peru Rec Board of which I have been told that 3 people have vounteered and there are possibilities of more volunteers. Being a volunteer board why not put everyone who volunteers on the board rather than placing a limitation of board members. I like the idea of getting everyone interested put on the board and this would eliminate the problem of trying to keep UNDESIRABLES off.

Anonymous said...

If there is any wrong doing going on at the FD why isn't Rodney doing the whistle blowing??? Seems to me he should be in top of it since he is involved with that part of the city or is it a conflict of interest for him??

Anonymous said...

That great about a new building for cvs. That corner is dumpy looking as it is now. An existing business.

Anonymous said...

11:13, I comprehended the blog as to double dipping for pay. It's great when people are able to be multi-task.

Anonymous said...

You have brought up a great point 10:38 pm. A city not being fiscially responsible. I would have thought the alderman, at least one would have brought up what you blogged 10:38. This could all change with a new mayor.

Anonymous said...

Full time engineers washing trucks?? You're outta your mind. And wax? They have someone's son work there all summer washing windows and waxing trucks. They do nothing all day! We used to see Gary out all summer cleaning hydrants and testing them. Now that he's gone that project has been halted. All they do is nap all day.

Anonymous said...

4 full time fire engineers sleeping all day? Well now they have a full time fire chief that they can visit with while working the day shift. These full time fire engineers cost the city a lot of money plus benefits. Read 10:38's blog. VERY INTERESTING! Do these fire engineers so to speak have engineering degrees? Or fire science associates or bachelors degrees? I heard that they don't. It just a title given from what I've been told. All firefighters take firefighting classes to get a certificate for different levels, like firefighter I, II, III. Is title of firefighter engineer likr a deli engineer, hair engineer, bakery engineer, cashier engineer, waitress engineer??? Also heard basically their main job in their job description is to wait at the station for a fire call and drive a fire truck to the scene of the call so it will be ready to be used. Is there a good possibility that days go by without a call? Use to be that way many years ago. Read 10:38's blog. Communities need fire departments, but didn't at one point our fire chief stated approx. 4 out of five calls were car accidents? Lots to think about.

Anonymous said...

Two summers ago Sherry Mayszak was planting flowers at the fire department. Who remembers that? Is that not included in job description of fire engineers? They can nap? Not plant flowers. Who wouldn't want to be hooked up with a job like that? When these fire engineer jobs become available, what's are the qualifications required? Who knows?

Anonymous said...

The qualifications are who will be there whipping boy and go with the flow! Someone to keep their mouth shut and kiss the elders butt! Someone dumb enough not to think for themselves! Someone not in first or second place on the hire list but is a drinking buddy! Someone who won't tell of illegal activity in the department and thinks its okay because they are above the rest of us common folk.
And that's exactly who they got with the last new guy. They don't want another thinker in there who wants to work for the people.