“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, January 31, 2014

Peru IL city council motion 1.27.14


Anonymous said...

Why isn't this video on the city website yet?

Anonymous said...

@10:10 PM you don't advertise what is not working and at the time considered bad. Normal SOP is to let it lay until forgotten and when no one is looking hurry up and sweep it under the rug. Problem has become that there is such a huge hump in the middle of the rug that most are aware of it and the minority is having difficulty disguising it. Also so much bull s__ _t has become mixed in with the dirt that it has produced a unfamiliar odor that has all in question. Has been determined that normal procedure of filling up older city dump truck and sneaking it out of town Sunday night is not presently advisable.
Illinois River is frozen shut but the airport is open and what would be better than to distribute it all over Peru a shovel full at a time. Weather is perfect for a real down to earth snow job.

Anonymous said...

It was just announced on the radio that clerk Bartley is working with connecting point and expects video to be posted by the end of Monday's work day (2-3-14).

Peru Town Forum said...

Ok, so a regular citizen with a video recording device can record, upload and download to the blog. The city equipment seems unable to handle what it is supposed to. My question is who is at fault and are we supposed to put up with equipment that is evidently not worthy of being called a video recording system.

Anonymous said...

It is really really hard to video a meeting and get it on the Internet! You people would know that if you spent more time working for the city and supporting it instead of taking videos and posting them to the Internet!


That did not come out right.

Well if you all would look at the positive instead of the negative all the time. Maybe the Mayors plan was to give EVERYONE in Peru extra money and he only got to a few of them before those jealous headline grabbing alderman and ungrateful new hires made a big deal out of it.

Knowing the Mayor, he probably wanted to do it in secret because he did not want all the praise.

It's like the concerts for a cause, they don't like making a big deal out of the money they give and like to keep it secret. I for one am proud to live in a great city that has roads and low taxes and donut shops.

Who is with me?

This probably won't get posted because it's for the Mayor. But I don't care. I love every square foot of him.

A of DS

Anonymous said...

If this local media called the newspaper had 10 per cent of the courage and will that perez has, this community would be a better and more honest and transparent place.Whether or not perez is right or wrong, I have to admire his conviction.Many believe him to be wrong, but that's what was said about John Dean in the beginning during the Nixon Watergate scandal. I suspect were going to find out quicker than most people believe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lois - I don't think the problem is the recording system. I think the problem is the way the video is hosted. Many businesses, people, and even local governments use YouTube to host video content. Large amounts of video content can be hosted on You Tube for a very low cost, often for free. It is easy to upload the content and link it from any web page. It is my opinion that The Boss would rather pay somebody to host the content on their server. After all, Crony Capitalism is a way of life “in the Valley.” How much taxpayer money is dished out to local businesses for “work” that does not need to be done or can be done more efficiently if some actual thought was put into it. Remember the $1,600 signs letting us know that “The Boss” was repaving the streets? Take a look at LaSalle. They got tired of paying gas stations for fuel and set up their own fueling station, buying the gas in bulk. Bottom line – The Boss does not like the videos, so he gets them hosted locally; resulting in “problems uploading the content.” We all know a 13 year old with an IPad can do a better job of this than the local Crony.

Peru Town Forum said...

A friend and I were just discussing the La Salle gas pump, interesting idea. I also see that while Peru has not been able to get the Public Works Dept. in order LaSalle has a new Director/Superintendent in place to replace their retired SPW.
I do agree it is a hosting problem and certainly hope their is no interference from the higher ups in the city.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else remember the last time a video of a council meeting was unable to be posted? I do! It was another meeting in which a closed session was held at the beginning of the regular council meeting. Could this become a tactic so that meetings, that could become controversial, are never posted? Apparently the starting and stopping of the recording system causes the problem and the only time that occurs is when a closed session is held at the beginning instead of the common and usual time - the end of a meeting. Makes one wonder - WHY the occasional change in format? Food for thought!!

Anonymous said...

Did anyone read the article in the paper about tuition going about at IVCC again for the next 5 years (paper sugar coated it)? Why didn't anyone mention 85% of IVCC's operating budget is used for salary and benefits?

Anonymous said...

A very good comment in tonight's open forum by Alderman Perez. Also when it comes to wages, teacher's pay should have a brake put on.

Anonymous said...

2:09...It would be great reading to look at the number of hours worked for each professor/instructor and their salary. They ARE supported by our tax money and we should all be able to see how the money is spent.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:09 To start a basic foundation for your observation why not compare prevailing wages of equivalent professions.
Compare a business instructor at IVCC to a business instructor at Blackhawk, Triton, Dupage or Joliet J.C. Do this with several curriculum and instructors of similarities.
You could also compare police, fire, public works departments of almost any city you want with Perus. What can be done with a computer is unlimited.
Another great comparison is what %age of the work force is public and what %age is private and the difference in wages and benefits of each.
With a 11% Unemployment rate and over 43% of school age children getting funded for lunches there is room to worry about lots of things in LaSalle County. For beginners lets get people involved in government who know how to get JOBS to our area. Another thing is to demand that government officials and workers are treated the same as the people who pay the taxes to pay their wages. Industry, retail and all other occupations if caught stealing your gone - no excuses, no reasons, no investigations without time served, Your Gone. Its time to stop babying certain public leaches and treat them the same as everyone else. Everyone knows who they are. By the way the person receiving the money is just as guilty as the one paying it and disciplinary action should occur there also.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Alderman Perez really did it now putting all that out there. The Mayor will probably get real mad and start doing things without including him and always ignore him at very turn.. And the other alderpersons will probably always vote against him.


Never mind:)

Anonymous said...

Nice try rodney lol.

Anonymous said...

9:02 - We also need tell the NIMBY's that they are part of the reason that we have no jobs in LaSalle County. Everytime somebody want's to develop industry - they put up raod blocks. Somehow they think we can live on tourism, selling hotdogs for $10 an hour in the summer. No, we need real jobs; that pay real wages. Mining, Manufacturing, Transportation. The NIMBY Tree Huggers have got to go!

Anonymous said...


Some on LaSalle County may actually be the problem. Recently I was doing research on the broadband/ifiber project and apparently after several phone calls I stumbled on an interesting bit of knowledge.

Apparently LaSalle County was placed in phase 3 (last phase) to receive broadband because the COUNTY held up permits-hindered progress. Also interesting the president of the grant administering agency, NCICG (north central Illinois council of governments) is Jerry Hicks who is ALSO the chairman of LaSalle County Board. If broadband is/was broadcasted as an economic tool why would the Chairman hold up progress in our communities? Or technology advances at the college?

Who is FIGHTING to provide all available resources to attract industry/jobs to promote our district?

Anonymous said...

Go ALS Perez wish the other aldermen had us taxpayers interst in mid Abdul not themselves and that mayor

Anonymous said...

8:42 This area has one of the WORST environmental profiles in Illinois. There is very little tree hugging around here.

You are probably on of the Frac happy idiots , minimal jobs, permanent environmental damage.

If you are going to pollute get something back from it. I'd back a factory, or even a refinery before a damn sand mine next to one of the few environmental treasures we have here. Lazy ass developers take whatever comes round here. Knee jerk anti environmentalists show no foresight.

Anonymous said...

Another one tossing out the "worst environmental profile" trash again. You do know that is and all out lie, right? Tree huggers abound in LaSalle County. Talk about minimal jobs - how many people work in the "Tourist Industry" in LaSalle County? The answer: not many and the paychecks are so small that the workers still need to be on welfare. We have been mining sand here for well over 100 years. Now is the time to cash in on it. Dig baby, Dig! WE NEED JOBS NOT PIE IN THE SKIE CRAP! Keyston Pipeline all the way! Yes, and if we can get it, bring a new oil refinery to LaSalle Coutny! Or at least a good chemical plant... anything, we need JOBS!

Anonymous said...

If you want to expand tourist activities in LaSalle County, need to actually do something. Why do we keep putting road blocks up? Hunting could be very lucrative here, being so close to Chicago. Instead of allowing more hunting, the County and State hired snipers to thin the deer herd – snipers with night vision goggles killing deer and charging thousands of dollars per head. Why does LaSalle County block free access to the river – requiring all sorts of environmental impact studies before a land owner can put in a few docks and a bar? Why the continued persecution of the Buffalo Range – it has been scientifically proven that bullets from the range cannot be hitting the trail at Buffalo Rock Park. This business brings in hundreds of people every weekend in the Spring, Summer, and Fall and could bring in hundreds more if the pit was allowed to be open again. But no, we don’t want that around here…

Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that IVCC, despite the best of intentions, is not capapble of returning anything to the community. To many raod blocks for businees to expand or locate in this area. So, we are paying to train a workforce that will immediately depart the area becasue the liberal elitists don't wan't that sort of thing around here. The next thing we need to realize is how wages are set for college professors. They are set by other professors! Sort of like that flim flam man that says LP's organ is "priceless."
No, sadly, IVCC in and of itself is a drain on our area. It will continue to be a drain until the old farts on the county board and all the city councils finally decide that enough is enough and start working to bring more jobs to the area. They need to work with the unions to lower their demands, they need to work with the state to help pay for infrastructure instead of church roofs in Chicago, then they need to lower the regulatory burden. Finally, they need to drastically lower taxes. The only way to lower taxes is to decrease non essential spending.

Peru Town Forum said...

3:07 PM

Most of the Registered Nurses working in the Illinois Valley are graduates of the IVCC program. At one time it was one of the most successful in the state and could very well still be.

Anonymous said...

I know, lets spend a million dollars on a canal boat, pen up a couple of mules knee deep in their own dung, and give poeple a ride on a musketo infested stagnant ditch.
That is what our local government calls a tourest attraction.

Anonymous said...

you are correct Lois. And where does everyone in LaSalle Peru go when they need medical attention beyond the basics? They go to Peoria. Hospitals around here just stop the bleeding and ship them out. And the nursing staff is drastically underpaid at all our local hospitals when compared to places like Peoria and Rockford. And don't get me started on nursing homes. Pure profit!

Peru Town Forum said...

Lots of nurses travel to Peoria and Rockford and elsewhere for better pay but I think you probably already know that. They have been doing it for years. It is hard to tempt good medical professionals to come to this area or to stay here. They stay as long as required when hired by the hospitals and then usually move on when the contract is up.

Anonymous said...

Lower taxes by decreasing non-essential spending. Would a airport north of Peru be considered essential or non-essential? How many millions did you say have been spent on this airport?
It seems that there is never a council meeting which does not have some major cost happening at the airport. But don't worry if the bill is large the state and federal government are going to pay 95 to 97% of it. Thankfully we don't have to pay state or federal taxes or do we?
In a city which for some reason does not have the means to fund a splash pad for its youth how can it continue to spend millions on a facility that pays back to so few and so little?
Has the reason Peru is getting very little state and federal help is because the state and federal government gives this area so much for the airport?

Anonymous said...

ya how profit does one private company bid to make on peru international for a very select few

Anonymous said...

OK. Let's become the kiddy pool capitol of the world and spend 10 or 15 million dollars on recreation water activities. I'm in! Take everything and lets "do it for the children!"
Give me a break!

Anonymous said...

1:57 An out and out lie? I guess when someone disagrees with you they become liars. You do not have to give a crap about the environment. But to blame environmentalists for lack of development around here is crap. Only recently has it even registered coverage by Sierra Club.

This area is ranked as one of the worst counties (3rd worst actually) by several environmental groups. Wetland destruction, poor mining practices,lack of NPDES enforcement by IEPA, minimal recycling, deforestation, open dumping violations, river pollution, air quality and particulate emissions, non sustainable farming practices and no erosion control municipal efforts, flooding issues, violation of open burning regulations.

It is one of THE worst non point source pollution counties in Illinois.

I assure you, two tree huggers would be too many many for nut jobs like you.

Anonymous said...

off topic. How many cell phone citations warnings or tickets have you read about,since it became law?

Anonymous said...

The deforestation happened under the Lincoln Administration! Environmental groups are far from being a credible source of information. Dig Baby Dig! We need jobs and I don't care about the value of some elite liberal's house! The pendulum has swung to far in the wrong direction. Time to bring it back and start building! And don't get me started on this asbestos crap. If a building needs to be torn down, just do it!

Anonymous said...

IVCC has a large number of part-time instructors who teach without the benefit of medical insurance, job security,or pension programs. The costs would be greater if they hired only tenure-track instructors. The college is still a bargain. I'm proud and richer because I went there for my first two years of college.

Anonymous said...

1:04. Don't get me wrong. The college is a huge asset. I'm simply pointing out that we need the political will and unity in this area to start fully utilizing the capabilities of IVCC. With the new tech center and the other programs they can produce a highly trained work force. We need to leverage that with other programs to make our area attractive to heavy industry, light industry, transportation, warehousing, etc. It seems the only things our local leaders think about is retail and tourism.
As energy becomes cheaper in North America, look for manufacturing to return. Manufacturing is no longer unskilled labor - workers need knowledge to operate advanced equipment. IVCC will provide those workers. Now we need to provide them the jobs locally. That needs to be the goal of every elected official in this county! It does not matter weather the factories are in Ottawa, Peru, Mendota, or Streator, Oglesby, Spring Valley, or any other city within a 40 minute drive.

Anonymous said...

Comparing a airport and the economic opportunity that a airport brings vs a splash pad is about as ridiculous as you can get. Jobs vs splash pads? How many kids will benefit from a splash pad? You can't even learn to swim in a splash pad. Its about as foolish as the arguement that IVCC doesn't bring anything to the community. IVCC brings business opportinities along with career guidance for many. Well worth the tax dollars. And maybe the most important assest in the community.
The good about these discussion is that 99% of those feel that airport, junior college, jobs are much more important than some of the bull posted here.

Anonymous said...

The video is finally on the city website. Forward to 56:30 and listen thru 59:30 for the exchange between Harl and Perez.

Anonymous said...

Pay special attention to the first part of the video. I believe it's about 4 minutes long. What is your opinion of the way the mayor addressed or commented about the citizens who were present? I think he was downright condescending to the very people he works for.

Anonymous said...

We need jobs and I don't care about the value of some elite liberals house.

That sentence is now being used by debate teams all over the country as the perfect example of combining irrelevant, irrational, off topic ranting, while showing both prejudice and stupidity, without even using one comma. Never in the history of environmental debate has such a massive amount of prejudicial stupid been compacted in such a short selection of words.

I stand in awe of you, here in my elite liberal home. Just walking around thinking I am better than you and wanting to hug trees and give your money away to foreigners. Liberally, of course.

Not in my back yard, till its your back yard, Rocky or Stash or whatever your like minded friends call you while swiggin beers at the tap.

See, it is stupid when I generalize and lump all the blue collar crowd into a stereotype too. You can be pro business and not have such a back ass idea about environmentalists causing the ruination of the Illinois Valley. And you can also drive a truck and hunt and give a crap about pollution.

Anonymous said...

Hats off to ALDERMAN PEREZ!!

Anonymous said...

How can a airport be so important to the members of a community when 95% of its citizens have never been to it.
Back in the day when Peru had a pool 100% of its citizens had been at it. Yes I also find it insane to keep putting millions into a airport that most will never use but not to spent thousands on a splash pad for the children of our own city.
Anyhow its time for the federal and state governments to spend money on railroads and forget these expensive private airplane clubs. This country needs to update its transportation system.


Anonymous said...

I'd be happy if the price of my house went down. Less taxes! I'd also welcome any industrial development in Peru so I don't have to drive as far. Chemical plants, oil refineries, food processing plants, live stock processing plants, anything! They all smell like money! Won't happen though, unions and NIMBY's are chasing everything away. The liberals and retired people already made their money and want to keep everyone else down. Mark my words though, in 10 to 15 years, all this retail is going to dry up and Peru will be stuck with a bunch of empty buildings. Nobody replacing the boomers and they are getting to old to go shopping.
Typical liberal elitist attack - when in doubt, call somebody stupid. This is a blog not an college term paper.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:52 AM You have been called and you have answered. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Has the decision for the park board been made yet?

Anonymous said...

10:34 - have fun living on the windswept, empty fields when everyone leaves this area looking for work. When the retail starts drying up, the cities will start raising property taxes rapidly forcing more people out. My guess, the population of the City of Peru in 2050 will be 5,000 or fewer.

Anonymous said...

12:00 From what I've heard that decision was made long before applications asked for. Time will tell if that's the case.

Anonymous said...

By the year 2050, 36 years in the future the only limitation Peru will have will be the lack of land to speculate and develop upon.
Prosperity of the area will be supported by a industrial and technological revolution with a efficient work force which is being supported today by our junior college and other educational tools. 12:04 I believe you and your negative attitude will not fit, so follow your wishes and be gone.

Anonymous said...

12L53 - only if the current attitude changes. Left on the current course, this area is doomed.

Anonymous said...

the sooner they leave the better toxic people make toxic society and work community this group has cost the taxpayers of peru way to much money satisfying their self centered don't what the end result is or cost

Anonymous said...

I think it is time to run the liberals out of town. The sooneer the better.

Anonymous said...

12:04. What you're saying is evident when one walks thru Peru Mall. There are more stores leaving every day. It's sad!

Anonymous said...

that's because everybody drives to Ottawa to shop don't want to pay the taxes but pay 3.30/gal for gas right you math majors

Anonymous said...

And what can you buy in Ottawa that you can,t buy in Peru? Peru has always been less expensive.

Anonymous said...

Gas is $3.14 in Ottawa tody.