This blog is maintained for the sole purpose of allowing the people of Peru and those interested in the cities of the Illinois Valley to express their views.
“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”
Samuel Adams
Friday, January 31, 2014
Interpretation of Ordinances
Through many years many of us have listened to the establishment of new ordinances and the reading of this falls to the City Attorney. Most times most don't understand them and consider the readings just part of his job as City Attorney. He reads and interprets if necessary.
Now with the investigative report by Balestri, we find that the mayor is now interpreting the ordinance he believes gives him the right and power to establish payment for hours not worked. We have frequently heard an item referred to the city atty during council meetings asking an interpretation of an ordinance with regard to many things and sometimes it is the council who asks for an interpretation. Right on all counts.
The time between the election of the mayor in April and the filling of the position of SPW in July is really a very short time frame and it would not have been unrealistic for someone in the Public Works to fill in without any additional pay, just part of the job. Did the mayor realize he was setting precedent?
My other question is "Did Mayor Harl ask our City Atty Schweickert to interpret that ordinance he refers to as the basis for his decision to give OT pay for hours not worked?" Considering that he was new to the office of mayor at that time, does it not seem logical that he would have asked the attorney for his opinion on something this important? Especially since Judge Balestri refers to him as a new mayor with other things to be concerned about or did he take it upon himself in spite of his lack of knowledge on the workings of the city, to establish the OT protocol for the specified employees?
Now with the investigative report by Balestri, we find that the mayor is now interpreting the ordinance he believes gives him the right and power to establish payment for hours not worked. We have frequently heard an item referred to the city atty during council meetings asking an interpretation of an ordinance with regard to many things and sometimes it is the council who asks for an interpretation. Right on all counts.
The time between the election of the mayor in April and the filling of the position of SPW in July is really a very short time frame and it would not have been unrealistic for someone in the Public Works to fill in without any additional pay, just part of the job. Did the mayor realize he was setting precedent?
My other question is "Did Mayor Harl ask our City Atty Schweickert to interpret that ordinance he refers to as the basis for his decision to give OT pay for hours not worked?" Considering that he was new to the office of mayor at that time, does it not seem logical that he would have asked the attorney for his opinion on something this important? Especially since Judge Balestri refers to him as a new mayor with other things to be concerned about or did he take it upon himself in spite of his lack of knowledge on the workings of the city, to establish the OT protocol for the specified employees?
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Searching a Little Deeper into the Archives of this Blog Shows Same Story Different Year

After thoroughly reading the report of Judge Balestri, I thought what he has commented on is only a snapshot in time but in actuality this has been going on for many years. By that not only referring to OT pay but lack of management within the Public Works Department that the mayor was aware of and did not correct because the troops would not be happy. Notice the date on the above post.Now think about the comment Harl made to Ald. Potthoff. Although the discussion is not documented in the minutes the comment was made and remembered by many. "The troops will not be happy" Was the mayor referring to the improperly given OT. This was in response to the suggestion made by Ald. Potthoff about time clocks. Was this a slip of the tongue that only makes sense in retrospect?
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Schools Will Be Closing Tomorrow
It has been announced that Peru Public Schools and La Salle Peru H.S. and activities for both are canceled for tomorrow. I would expect that Peru Catholic will be closed along with La Salle schools but I have not seen an announcement on that as of now.
The link has a complete school closing list.
The link has a complete school closing list.
Friday, January 24, 2014
City Council Watchers and Participants in Peru Government Please Be Aware Mayor Harl Changed Time of Next Meeting
Looks like the mayor is trying to make it difficult for the public to attend Monday's big meeting. He moved the start time to 6:00 and will open the meeting and go into closed session. Everybody knows the meetings start at 7:30, so why all of the sudden, this meeting will start at 6:00?
Unexpected time change will make it difficult for aldermen with prior commitments to be there at that time. Isn't this the meeting at which the results of the Balestri investigation will be made public?
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Ruling on Bloggers
Since the city is contemplating a "Social Media policy" perhaps they might want to take a look at this opinion and also the ruling that came down from a Federal Court today.
Bloggers are considered watchdogs of the politics and governance of our governments and are protected just as professional media is according to the court.
How should this affect our aldermen, other elected officials and employees?
By the way there was a Design and Review Meeting last night that took place without official notice or an agenda? The city calendar had only the date of the meeting and nothing more. The usual front page announcement had nothing. Are they distracted down at city hall?
Added Jan. 23.
Since the city is contemplating a "Social Media policy" perhaps they might want to take a look at this opinion and also the ruling that came down from a Federal Court today.
Bloggers are considered watchdogs of the politics and governance of our governments and are protected just as professional media is according to the court.
How should this affect our aldermen, other elected officials and employees?
By the way there was a Design and Review Meeting last night that took place without official notice or an agenda? The city calendar had only the date of the meeting and nothing more. The usual front page announcement had nothing. Are they distracted down at city hall?
Added Jan. 23.
The News Trib has an interesting story regarding the Mayors Dinner and our Mayor Harl got a special by line titled Defiant Tone. Personally don't believe the excuses given for the departure of Sean Mikos but that is my opinion.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
An Article About a Question I Frequently Ask and Doubt
On Saturday, the N.T. had an article by Craig Sterett that asked a lot of questions about the entire Illinois Valley. Up to this point in time, each city has gone than own way without any thought about joining together in a regional effort.
Article stated a group of industrialists, business, financial and development leaders gathered to try to come up with a more unified approach to being more job creators to the area.
Will this be the way of the future? How do you see Peru being a part of a joint effort instead of going their own way?
Interesting article with lots to think about.
Questionaires were sent out and one of the responses received and placed at the top of the list was "Quality of Life". Many of us have frequently responded to that aspect and yet no answer is coming from the city with response to that need of prospective businesses. No longer is it enough to have a home with low taxes and good enough infrastructure.
Article stated a group of industrialists, business, financial and development leaders gathered to try to come up with a more unified approach to being more job creators to the area.
Will this be the way of the future? How do you see Peru being a part of a joint effort instead of going their own way?
Interesting article with lots to think about.
Questionaires were sent out and one of the responses received and placed at the top of the list was "Quality of Life". Many of us have frequently responded to that aspect and yet no answer is coming from the city with response to that need of prospective businesses. No longer is it enough to have a home with low taxes and good enough infrastructure.
Thursday, January 16, 2014
A Found Treasure
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Public Comment, Any Public Comment, No Public Comment?
This is a phrase or group of phrases heard at city council meetings. It becomes very quiet, so quiet you could hear a mouse walking across the floor. No one comes forward to tell the council and mayor what is on their mind mostly because it would be unwelcome.
Opening the floor to you and with no time limitation please tell us what is bugging your about local government.
Opening the floor to you and with no time limitation please tell us what is bugging your about local government.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Peru City Council Meeting Jan. 13 Public Works Committee
I listened to the video recording of the meeting last night just tonight. When Mayor Harl appointed the co superintendents of the public works dept., he stated it would be no longer than 6 months or July 1. Discussions have taken place about the difficulties of finding qualified people for positions in the city available now and in the near future, namely Superintendent of Public Works and Superintendent of the Electric Department. If this is a fact then a statement made last night by Alderman Waldorf of the Public Works Committee doesn't make much sense.
If it is difficult to find the right people for these positions and you might have a long search and maybe involve head hunters and lots of advertising in professional journals, you don't want to limit your search time. Yet last night Ald. Waldorf said he wanted to put off for a month or month and a half the search for a replacement for Sean Mikos. That would move the time up to the beginning of March at least.
The current managers of the department are doing what they can for now but certainly we need people qualified in those fields as soon as possible. UNLESS we are now delegating much of the decisions and plans to Chamlin. I would hate to think that the Public Works Committee is now making decisions on what qualifications the new hire should bring to the table. Since the city just went through the process less than a year ago, everything should be fresh in their minds as to how to handle this process once again. Any thoughts on why?
If it is difficult to find the right people for these positions and you might have a long search and maybe involve head hunters and lots of advertising in professional journals, you don't want to limit your search time. Yet last night Ald. Waldorf said he wanted to put off for a month or month and a half the search for a replacement for Sean Mikos. That would move the time up to the beginning of March at least.
The current managers of the department are doing what they can for now but certainly we need people qualified in those fields as soon as possible. UNLESS we are now delegating much of the decisions and plans to Chamlin. I would hate to think that the Public Works Committee is now making decisions on what qualifications the new hire should bring to the table. Since the city just went through the process less than a year ago, everything should be fresh in their minds as to how to handle this process once again. Any thoughts on why?
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Should Aldermen Be Allowed to Post to FB or to post in Blogs?
Maybe this is a good time to bring this discussion to you.
There has been a discussion on FB about some people namely Ald. Perez being unable to post on the City of Peru web site and his wife either. This is possibly an administrative issue within FB, but what has surfaced is the fact that at a recent city council meeting it was brought up possibly by City Clerk Bartley that some members of the city council have been discussing rules which would apply to aldermen who post to FB, namely Ald. Perez. They wanted to make it a rule that any alderman who wishes to post on either FB or to blog (probably here) would need to get permission from the city to make comments. Evidently there are a few aldermen who are in a tizzy on comments being made and discussions being written that sometimes include comments made about the city and the officials.
Evidently they wish to close the window, turn off the sound and even take away the keyboard because things are getting kind of "hot" down at City Hall.
Let me remind those officials that this city is not their private playground and that it is the taxpayers who pay their salaries and pay for their "educational trips" to Chicago and elsewhere and they (the taxpayers )have a right to express opinions about decisions made by this city. Also includes any alderman who wishes to publicly tell those he communicates with through social media, his thoughts about what his concerns are about the issues within the city.
There has been a discussion on FB about some people namely Ald. Perez being unable to post on the City of Peru web site and his wife either. This is possibly an administrative issue within FB, but what has surfaced is the fact that at a recent city council meeting it was brought up possibly by City Clerk Bartley that some members of the city council have been discussing rules which would apply to aldermen who post to FB, namely Ald. Perez. They wanted to make it a rule that any alderman who wishes to post on either FB or to blog (probably here) would need to get permission from the city to make comments. Evidently there are a few aldermen who are in a tizzy on comments being made and discussions being written that sometimes include comments made about the city and the officials.
Evidently they wish to close the window, turn off the sound and even take away the keyboard because things are getting kind of "hot" down at City Hall.
Let me remind those officials that this city is not their private playground and that it is the taxpayers who pay their salaries and pay for their "educational trips" to Chicago and elsewhere and they (the taxpayers )have a right to express opinions about decisions made by this city. Also includes any alderman who wishes to publicly tell those he communicates with through social media, his thoughts about what his concerns are about the issues within the city.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
First Winter Fun Day Sponsored by Peru City Officials and Recreation Board
The kids came and had fun and there was still enough snow on the hillside for sleigh rides. Free hot cocoa provided by McDonalds and free hot dogs, not sure who provided them.
Alderman Perez organized the event and asked all the other alderman to come by and help with the event. I bet even the Mayor was asked to stop by. The help consisted of Ald. Perez, Tom Riordan and Linda Dzierzynski and Ray Zborowski. I understand Ald. Ferrari stopped by for about 10 minutes and Ald. Potthoff called to say he could not come. Also Becky Mueller stopped by also for a short time. I was told that people asked where the mayor was.
The ice skating rink was in no condition to be used.
The people that came had a good time and were heard to say it was so good to have the city putting on such a fun event.
Alderman Perez organized the event and asked all the other alderman to come by and help with the event. I bet even the Mayor was asked to stop by. The help consisted of Ald. Perez, Tom Riordan and Linda Dzierzynski and Ray Zborowski. I understand Ald. Ferrari stopped by for about 10 minutes and Ald. Potthoff called to say he could not come. Also Becky Mueller stopped by also for a short time. I was told that people asked where the mayor was.
The ice skating rink was in no condition to be used.
The people that came had a good time and were heard to say it was so good to have the city putting on such a fun event.
Friday, January 10, 2014
January 13 City Council Mtg Agenda is Now Online
You might also like to read through the packet that is also posted. You will wonder as you read why you didn't know about this or that expenditure.
It looks like the city is again approaching the adventure of hiring a SPW although I have not seen the requirements this time and don't know if they are the same as a few months ago and perhaps they are no longer interested in an educated civil engineer being a part of the administration. If so this is a sorry turn of events. Makes me believe they will rely heavily on Chamlin Engineering forever more.
The question now is "will the city keep the window open so fresh air can come in or will the window be closed?"
It looks like the city is again approaching the adventure of hiring a SPW although I have not seen the requirements this time and don't know if they are the same as a few months ago and perhaps they are no longer interested in an educated civil engineer being a part of the administration. If so this is a sorry turn of events. Makes me believe they will rely heavily on Chamlin Engineering forever more.
The question now is "will the city keep the window open so fresh air can come in or will the window be closed?"
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Committee Mtgs from November and December for the Public Works Committee Have Been Posted
The most recent posting of minutes on the Public Works Committee have a wealth of information in them. You will also find the name of Sean Mikos consistently on them and I assure you that never did I see the name of former SPW Bleck written up regarding what was taking place in the department as these minutes have done for his successor. Sean Mikos' ability to handle the job he was hired for is very apparent and it also emphasizes the loss that has occurred when he left.
During this most recent winter snowfall, I do believe the Public Works department under the direction of Police Chief Bernabei and Fire Chief King did a very good job of getting the snow plowed and making our streets driveable. But I also realize after reading the above mentioned minutes that it is imperative that we find another person of the abilities of our recently resigned City Engineer/SPW very quickly. It is sad that a few people within the current administration were not able to act in a professional manner with integrity and honesty that brought us to the point we are currently positioned in. We need administrators and not politicians.
During this most recent winter snowfall, I do believe the Public Works department under the direction of Police Chief Bernabei and Fire Chief King did a very good job of getting the snow plowed and making our streets driveable. But I also realize after reading the above mentioned minutes that it is imperative that we find another person of the abilities of our recently resigned City Engineer/SPW very quickly. It is sad that a few people within the current administration were not able to act in a professional manner with integrity and honesty that brought us to the point we are currently positioned in. We need administrators and not politicians.
Saturday, January 04, 2014
Unsolved Issues Before the City in 2014
It seems that the city of Peru is facing several dilemmas at the beginning of the 2014 year. I am sure there are numerous lawsuits and other illegal problems that the general public is not aware of that involve the city. A for instance is a city employee that was relieved of his job during the year but information from reliable people lead me to believe a lawsuit has been filed. Now we hope for a honest answer to the "misplaced dump truck" for which the city received an insurance settlement and I cannot believe that no one knew where it was and stepped forth.
Judge Balestri should have finished his investigation into payroll irregularities and the involvement of the mayor and some employees, will this be dealt with in an honest and fair manner? We will watching and listening and hope for a fair and honest decision.
Many people patiently awaited the retirement of the past SPW who was handed the job because the city council did not want the mayors choice (first term) for spw who was from out of the Illinois Valley. Looking back this may have been good or bad considering some of the more recent choices of the mayor who seems to have problems in stepping outside the box. Finally this past July, the city decided to hire a City Engineer/Supt of PW with one hire involving a combined position. Again this leads one to ask the question (good or bad) and I asked the question "Does a city civil engineer also want to be a Superintendent of Public Works?" And I would like to add, especially in a dept. with many long term employees who also happen to be a union shop. But the hire of Sean Mikos turned out to be a very good move even in hindsight. This young man came with no ties to anyone in the city or the government which is exactly what most people wanted. He could make good intelligent decisions without wondering if anyone would be offended...and he did do just that. Never a question about how he was doing his job and how the public felt about it because the large percentage of residents were delighted to finally have someone come into the city and look at our problems without being blind sided by a friend, relative, union or employer. And the rest is history. This leads to the question "will the mayor and council take the same route once again?" In the meantime we have now concentrated power of numerous positions into one called CO SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC WORKS. Time will tell how this works but on the surface it seems illogical. But these may have been the only 2 people that the mayor trusts implicitly.
If you are like me you now have more questions than before Supt. Bleck resigned because a very smart graduate civil engineer with the P.E. after his name has come and gone but left us with information brought forth of illegal and supervisory problems that exist in this administration. Mr Mikos did all the right things which did not sit well with this administration and has left us now to determine how this city should move forward. It is not as simple as hiring a new P.E. or SPW because our eyes have been opened and I realize and hope you do too, that running a city in 2014 involves more than the desire to have the title of Mayor before your name and also the same goes for Alderman.
The referendum coming before the voters in March will give us our first clue as to whether the people that live in Peru are ready to step up and ask for and work for better representation. I know and hope you do too, that we no longer need 2 alderman per ward in this time of instant communication and the technological advance of 2014. We also have been shown that we need a serious manager in charge of all that goes on at city hall and that is responsible for all departments running smoothly, honestly and efficiently. We can no longer just hope that the person we elect as mayor or alderman has the know how to get the job done, we must have a City Manager to lead the way. There will be bumps in the road but if we don't have the courage to try and work on the issue, they will get worse with time and our reputation as a crony city will continue to spread far and wide and it will be extremely difficult to get any quality in new people to be interested in being a part of our city administration.
Judge Balestri should have finished his investigation into payroll irregularities and the involvement of the mayor and some employees, will this be dealt with in an honest and fair manner? We will watching and listening and hope for a fair and honest decision.
Many people patiently awaited the retirement of the past SPW who was handed the job because the city council did not want the mayors choice (first term) for spw who was from out of the Illinois Valley. Looking back this may have been good or bad considering some of the more recent choices of the mayor who seems to have problems in stepping outside the box. Finally this past July, the city decided to hire a City Engineer/Supt of PW with one hire involving a combined position. Again this leads one to ask the question (good or bad) and I asked the question "Does a city civil engineer also want to be a Superintendent of Public Works?" And I would like to add, especially in a dept. with many long term employees who also happen to be a union shop. But the hire of Sean Mikos turned out to be a very good move even in hindsight. This young man came with no ties to anyone in the city or the government which is exactly what most people wanted. He could make good intelligent decisions without wondering if anyone would be offended...and he did do just that. Never a question about how he was doing his job and how the public felt about it because the large percentage of residents were delighted to finally have someone come into the city and look at our problems without being blind sided by a friend, relative, union or employer. And the rest is history. This leads to the question "will the mayor and council take the same route once again?" In the meantime we have now concentrated power of numerous positions into one called CO SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC WORKS. Time will tell how this works but on the surface it seems illogical. But these may have been the only 2 people that the mayor trusts implicitly.
If you are like me you now have more questions than before Supt. Bleck resigned because a very smart graduate civil engineer with the P.E. after his name has come and gone but left us with information brought forth of illegal and supervisory problems that exist in this administration. Mr Mikos did all the right things which did not sit well with this administration and has left us now to determine how this city should move forward. It is not as simple as hiring a new P.E. or SPW because our eyes have been opened and I realize and hope you do too, that running a city in 2014 involves more than the desire to have the title of Mayor before your name and also the same goes for Alderman.
The referendum coming before the voters in March will give us our first clue as to whether the people that live in Peru are ready to step up and ask for and work for better representation. I know and hope you do too, that we no longer need 2 alderman per ward in this time of instant communication and the technological advance of 2014. We also have been shown that we need a serious manager in charge of all that goes on at city hall and that is responsible for all departments running smoothly, honestly and efficiently. We can no longer just hope that the person we elect as mayor or alderman has the know how to get the job done, we must have a City Manager to lead the way. There will be bumps in the road but if we don't have the courage to try and work on the issue, they will get worse with time and our reputation as a crony city will continue to spread far and wide and it will be extremely difficult to get any quality in new people to be interested in being a part of our city administration.
Wednesday, January 01, 2014
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