“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, February 05, 2010

Where were the Feds when we needed them?

Very interesting news out of East Chicago, Ind. Mayor George Pabey and a city engineering department supervisor Jose Angel Comacho, have been indicted in Hammond federal court on criminal charges they conspired to use city property and services to renovate a home that the mayor purchased in a Gary, IN neighborhood. Apparently the mayor had four city employees doing work at the property and he also used funds from the city engineering department to purchase appliances and other items from a local Home Depot for the home. Go to http://nwitimes.com for stories and details. When I heard about this all I could think was where were the feds back in the early 90's when Peru city employees were doing demolition and renovation work in the Westclox building after it was purchased by former mayor Don Baker, former electrical consultant Joe Prazen and others. The apathy and lack of integrity on the part of those who knew what was going on back then is stunning. There is no way elected officials and law enforcement officials in Peru at the time could not have noticed the activities, city vehicles and equipment in and around Westclox. A sad chapter in Peru history.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where were our aldermen during this time period? Didn't they question the activity?
Weren't quite a few of our present aldermen (if not all) also aldermen when this activity was taking place? How could they let this happen when today they question everything our mayor does? Didn't they dare question Major Baker?
