“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Monday, February 15, 2010

News From the Formal City Council Meeting

Tonight Mayor Harl chose to reappoint the two Library Board members whose terms had expired by merely extending their terms after consulting rules concerning appointments of board members. This eliminated the need for any of the aldermen to make a motion or to second it. I think he did the correct thing and avoided any unpleasant or vindictive comments toward the members who have simply been doing their job to the best of their abilities by voluntering their time to the library. The Home Town Bank has offered Peru a 4% rate for 5 years on the unpaid remainder of the loan taken out when the City Hall was built, in the amount of 772,627.95. At the time of bulding City Hall, they thought they had the Mirror Building sold and the purchase price would have paid off the loan. When that sale fell apart we were left holding much of the cost of building City Hall and still are. The Mirror bldg is waiting on an appraisal and at this time, we don't yet know whether both buildings will be security for the loan. That would happen if the appraisal of the Mirror bldg is less than the loan.


Anonymous said...


Every elected official has simply been doing their job but a vote is still had every 4 years as to whether they should do it again. Why does the library board get a pass? Because they donated to the Mayor last year? Can't wait to see how you and the Campaign Manager spin this. This is the greatest fiction propaganda going. I dare you and Jens Ghost to print this.

Anonymous said...

We did not need the new municipal building. Egos needed to get their names on a plaque.
Now we suffer for it.

Peru Town Forum said...

12:50 AM

The Mayor did say that the city would be keeping a sharp eye on how the Library spends their money and he reserved the right to change his mind on the 2 appointees in the future if need be. Not spinning anything just relaying the events of the council meeting.

Wouldd you care to comment on how the city has spent money in the last years of the Baker regime? That now requires us to continue paying on the loan for the next 5 years at least.

Steve said...

Last night many if not all all the aldermen were determined to "unload" again on the Library Board in another attempt to place blame on the board for their own miserable failure to properly fund the Library in the first place. Fortunately, they were not given much opportunity to grandstand last night because Mayor Harl made it clear it was his "Right to Re-Appoint" without unnecessary insults and mis-information from the aldermen.
They did not look happy. They were provided with an opportunity to comment after the appointments were made but all eight remained silent. It is becomming more and more apparent that the majority of aldermen appear to have little or no intention of working with the new administration and that is the last thing Peru needs at this difficult time. Proof of the aldermanic hypocracy is obvious in that they had also been underfunding obligations to various employee pension funds for some time as well. Most notibly, the Police Pension. That situation was addressed recently by the council when they voted to increase the appropriate tax levy in order to properly fund that pension plan. Tough decision? You bet! Necessary? No doubt! So if all things are equal (and we know they're not) where was the outrage and outcry from the aldermen for the heads of the members of the Police Pension Board or a demand for the resignation of the Fire and Police committee chairman, Alderman Mertel? How dare they demand the city live up to it's obligations and responsibilities. Elected officials are charged with making some very tough and unpopular decisions on occasion. If it is presented to the public honestly and in some detail we are able to decide for ourselves how it really smells. But when I see aldermen attempt to distance and dis-associate themselves from an issue that they have been complicit in creating, I see a council which appears to have decided to make their position one of absolute "denial" of any accountability for the current state of this city. I am sure I am not alone when I say, that is unacceptable.

Anonymous said...

Well said Steve. You took the words right out of my mouth (only more eloquently I might add). I just wish we could get the citizens of Peru to realize that the situations we are facing today (crumbling infrastructure, leaking pool, bad roads, etc., etc.) are a direct result of decisions made during the reign of our past administration. And, that during that reign we had the same aldermen that sit before us today.

Anonymous said...

Great job Steve, putting the blame on the people who created the problem. Its about time someone can tell the public what the truth is. I wish you would put that in the daily paper, so more people could read it. And Mayor Harl , I know you have no backing from your council, but keep trying. Elections are comming up. We need change. There should be a limit, how long a person can sit on the council.

Steve said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Steve said...

My bad...Deleted my own previous comment.
To anon 12:59 - The Library Board did not get a pass. Those appointments, as well as all other boards and commission appointments serve at the Mayor's discretion. No different than the previous administration. I assume you are suggesting all board and commission positions be elected. That would be impractical and only happen if the Library were its own taxing body and at present they are not. State statute provides the structure and guidelines for appointments to municipal boards and commissions and it's done the same way in most cities. As far as campaign contributions from a board member to a political campaign. It's irrelevant. It's legal and every citizens right to do so. Even you! If you're not happy with the results of the April 09' election you should ask yourself a few important questions. Did you do all you could in support of your mayoral candidate? Could you have done more to influence the outcome at the polls? Were you a committed "worker bee" for your guy and your cause? If you went out there and fought the good fight then I salute you because that's what it takes. But, if you're just bitter and spiteful then that's a burden you will have to carry on your own. Also, if you wish to refer to me as "campaign manager", please understand I wear it proudly. Just remember it's "victorious campaign manager".
As for your "Jens Ghost" assertion. I'm sure Jenny is gratified to know that she continues to haunt the thoughts and dreams of you and others like you. I will let her know when I see her. I can picture her cute little smile already.

Anonymous said...

STEVE; Keep up the good work, you did an outstanding job, in the 2009 campaign.

Anonymous said...

Can Mayor Harl increase or decrease the number of people on a city board or committee and can non-elected citizens be appointed to a committee?