“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

What it means to be civically engaged in the age of Trump

What it means to be civically engaged in the age of Trump

Will that movement ever happen in the Illinois Valley? Recently saw that happen in La Salle where the people wanted the "drug dog" that the Mayor had said he was going to eliminate from the P.D.

I don't believe I have seen it happen at least not recently in the city of Peru because people are afraid of retribution. A little respect on both sides does help and I hope the next generation of Peru residents does not sit back and let it happen as usual.

This is a good article that was intended primarily for national level governance but it would also appy to government on any level from municipal on up to the federal level.


Anonymous said...

Your examples of retribution are not fact based. That is called fake news!

People are not afraid to have disagreements, idea exchanges or opinion sharing. What should be stopped is name calling and false attacks, rumors that are personal in nature. Your bought into those creepy little lies, false news and direct attacks on public officials without any evidence.

Do what good ethical reporters do--check your references, call those involved. Consider who your source is. Consider the integrity of that source. Then make assumptions about what is going on. It's your right to freedom of speech. Please don't make yourself sound credible.

Peru Town Forum Blog said...

Your comments refer to someone who is being paid a salary to write on line. This blog is basically people who express comments but if I were writing something that needed what you want about exact details, it would be obtained. You should know that opinions are opinions not what you are looking for. Consider all the articles written online and the comments that follow and talk about raunchy, some of those really are along with being rude and crude.

And believe me there is retribution in Peru and my thoughts on that were expressed to the right person.