“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Peru City Council Agenda (partial) August 24


Anonymous said...

the committee as a whole has the report set aside for 30 minutes at 6:30. Did you forget to put that on by accident or on purpose. If you want to hear what they say be there at 6:30. A very competent group is on the task force of area professionals so we should respect there views regardless of our personal opinions or agendas.

Will you be there Lois so you get it first hand or will you rely on anonymous post.?

Anonymous said...

4:51 No one is questioning the competency of the task force members. Of course we will respect their views if we will be allowed to know what those views are. That's what is in question. Will we be informed as to the contents of their letter of recommendation?

Anonymous said...

We already know what the decision is. The entire exercise was a waste of time. Barnaby will be appointed King of Peru and Hurly will be the puppet master even after he moves to Springfield. The question is who will be the new figure head? Which Dave will it be? The one that will stand up to the puppet master or the other guy?

Anonymous said...

451 there has been several past posts challenging the members which were very unfair. the report is being presented to the city at 6:30 and discussed. I was told that no one from city has scene it and wont until same time as everyone else. It will become a public document and will be open to the public if anyone want to see it.

I hope you are right when you say that we will respect their views but I predict that if it is not exactly what those with there agenda want look out just read some of past posts and see what is coming. Probably some already written.

Anonymous said...

451 read 724 perfect example. disgusting post insulting to the task force jealous of the city 724 post your name or is it easier to hide
451 don't get sucked in any further

Anonymous said...

I'm getting a little tired of people putting the members of this commission up on a pedestal. Everyone needs to acknowledge that wit the exception of two, they represent a government entity or directly benefits from government spending. The majority of this commission favor large government by default.

Anonymous said...

Wonder where the minutes from the 8/3 Public Services Meeting are. They should have been approved at the 8/17 meeting.

Anonymous said...

King needs to grow a pair and do his job as chief and city fire Marshall and not do what the bully of a mayor tells him to do . King supports the operation prom cause but can't because the mayor tells him not to . A true fireman is always a fireman and not a politician. I didn't know the mayor writes the rules for fireman . What would the union have to day about that ? Harl you are a fool and hope you leave Peru soon . King I hope you become a chief or the next mayor will for sure remove you because you're a (omitted word)!

Anonymous said...

You guys like to go after King, Bernie's the one running the show, what is everyone afraid of him

Anonymous said...

Hearing some rumblings. Its not quite clear, but apparently if a Mayor can't finish his term, the council can appoint anyone to be mayor. It doesn't need to be an Alderman. I'm begging to hear some names floated around for when Boss Harl makes the big move to Springfield.

Anonymous said...

Unless your naive, Potthoff will get it

Anonymous said...

Jeff Kings true colors are coming out! he is only looking out for himself and will do anything to get what he wants,

Anonymous said...

I heard he is no longer interested. Word on the street is, if it is an alderman it will be "W." But, Barnaby Jones is positioning himself and may be a better choice to carry out the Boss's biddings from Springfield.

Anonymous said...

I heard he doesn't want anything to do with the new Peru management.

Anonymous said...

How would somebody's naivety or lack thereof influence the council's decision on who is going to be appointed to be the new Mayor?

Anonymous said...

Harl isn't leaving Peru for another office. Mautino must be appointed, that should happen. The party must place someone in the office and it won't be Mayor Harl. There are many other Democrats that are very well qualified to win the next election.

Anonymous said...

9:00 AM - from what I understand, Harl has Local 150 pushing it with Madigan. Madigan will decide who the replacement is - Not Jerry Hicks and the other LaSalle County Democrats. Definitely not the Putnam and Bureau County Democrats. As far as winning the next election goes, anyone that Madigan and the Unions support will win.

At the end of the day, we have no say in who our Rep. will be in Springfield. It is all decided in Chicago. Always has been, always will be.

Peru Town Forum said...

10:15 A.M.

Don't be so sure of the Dems winning the next election. Remember that Jerry Long a first time candidate almost took Mautino out this last election. Mautino lost La Salle County.

Anonymous said...

Please stop the rumor mill about Mayor Harl. He is not going to Springfield anytime in the near future. Madigan doesn't control the process and its doubtful that HARL CAN EVEN SPELL Madigan let alone get the office.

Anonymous said...

If "W" becomes mayor, I'm moving out of Peru.

Anonymous said...

I was informed that copies of the task force recommendations are available to the general public.

Anonymous said...

The Republican candidate said he is not running. Madigan most certainly will decide who is appointed. And he will ensure he or she wins the election. Chicago controls this seat - Not the voters of LaSalle County.

Anonymous said...

The voters have very little to do with who is in the Legislature. They way they got the system rigged is the representative selects his voters - not the other way around.

Illinois has no true representation. It's all run by the Chicago Democrat Machine.

Anonymous said...

Until Madigan is out, nothing will change. Everyone needs to send donations to whoever runs against Madigan AND his daughter (who will be the governor after Rauner.)

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:38 Yes, Lisa appears to not be limited to being the next governable democratic candidate but also the next office holder. If the election was tomorrow she would beat Rauner. Isn't her father, Mike, the most influential political figure in Illinois?

Anonymous said...

10:56. No she will not. He is being very smart about this. Getting the hard part done early. People will start seeing the benefits around the time of the next election.

He needs to hold fast. Don't compromise. Finally, we need somebody to dig up some real dirt on Madigan. It exists. You can't live is a cesspool all your life and not come out stinking. He has done something. WE just need somebody to come clean and tell all. Hopefully it will be good enough to warrant a felony charge.

Anonymous said...

just read in the Ottawa paper that there is a strong Republican candidate for State Representative to go up against Harl in the next election.

Anonymous said...

9:56 What makes you think Harl is a shoe-in or even a candidate to take Mautino's place?

Anonymous said...

Because Harl will lick Madigan's shoes.

Anonymous said...

I read the same article and found no indication that this man was a strong candidate.

Peru Town Forum said...

11:25 A.M.

Reasons might be he is young and undoubtedly healthy and energetic and anxious to do something good after a stint serving our country in the military. He just completed his college education and sounds like he wishes to try to help dig Illinois out of the horrible mess it has been put after years of the same people elected time and time again and these people don't seem to have any plans for digging us out. Once he starts speaking engagements people will know whether he actually has what is needed to serve as a legislator.

Another plus is that he is from La Salle county where the largest number of voters reside in the district. He may be one of several wanting the job, so wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I'll vote for Harl. "Get the "H" out of Peru!"