“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Next up: Illinois municipal bankruptcy?

Next up: Illinois municipal bankruptcy?


Justin Loger said...

This is why we should be moving towards privatization of services which helps cut out the middle-man (government).

Anonymous said...

Privatization also removes the burden of managing insurance and retirement programs. From the city's point of view it could turn the burden of managing an entire department into a monthly financial transaction.
No hiring, no firing, no drama and closed session council meetings just to fire an underperformer or trouble maker. Best of all - most likely NO UNION!

Anonymous said...

Right to Work in Illinois in 2015! Down The Unions! Outsource and Privatize!

Anonymous said...

Better check out the news. Quinncometax is getting his last bit of corruption in. He appointed his campaign chief to the State Sports Authority. $160K per year job for his loyal progressive Democrat buddy.
Rauner needs to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate every Quinn appointment since the election. I bet there are tens if not hundreds of jobs that Quinn has placed for his Chicago liberal friends.
That is why our state is bankrupt!