“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

38th Street Redirection Map


Anonymous said...

boondoggle. this problem can be fixed with stop lights. but then... that would not require big earth moving machines and a million dollars or more. they say $500,000 - but when does a government project ever come in on budget. my guess - it will be 2 million and the problem will not be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Stop lights would be a huge mistake, because they actually fixed the problem of traffic backing up on 251. Stop lights would bring that right back and a stop light costs far more than you think. I wish they would leave it alone because it's not a big deal but you do not want a stop light at this location.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 1:49. It's been good enough for 2 years and admittedly was reported as solving the problem. Let's save our money and use it toward a pool.

Anonymous said...

1:49 - they need to be linked to the lights on 251 so the traffic flows correctly. Also need to use sensors NOT timers. In other words - set up a smart system. But I guess we would need smart people for that.

Anonymous said...

Stoplights won't fix the problem and you need state cooperation. I believe they said the traffic study won't support having signals. Its too short distance.

Anonymous said...

Well, if the State of Illinois needs to be involved I'd have to take back my preference for the traffic lights. The state would screw it up six ways to Sunday and probably waste $2 Million.
Maybe we could get Frank Mautino to stand out in the intersection with one of those big arrows and a whistle.

Anonymous said...

Leave the thing alone. If you still can't exit the mall and go north on Venture Drive or come back to get onto 251 then nothing is gained. And you can bet the cost will be more than half a million. Another problem will be created. So leave well enough alone.

Anonymous said...

leave it as is. I have no problem navigating this area. Except when some IDIOT turns left around the cones.
It is actually quite a bit easier than is used to be with the 4-way stop sign. I actually LIKE it - I can cut across from 251 to Peoria Street and avoid 3 stoplights on my way to Shooting Park Road.
Now we need to fix the other miserable interstation(s) - The triangle area around Shooting Park and Peoria.

Anonymous said...

What a way to waste money in the city there is nothing wrong with the way it is now everyone is used to it I an sure the monies could be better spent perhaps on a much needed public pool

Anonymous said...

My alderman Waldorf and sapienza better vote no....this is total waste of money.....

Waldorf are house worth 6 votes...waste our money on it and your not getting our votes...I know he reads this

Anonymous said...

I find it comical with all the whining about "Adventure Drive" on here and then the city comes up with a plan that is probably viable, but of course has some cost associated with it. Of course it does! But the city also solved the problem with the backed up traffic and accidents that were occurring with what we have been doing for several years.

Now all anyone does is complain about the new solution. None of you agree and there are as many opinions as there are people. The point is, to be fair, there is nothing they can do that is going to make everyone happy.

People make it sound as though problems like this only exist here. People who say things like that obviously never go anywhere else. It really wasn't that bad but the whining and complaining is that caused the city to come up with another solution. Ironic isn't it?

I am a critic when elected officials stray, but I also have some reasonable trust that the people sitting in those seats really do want to do the right thing. They do. They may go off course and we may disagree and that is fine. But the stupid comments of "it needs a stop light" and they are "going to turn $500,000 into $2 million" show the ignorance of some of the comments here.

I hope they come up with a good solution and in this case I trust that they will. And this time I hope they tune out the noise and do what they think is right with the information they have.

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing about "accidents" that occurred because of the way the intersection was previously set up. However, I have never heard cold hard facts presented. How many actual accidents were there and how many were a direct result of the infamous intersection? I don't mean fender benders caused by driver error I mean those accidents that were a direct result of the intersection. I'll buy the traffic back-up onto 251 as a result of the intersection but I don't buy the accidents. Lack of facts and figures publicly presented.

Anonymous said...

I don't have numbers but I think there were a lot of rear ending that took place because of the backed up traffic even with the light was green.

Anonymous said...

Another pure waste of money and people still won't be happy. Leave the darn thing alone and get on with something important.

Anonymous said...

You are all a bunch of crybabies. Leave it alone and dont shop there if its too hard hard for you to drive. Jesus are you people happy with anything besises crying and complaining?

Anonymous said...

So anon 10:54 wouldn't that be failure to stop to avoid an accident. There still is all kind of traffic backed up on 38th street but according to all reports no accidents have resulted. So, are drivers paying more attention which in turn results in no fender benders?

Anonymous said...

People cause accidents, not intersections. Many people around here are poor drivers - period.