“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, November 12, 2010

An "Agenda" vs. "Obstructionism and Gridlock"

I had to laugh at some of the "Hater" comments on the News Trib blog regarding the pool issue and the upcoming aldermanic election. The comments referring to the individuals who will challenge the incumbent aldermen as "Troops" or "Soldiers" of Mayor Harl, and the lame attempt at "fear-mongering" by claiming the existence of this grand conspiracy to promote some sort of sinister "agenda" by these challengers. The commentor went on to describe the "Gloom and Doom" scenario that awaits the unsuspecting voters in Peru if these challengers are successful next April. We are then informed that those of us who dare to challenge these incumbent aldermen intend to be nothing more than puppets and rubber stamps for Mayor Harl. That is certainly a frightening and un-American picture of the democratic process in Peru. What is particularly interesting about this claim, which comes from an obvious supporter of the previous administration is the absolute hypocracy coming from someone who then goes on to praise Don Baker as though the "Rubber Stamp" method was not standard operating procedure during the Baker era. I know better, and so do many other citizens in Peru. That is exactly why there needs to be turnover on the city council. These sitting aldermen have had more than enough time to put forth their own initiatives to improve Peru. But instead they have for years chosen to bask quietly in the long dark shadow of Don Baker's success. Never asking the questions that should have been asked. Never demanding an honest accounting of city finances. Never so much as even inquiring how Don and Judy were actually managing city funds. We now know the razor thin margin that city finances had been operating at for a long, long time. I hold them all responsible for that. The current operating strategy from these aldermen is obvious. Obstruct any initiative and maintain gridlock regardless of the negative effects on the city. This is unacceptable behavior. I will not attempt to speak for any other candidate, but I am more than happy to address the accusation that I will be a rubber stamp for any mayor. Not a chance! My thoughts and positions on issues are now and always will be my own and will be based on the good of the city as a whole. Period. My years of observing the actions and behavior of Peru's elected officials continue to this day to provide me with the basis of what is wrong with local government in Peru. I already know what doesn't work and I am anxious for an opportunity to provide ideas for a different approach. Do I have an agenda? You bet I do.


Anonymous said...

Lois you are the mouth or the second mouth for Mayor Harl.

Lets keep this blog UNBIASED !

Peru Town Forum said...

5:29 PM

And you can't even read, open your eyes as well as your mouth and check the name at the end. You have no validity, you are only talking to make noise!!

Anonymous said...


Post your agenda and let the people decide in April who to believe.....

Anonymous said...

Three cheers for those who post what's really what (AKA dealing w/the last administration's flotsam) in the City of Peru. Many of us don't attend the city council meetings for a variety of reasons. Thumbs up to Steve and Lois for keeping us informed. And thanks to those who express similar attitudes or another point of view. Seems like we might be heading for democracy here in Peru. Refreshing!

Anonymous said...

Lois, tell Kristy and her cronies to stay on her own blog. We are tired of her negativty, no matter what Harl says, shes going to go opposite, even if he is right. I wish she would just go away.

Steve said...

5:29 p.m. - Do you mean UNBIASED as in that UNBIASED comment you just made? If you can find an UNBIASED blog anywhere on the internet, please let us know. If you can find an informed and civic minded citizen of Peru who is UNBIASED on every single issue, please let us know. Please read our "Mission Statement" and take note that we make no claim to publish only UNBIASED posts and comments. If we did, your comment would not have been posted. You're welcome.

12:34 a.m. - Thank you. Your point is right on target. While I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to post on this blog in order to express my thoughts regarding Peru city government, there needs to be some separation between this blog and my actual campaign website. Of course, I will be accused of abusing my privileges on this blog. That's a given, but I will continue to post and comment here. I will launch my campaign website in early 2011. There will be plenty of detail on my vision of how I believe Peru should move forward. There will be no doubt about where I stand on the issues at hand.

Anonymous said...


I am glad to hear you will finally tell "all" in early 2011.You have been teasing up for a long time. But, would you not agree that if we truly had a "blog" that was uncensored, a true open debate, we would all be better? I look forward to your website in early 2011.

Peru Town Forum said...

Since I do the censoring, I will answer you. 99.9% of comments are posted. It is only when they become truly offensive that they are not. Points of view are welcome, When they are insulting and only written to antagonize they are not posted as there is no point. I like to think that the readers of the blog are intelligent and they are looking for intelligent conversation and not garbage and I do hear about it when this blog posts stupid comments and then I know it is time to rein in and eliminate that type of comment.

Anonymous said...

To Lois 12:08am

Let me summarize your comment, You or this blog wants to stifle the "right of free speech" to only your point of view. It that correct ?

Steve said...

11:17 p.m. - Lois provides the forum for the truly open debate you describe.
Please let me know what you are so looking forward to. I sense that I may not be able to count on you as a volunteer for my campaign.
Want to get on board?

Peru Town Forum said...

9:40 AM

This blog is open to diverse viewpoints but as stated in our opening statement it must be done in a respectful manner. There are many ways to state your opinion and that is up to you. If your vocabulary and grammar are such that you cannot be respectful, then find another place to post your hateful, derogatory speech. I don't associate with people like that in my personal life and I don't intend to have that type of comment posted on The Peru Town Forum. It is your choice, so do whatever.

Anonymous said...

9:40 How do you come to that conclusion? Lois stated that people are allowed to express their viewpoints but in a respectful not vulgar manner. How is that stifling your "freedom of speech"? Do you not know how to speak or voice an opinion without using vulgarity or without being hateful?

Anonymous said...

To anon 1:40pm & Lois 1:03Pm

I thought English was the dominate language in America. It there some other language used in Peru, Ill ?
I think Webster has a pretty good collection of ALL words that are usable for points of expression. Correct ?

Peru Town Forum said...


I NEVER mentioned language, I used the words vocabulary and grammar and yes it is important how you use language whether it be English or something else. You are judged by what you say and how you speak or write and I hope you understand that although I'm sure you would twist my words around again. Again most times it is not the words but the context and they way you use the words that make a difference.

Linda said...

The agenda for Wednesday's meeting is posted on the Peru website. There is virtually nothing on it under any committee heading. Doesn't this indicate that maybe, just maybe, we could survive with only 2 meetings per month. The savings could be thrown into an account earmarked for a new pool.

There is also another closed session listed. Does anyone know why there are so many of them lately? We already hired the new personnel.

Change For Peru said...

Trust me when I tell you 8:06 be advised if I were to actually comment on your blog and you approved it (which you seldom do); I by no means am hesitant to sign my name.

Thank you.

Peru Town Forum said...

8:15 PM

Kristy you have not signed your name to comments recently because they have all been anonymous and I believe that is why you know I don't approve them.

Anonymous said...

Tell her to comment on her own blog if she has so much animosity toward certain individuals. That way she could speak and express her opinions in any mannner she wishes.

Anonymous said...

To: Steve From: Little Bird

I knew my earlier post would not make it to this blog. So be it. There are other ways to make it known to the citizens of Peru that there is indeed an "agenda" behind the actions of current City Officials and "hopeful" Councilmen. Your unwillingness to post my blog shows me 2 things. Number 1, I was correct (which I knew already, I read the newsletter). Number 2, this Forum is NOT unbiased, but rather, this forum appears to be part of the aforementioned agenda. On both counts, thanks for the valuable information.

Peru Town Forum said...


I don't know who you are but if you ideas are so important to you, I suggest your comments have more validity if you sign your "real name". I deleted your post because this blog has no interest in covering the topic you were pushing. It has nothing to do with the problems this town is experiencing but in fact would create more. There are other people who expouse your views and perhaps you should stay on their blog and you can all commiserate with each other. Steve and I are not interested in that topic and it will not be a topic here on the Peru Town Forum. Our agenda is to open up the government of Peru in an honest and thoughtful and honest manner. By encouraging citizen participation and discussion and discourse with our city officials and each other.

Anonymous said...

To: Lois From: Little Bird

Lois, thank you for responding to my post. However, I beg to differ with your view that this topic has nothing to do with the problems that are affecting Peru. In my first post, I mentioned Empire Accoustical Systems and why they chose to locate their facility in Princeton. If this assessment is true, and it is, then this issue does indeed affect our city and ALL the citizens living within its borders. And that is with only 1 person mentioned in the newsletter currently in office. If other "brothers and/or sisters" are elected, the problem would only worsen (in my opinion). The city is losing tax revenue when it is losing business' to other locations because of this issue. Tax revenues that could improve our roads, build a pool, decrease unemployment, etc. And if other people espouse my same views, and are intentionally left off this blog to commiserate elsewhere, how is that open & honest, and yes, unbiased discussion? Do we off differing views not count to the administration of this city? It is an important issue, a volitile issue (which is why I choose not to leave my name), an issue that does indeed effect our city and ALL it's residents. If this issue were opened up, would it create more problems? I hope so, as right now, it appears a one sided regime is trying to march itself into a lopsided power position, which truly hurts anyone not in the "clique". You will not post this blog either I'm guessing, but I hope you understand my position (and my logic) and understand that my intentions are for the betterment of all my city, all my neighbors, i.e. EVERYONE who calls Peru home.

Little Bird

Steve said...

Bird - The issue you are fixated on is and always has been a "non-issue". You are nothing more than a conspiracy theorist. Just like those kooks who claim the 9/11 attacks were conducted by the United States government. We will not print your paranoid ramblings because the subject matter is irrelevant and untrue. As Lois advised you, we determine the subject matter on this blog. Your rants of conspiracy and fear mongering will be more than welcome elsewhere. Happy Holidays!

Peru Town Forum said...

Little Bird

The fact that we lost a business to Princeton might be because Princeton offered and had more modern technology available to them and of course they went with them.
This reminds me a great deal of when Ace Hardware chose Princeton instead of Peru and if you do not remember or know about that and the results, let me know and I will fill you in. What followed cost Peru a great deal of unnecessary expense for which we are still paying and are really no better off than then which was somewhere around 1990.

Steve said...

For the folks out there who have not figured out what Little Bird is squealing about, I will explain. This "rare bird" obtained a copy of a Local 150 newsletter sent out regularly to its membership. Apparently, he/she thinks this newsletter is some sort of secret manifesto. Local 150 IUOE, like many other unions, fraternal organizations, and civic groups, both union oriented and non-union oriented, encourage its membership to be politically informed and active on every level of government. This has been common practice since the earliest days of democracy in the U.S. American citizens encouraging other American citizens to become politically informed and active is the purest form of grass-roots democracy there is.
For those (like Little Bird) who see political activism as a conspiracy or a threat, I ask this. Who are you to say that certain groups or organizations and their members can or cannot participate in government? I suggest you get yourself and others like you organized and work for whatever it is you believe in. That's the American way. Crying conspiracy about somebody else's position just because you don't agree with that position means you have "no" position at all. Then you're just crying conspiracy and you lose all credibility. So get involved like others have or get out of the way.

M. Jagger said...

"little bird": Which new candidates running for alderman, are cureent members of Local 150? Can you list and if not, what brothers and sisters are you talking about? Conspiracy theory?

Peru Town Forum said...

Little Bird

I have received your last posting and you will not see it on this blog. It is going where I am not interested but your comments will be quite welcome on the blog written by another Peru resident who shares your beliefs. Neither Steve or I are union members and since being a member is not against the law and relating whether our parents were or were not is totally irrelevant to the city of Peru.
You seem to be consumed with this topic and we will not be drawn in. I posted your previous post and no one else seemed interested either. So please do not bring it up again.
If people are interested in that side of a candidates beliefs, it will come out in the election.

Anonymous said...

Lois 9:45 am

As I suspected, any direct quote from the Newsletter will not be posted. It is inflamatory to say the least. Perhaps the writers of the article are just misunderstood. Perhaps not. Steve is correct, any organization can (and should) encourage their members to become involved in govenment, after all, the actions of our representatives, local, State & Federal, affect us directly in our day to day lives. But to put the interests of the "group" above the interests of the municipality (as the article in the Newsletter suggests), does not improve the lives of everyone in the municipality. $23 million in jobs to local union members. What about the non-union companies/workers who bidded these jobs? Were they considered honestly or just summarily dismissed? And in what local towns are these local union labor companies located? Are the actual workers they are employing to do these jobs hired only from within a 25-30 mile radius? I believe one of the companies currently employed by the city to affect some of these $23 millioin dollar fixes is from southern Illinois (Pontiac I beleive), an area I personally do not consider local. I'm sorry you feel this is a non-issue, but several others I have spoken (not comiserated) with are in agreement, that this is an issue that could worsen and take Peru from being "the pearl" of the Illinois Valley to being a "little Chicago" something that none of us "fear mongers" or "paranoid conspiracy theorists" would want to see.

Little Bird

P.S. Please answer M. Jagger (who is not interested in the topic) as I shall not be posting again.

P.P.S. Please, since you ask for "respectful" discourse on this blog, ask Steve to leave the sarcasm at home. Thank you.

Peru Town Forum said...

Little Bird, Pontiac is close to being local, about 1 hour away, about like traveling to Peoria or the Chicago suburbs that some in our area travel to on a daily basis.
Now southern Illinois is more like Carbondale or Effingham or Gillespie and that would be a long drive.
Please check your Illinois road map.

Anonymous said...


I apologize for my error, the company I was referring to is located in Joliet, not Pontiac. And I do know my state geography, however, I still do not feel that Joliet, Pontiac, Peoria, etc. is local. I am aware that some people drive an hour or so to get to their jobs, but if given the opportunity, I'm willing to bet they would prefer to drive a shorter distance. But they must go where the jobs are if they are not here. When I think of local I think of Peru, LaSalle, Oglesby, Tonica, Spring Valley, even Ottawa. Not Joliet. Many of these "non-local" workers may drive to and from each day, some may stay here, especially in the inclement weather, and may spend their money at our local hotels, restaurants, etc. while here. But when my neighbor is on unemployment, and could be doing the work these non-local men are doing, I cannot consider that a plus for a citizen of Peru or the immediate area. These folks spend more money on our local establishments every day when they are able, not just during their tenure here. And these able bodies men & women may, in the end, find they need to relocate to an area where they can get employment, thereby creating more "brain drain" effect on our community. I cannot believe that would have a positive effect on Peru, or any city for that matter, when houses stand vacant awaiting a buyer, and these hard working men & women are spending their money in other towns. Just a thought.

Little Bird

P.S. Thanks for the tip about the raod map. I see you have been taking sarcasm lessons from Steve. ;)

Peru Town Forum said...

Thanks for responding. This is my take on jobs in the city of Peru. They have never been here for many college graduates. From this I speak from personal experience as we sent 4 children to college and when they graduated there were no jobs here in the field in which they were trained so off they go. Some to the Chicago suburbs and the rest much further away. This is the way it has always been in the entire Illinois Valley. Most of my friends have experienced the same thing with their families, you give them an education and then they must move to use that education. Personally I don't believe that will ever change.
It is more than lack of job opportunities that result in the "brain drain" and if you live here you very well know what I am talking about.
And btw unions have absolutely nothing to do with the above.
When you have a city that develops into a retail shopping center and destroy the "down town" you also lose something in the process. Yes you will get more retail tax dollars but you also lose your identity as a town. Or perhaps your identity simply changes. People are no longer going to Peru but simply going to the most convenient big box store and it could be anywhere USA, they don't care.
We need more imagination here in town to develop our lost identity if we can and maybe we cannot but we could try. Several of us tried very hard to get this point across to city officials when the downtown redevlopment took place but were not successful. And now you look at the path they took and look and our downtown and you see the result
At one time Westclox was Peru. To me Peru was of course Washington Park and all that it offered including the July Fourth celebration. The little stores to shop in without getting lost in their size. And of course the Library.
Its what you enjoy about a town beside the opportunity to have a well paying job, in other words a community. Kind of like the signs I see around LaSalle. I Believe in LaSalle. Do we as residents believe and have we believed in this town for a very long time?