“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Is It a Cap or a Hat, A Derby or a Beret??

Social media describes an incident at City Hall prior to the council meeting with reference to hats etc. Those of you that live elsewhere, does your city have rules with regard to head wear at a public mtg? Does this refer to only men's heads or are women's included?

We all need a chuckle now and then and on to serious business. I have made a decision that this blog will not tolerate the kinds of political comments referencing the upcoming election. Evidently from the tone of the comments many currently seated elected or appointed at city hall or those with an ax to grind are using the Peru Town Forum to denigrate others.

There is more than enough policy decisions about what Peru is doing or is not doing to make this interesting to read. So please abide by my decision and keep your political comments in your own social groups as I have no interest in publishing them.

That means you can express your thoughts there.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

OUR VIEW: Pension dispute goes far beyond any city hall

OUR VIEW: Pension dispute goes far beyond any city hall

Stats on Fire and Police pensions in Streator and Ottawa. Peru is not mentioned but we have already put those stats out there.

This is important to know about in comparison to the big noise about campaign signs which were blatantly violated by the current sitting aldermen in the last election where some of their own seats were in jeopardy. Don't forget about the aldermen walking door to door to save the seats of the currently seated members. Who would want to run and face that road block of unwelcoming old members. Wonder why so few are running for the Peru City Council, that is not hard to figure out.