“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, April 03, 2016

Sunday Afternoon in the Illinois Valley and Blowing Sand/Soil?

Ok was it sand blowing through the lower half of Peru or dust from the farmers fields being plowed. FB comments began shortly before supper when people driving through town were seeing what initially looked like smoke.

Not smoke but possibly sand blowing from somewhere around or near to Water St. in Peru. Northern White Sands is not functioning as of yet and the only thing I recall was a sand storage facility being built on Water Street east of Pine St.  Did you see anything?


Anonymous said...

just came back from the car wash in Lasalle and the cloud is still there to the south.

Anonymous said...

Dust from a field south of the river

Anonymous said...

This was dust from fields. Local agriculture has forgotten the lessons of the 1930's. In order to plant CORN early in the spring, they till the fields in the fall. The result is blowing dust like we saw this weekend.

Lets see how our local "poor farmers" are impacting the community.

1. They don't pay nearly the same amount of property taxes.
2. They get subsidies to grow corn for ethanol.
3. They install field tiles that cause river flooding.
4. They plant the river bottoms, destroying the natural ecosystem and increasing flooding.
5. Finally, they are so irresponsible that they cause dust storms due to poor land management.

Yes - it is our local agriculture community that is to blame. Along with the Ethanol Mandate.

Anonymous said...

you forgot about them spraying poison from airplanes less than 500 yards from schools and residential zones. And it is not that they don't pay the same tax - they don't pay ANY tax - and they still wine about it.

All in all, the local agriculture industry is not a good neighbor. It is time to start making them pay their fair share. They are the one percenters around here. They are not poor family farmers, they are corporate millionaires. They need to pay more and we need to restrict how they conduct their business.

Anonymous said...

I just heard on the radio that the State of Illinois is going to be spraying poison over the Illinois Valley in June to try to control some sort of moth that is eating trees.

We have money to waste on that, but they can't pass a State Budget.

Call Andy Skoogs and tell him you won't stand for the State of Illinois spraying poison over our city!!

Anonymous said...

another bottomless pit of government spending.... saving trees! As far as I'm concerned, if they cant survive on their own, they are not worth it. In all actuality, trying to kill these moths only serves as population control. Allowing them to slowly eat the trees. Leave them alone and their population will boom. They will eat all the trees that they like, then die when there is nothing left to eat. Sort of like Chicago Democrats and Union Officials.

Anonymous said...

I say cut down ALL the trees. The leave clog up the sewers, the branches take down power lines. But them all down and burn them. Done!

Anonymous said...

We need more sales tax! They need to increase it to pay for schools! I don't want my property tax going up in Peru. Raise the sales tax to 20% or even more!

Anonymous said...

Wow 7:15, couldn't pass basic farming 101 so now you rip the farmer up and down? Based on your comments, obviously not. Ag trends are changing to preservation methods. Processes in the 30's don't exist anymore in order to save the soil. Takes 100 years to replace 1" of topsoil. Farmers don't till as much anymore. Yes, they don't pay as much in property tax for bare land because they DON"T use the public services listed on the property tax bill! Are you one of those that wants everyone else to pay your bills for you? They cause dust storms? You smoking your wacky again? Field tiles cause river flooding? I see that you didn't pass the land development class now did you with a comment like that. Destroying our ecosystem because they plant near river bottoms? Wow, pull that one out of your ass? As for the subsidies, can you please provide me with a name of an industry that is not govt funded? Please! I am still waiting!! Please go back to school and call me when you know what you are talking about.