“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Why do so many people want to get into this city hall? - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Why do so many people want to get into this city hall? - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

This newspaper gets so many complaints and I hope that the Peru incumbents and opposition candidates get this same opportunity to put their beliefs into print. Then hopefully you can get back to them and continue the conversation if you need more information.


Linda said...

I agree with you 100% Lois and thought of that immediately when I read this questionnaire.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please call chief Bernabei that waldorf has several yards with 2 signs per yard....typical rule violater

Peru Town Forum said...

10:35 AM

Please post the addresses and it will be taken care of.

Anonymous said...

1828 10th and 1928 7th

Anonymous said...

Rules are only made to be followed by those that aren't in the "in" crowd!

Anonymous said...

Citizens, do you really want a person as your political representative that disobeys the ordinances that he represents. He appears to be making a game out of his disrespect of the law.
I do not know Mr. Travis Nelson but Alderman Waldorf's past actions have left no alternative but to give someone else a opportunity in April.

Anonymous said...

You can have two sings on a corner lot, on facing each street.
I saw the Perez Campaign Mobile parked in front of City Hall this morning. It is AGAINST THE LAW to have campaign signs at City Hall!

Peru Town Forum said...

1:43 PM

Saying you can have 2 signs on corner property is a farce and totally unfair to the rest of the population.

We live on a corner with 2 addresses, one for each bldg., can I have 3 signs in our yard then?

I have never heard the corner excuse for 2 in one yard.

Anonymous said...

are those two addresses both corner lots?

Anonymous said...

1:43 is full of bologna. Just read the ordinance and no where does it say anything about corners.

Anonymous said...

1:36 pm I'm voting for Nelson, Waldorf has misused the office by using city logo business cards, the logo is a city product and should not have been included in a campaign mailer.

The pure fact that mayor Harl did not handle this makes me a no vote for both! Can someone please run for mayor...rob fords brother needs to go!

Anonymous said...

I have just verified the 2 addresses posted by 11:23 and indeed alderman Waldorf has 2 signs in each yard. Not only did I see this but in my travels I also say that alderman Potthoff has 2 signs in a yard on 10th street. I cannot believe that 2 seasoned veteran aldermen (who were instrumental in establishing the sign ordinance) have violated it. I wonder what will happen with this information and I also wonder what would have happened if alderman Perez or candidate Nelson did this. We know what happened when one of them used a tiny amount of city electricity.

Anonymous said...

Voting for Waldorf. And please post the locations where u saw two. I did not!

Lois said...

2:56 PM

Already posted at 10:23 AM

Anonymous said...

Our sign ordinance does indeed say that one sign can be posted on each street frontage. However, that is for charity events. Further down in the ordinance there is an additional clarification that states only one sign per candidate.
All that being said - Our sign ordinance is unenforceable in court because it contradicts state law in several areas - including the one per street and one per candidate "rules."
Essentially, the City of Peru ordinance is nothing but bunk and you can do pretty much what you want if it is within state law. Two overwhelming FACTS concerning the City of Peru sign ordinance are: A- It is unenforceable. B - There is nobody that will enforce it.
All of this was explained to the council and they voted for it anyway.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a complaint about one of alderman Perez's signs on Shooting Park and 251 violating the size portion of the ordinance? And wasn't he asked to take it down? And when Mr. Nelson ran for township wasn't there another big stink about one of his signs in the same location? We need to establish an ordinance that either everyone in town has to obey them or no one does. In which case we apparently don't need ordinances.

Anonymous said...

Come on people if you think someone is illegal in their sign display call city hall and have it stopped otherwise forget it. I am more concerned that Waldorf does not get back in a lot more than I am about his stupid signs.

Ordinances are not made for those who live in the rules of society but for those who see how far they are permitted to live outside of society. The 3rd ward incumbent seems to be a example.

Anonymous said...

No violations. Side yard and front yards considered separate per zoning ordinance. Getting desperate.

Anonymous said...

The signs are a State problem. The City needs to do away with their ordinance. The City has no authority in this area.

Anonymous said...

Our code enforcer and sign ordinance guy isn't doing his job. Let's not forget what is in a person's job description. Who hold this city paid position?

Anonymous said...

One candidate sign per yard. Read the ordinance.

Anonymous said...

But we established and approved this ordinance and spent money to have it written up. One of the reasons behind this ordinance was because aldermen Waldorf felt the city (in a previous election) looked sloppy with so many signs all over. Thus the 1 sign per candidate per yard was established. I also believe each yard is limited to 6 signs. If a corner home is an exception to the rule then that is showing favoritism.

Anonymous said...

2:25, what an immature statement, grow up and focus on facts on how ordinances are based then see what the state mandates.

Anonymous said...

2.25, grow up, this is no place to call people names, little kids do this not mature adults, unless you are a little kid.

Anonymous said...

I will not vote for Waldwarf nor any other city official who does not obey the city ordinances.
Travis Nelson sounds better every day that someone questions Waldwarfs past practices as a city official for the last 8 years.

Anonymous said...

So worried about signs, what a joke. Why don't you do something about dogs crapping all over citizens private property? And the pet owners looking the other way. We have an ordinance for that and it isn't enforced.

Anonymous said...

5:13 And who should be doing the enforcing? the current administration? then that proves they are not doing their job.

Anonymous said...

Exactly right 5:13 am. Who is supposed to be enforcing these codes? Apparently nobody!

Anonymous said...

5:13 - 9:50 You hit the nail on the head. Who is enforcing any of these city ordinances or state traffic laws ?? Last summer, on several occasions, there were grass clippings blown out to the middle of Shooting Park Road, in the right hand, West bound lane. Evidently, no one patrols Shooting Park Road. Yet if you are a home owner, don’t let any of your clippings get into the street. Might clog the drains. In the fall, most catch basins were totally covered with leaves and debris. I know this won’t happen any more with the new street sweeper ?? What about parking in the fire lanes in front of the local stores ?? In the past, I know people who were fined for doing this. Not anymore. How about the restricted parking signs for local stores. How many people do you see pull in, open the glove compartment, hang a tag on their mirror and walk in without any visible ailment at all. Anyone ever driven across town and not seen at least one person run through a stop sign ?? Police put out this radar speed thingee. Most of the time the speed is blanked out, and the top is flashing red and blue. That tells you it is maxed out. Nobody watching though. What ever happened to the days that a stop sign meant STOP, and a speed limit sign showed the MAX speed limit for that area ?? How many people do you see talking on phone while driving ?? These are just a few of what is seen by driving through Peru, at any given time. Very sorry situation.

Anonymous said...

Don't we pay over $100,000 a year salary plus benefit package to person's who are suppose to be overseeing this?

Anonymous said...

Stopping at stop signs is optional in Peru. I like the old "two for one Peru sneak" and the constant rolling stops. And guess what - its not the younger folks doing this. Its the older ones. Half of the oldsters wave people through - the other half don't bother to stop. They also have the dubious handicap thing to hang on their rearview mirror.

Anonymous said...

2:14 Wonder how many of those blue things are valid. Guess it doesn't matter, not ever checked anyway. I THINK the police have the authority to pull those on the spot, if they are being misused.