“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Second Thoughts About the Way Peru Does Business

Petition of EOG Resources, Inc. requesting a special use to allow loading and hauling of sand, or
similar aggregate or minerals, including equipment, buildings, or structures of storage for
property located at 3024 E. 103rd Road, Peru, IL

Taken from the Planning Commission Agenda for Wednesday October 29, 2014.

I had attended the Finance and Safety Committee from 4 to 5 PM. No one including the mayor made one comment about the very important meeting which would take place in a short time. From the brief sentence shown above I am not sure anyone unless they were in the inner circle would have known about this and it is my contention  that this is the way the city government wants it to be. I can think of several people who would have made the time to come if they were aware of what was being considered.

Bob Vickery usually in attendance at the Finance meetings (but not at this one) keeps a running list of people interested in property in Peru for possible business ventures and he almost always at  least mentions the possibilities. He never mentioned this company that I am aware of and this leads me to believe that all discussions took place in the numerous closed session so the public would not be aware.

I wrote this last night and at the time I wondered "Am I the only one in this city who thinks this way?" This morning I received a comment which in turn encouraged me to place my thoughts in the public.  I will also copy that post to this heading.


Peru Town Forum said...

Anonymous said...
The "closed sessions" are designed to give aldermen their "marching orders" and direct their votes on issues like the sand transport facility and other matters that Harl and the council keep secret until it' time to vote. The sand facility is a classic example of how they hold secret meetings without public participation or scrutiny until it's time to rush it onto the agenda for the pre-determined vote. Did John Q. Public hear a single word about this sand facility before this week? Not unless you're in the loop you didn't. This mayor and council has so little respect or regard for its citizens it is disgraceful. They could care less what the regular folks think and they never will as long as they are allowed to stay in office. We need elected officials with a damn clue of what their duties and responsibilities to the people really are. They should never be awarded for preventing the public from participating and observing its governemnt at work. Shameful!
9:53 AM, November 01, 2014

Anonymous said...

although I am wholeheartedly in favor of the sand shipping / processing business and have no issues with its location - I am not in favor of how our Mayor continuously does things in secret.

Anonymous said...

Honest man's easy guideline of life: If you don't want it repeated don't say it and if it a secret don't do it or participate unless it is a surprise party or gift.

Anonymous said...

Within the boundaries of Peru there is a huge gap of untruths and unknown between its citizens and city governmental representation. Sadly the present administration was backed and elected five years ago to eliminate this environment but has only increased it many times over.Many can still remember those who were chanting that this was the peoples town and the people were taking it back. In question where are all of those people and what have they done lately? I ask because evidently the group has diminished in size, and those who are no longer active are not being replaced by the younger sect.
Political non involvement is similar to falling off a tall building you'll never know how bad you are going to be hurt until you land.

Anonymous said...

This was discussed at council meeting referred to meeting it was in newspaper and posted on web site and at city hall. How the heck could you have not known.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:39 PM

Please give us the dates of the minutes or the agenda that the city council discussed this? Or even the video date would help.

Anonymous said...

In case anyone is interested the ordinances with regards to the sand terminal and the marijuana dispensary are on Monday Nov. 3rd's council meeting agenda. If you're interested come and see if any questions are asked or if decisions are made quickly because everything has already been discussed behind closed doors. These topics should be of concern to all citizens of Peru.

Anonymous said...

1:39 PM
I also care to have the dates of the minutes or the agenda that the city council discussed this, plus the video date. If everything you say is true I am positive I would have known. Proof up!

Anonymous said...

Why waste the time and energy in reading how Peru not only does business but how Peru doesn't do business. During the latter years of Mayor Bakers administration it was well known that he made most of the councils decisions. During Mayor Harls 6 years in office we have found out why Mayor Baker managed the council as he did, haven't we?
The council that Mayor Harl inherited from Mayor Baker was a disgrace once Baker was gone and today it is not, except for a few, any better. Already I am looking at the upcoming alderman's race as I did the governors race the challengers cannot be any worse than the incumbents so for opportunities sake lets vote out the incumbents.