On Saturday, the N.T. had an article by Craig Sterett that asked a lot of questions about the entire Illinois Valley. Up to this point in time, each city has gone than own way without any thought about joining together in a regional effort.
Article stated a group of industrialists, business, financial and development leaders gathered to try to come up with a more unified approach to being more job creators to the area.
Will this be the way of the future? How do you see Peru being a part of a joint effort instead of going their own way?
Interesting article with lots to think about.
Questionaires were sent out and one of the responses received and placed at the top of the list was "Quality of Life". Many of us have frequently responded to that aspect and yet no answer is coming from the city with response to that need of prospective businesses. No longer is it enough to have a home with low taxes and good enough infrastructure.
If Peru, not having a representative there, is any indication of the direction they are heading I would say it's to remain independent with the concept that they still think they are the "leader of the valley".
Why not have LaSalle-Peru work together as one town? Stated together it sounds like a more solid community to bring in business and work. Separations do not bring in advancement. With thought and planning together (instead of competition) this area could be something to be proud of again. QUIT THE POLITICAL CRAP AND THINK OF THE PEOPLE AND THEIR FAMILIES WHO LIVE HERE.
The Illinois Valley Chamber of Commerce evidently sponsored this meeting. Does Peru think that because they paid IVAC 14,413 in July that is all they have to do. Plus the at the same mtg that was approved we approved the hiring of the lobbyist for 24,000 and the hiring of Sean Mikos for 87,000. the date was July 16, 2013.
Six months later, the P.E. Civil Engineer has resigned, nothing that I am aware from the Lobbyist and Peru did not send a rep. to the mtg. Tell me I'm wrong, that at least they could have sent our volunteeer economic director.
Lois, you and your blog is unbelievable. Your negativity towards Peru and so many people is hard to understand. Life is way too short for your hostility. I am sorry for your lot in life. I will pray for you.
6:35 PM
I suggest you use your prayer time for those people who are causing this city so much grief as they are the ones who really need it. And if you are among those pray a bit for yourself.
My prayers are that Lois remains healthy and that she can continue her work keeping the citizens informed. God Bless, Lois.
@6:35 Feel sorry for my lot in life and please pray for me also, please pray for everybody including yourself. Halleluiah
Peru has done its share in trying create jobs in the area. It employs a lobbyist, a Economic Director, the Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce and MRC.
LaSalle and peru will never work together as long as these committees and boards are stacked with these old decrepit members.
We need youthful ideas and members. They can't even work together to do a joint Christmas parade for our kids. It will be interesting to see who Harl puts in the open spot. He already announced he has a ringer for the spot and is just going through the motions before he puts his buddy in that spot. Why is it that every time there's an opening he asks for letters of interest? The smart thing to do is go with the next letter on the stack. You only need to ask for letters when you don't have any more. Be fair and give those that want on the chance. Don't go out trying to find someone else to do it as your yes man.
The lobbyist is being paid to get PORK from the state. PORK does not equal jobs. PORK is graft and corruption.
AMEN 9:19. The mayor used to mention that he had a list of those who volunteered and when an opening occurred on a committee he would go to that list. There must be no more "YES" men on that list.
In 1972-3 "Heritage Days" was formed for the Illinois Valley towns LaSalle,Peru,Oglesby,Utica,Spring Valley, Depue with a goal to unite the towns. The only positive side I can see is "mutual" aid with fire and ambulance departments. 10:09
Mutual aid is covered by state law, so they can't get around it.
I think Heritage Days went on into the late 70's. If I remember correctly, every weekend in the summer had events somewhere in the Illinois Valley. Except for the 4th of July, it was set up so they did not compete with each other.
That's funny. The last thing the cities of the Illinois Valley collaborated on ended over 35 years ago. An entire generation was born, grew up, and abandoned the area since that time.
12:37 AM
Yes we do employ those companies and individuals and how many jobs have been created with that total expenditure? As long as taxpayers continue to send their tax dollars, the city should never consider their work done. Running a city never reaches the point of "my job is done".
12:24 PM
I ask everyone to give some serious thought to your statement as it explains so much about the situation the local area finds itself. The 1975 H.S. annuals from that era could tell us a lot. It also correlates with the article written by Mr. Sterett.
12:37 AM Here, In mentioning that Peru has done its share I meant that Peru has directly supported these four jobs all of which are doing the same thing - nothing. It is embarrassing to hear that a Economic Director is so happy to announce that he is getting a new development in town a CVS for a CVS. What will be his next devlopment a Caseys for a Caseys. When additional jobs are created and unfilled square footage is filled not left standing empty as the K Mart Store and Blockbuster than we will be speaking of development. To simply walk a work force catty corner across a unused parking lot is not development. At best it is status quo and stagnant. Never hear anything about the lobbyist or the internet firm, what have they put on the table for three thousand a month, thirty six thousand a year. Lets get behind the Illinois Valley Area Chamber of Commerce and get some real area development. I have yet to hear about these four working together.
4:39 Pm
That is because has put their eggs (money) in 4 separate baskets that do not and never will be working together for the benefit of Peru. The people who did this namely our mayor and council don't get it.
And yes we are going to get a Caseys for another Caseys very soon.:) Glad I am not the only one thinking along those lines.
That is because "Peru" has put their eggs.......
The arrogance of Peru explains why it will not work with other towns, will not allow free speech, and does so many of the closed minded things this blog has pointed out.
It is a city in love with itself and it's past, and any constructive criticism is met with retaliation and stubborn resistance.
Anon 6:09 PM Would you please express what body specifically you are referring to when you speak of Peru. I hope and don't think you are referring to its everyday citizen. Thank you
who lives in the house the city of Peru owns next to the power plant on Plank Road and how much rent do they pay?
I have heard from reliable sources inside the city that employees are allowed to use city vehicles for personal reasons when they are not working. I was told that the employees where told that this is a fringe benefit and part of their pay, but they should keep it quiet and be careful where and when they are seen - and by who.
12:29 Pm
I think that would be an invasion of privacy to ask who lives there but if it is a rental than the name of the landlord should be recorded and know by the city.
the city is the landlord.
and yet we keep paying out and paying out ....
Is there a meeting coming up where the investigation report of the payroll scandal is going to be revealed to the public??? I heard there is one scheduled. Does anybody know?
4:15, whoever actually cut the checks to the employee should also be part of the investigation. They had to notice a red flag. But didn't say anything.? Maybe we will see some changes soon.
Hello Glum, thought of another topic for you, discuss how many potholes are in Peru and all the surrounding cities the streets are paved with gold, and of coarse no potholes!!
While it may not be as much progress as everyone would like, it is improvement to property that will be assessed higher. Casey's should do very well compared to the existing and will employ more people. Look at the one in Spring Valley. Hopefully the new CVS will also bring in new income.
Today's paper USA TODAY, page 7A, "BLOGGERS HAVE RIGHTS, AS WELL." (yes, headline was in caps). So, to all, happy blogging. All should read this article, politicians, citizens, department heads in the city.
11:49 - what will happen to the existing building on the corner of Fourth and Church streets? Will it become another abandoned gas station? Is there a plan to clean up the lot, remove the tanks, and open it up for development?
10:04 - your first mistake is purchasing a USA Today. Your second mistake is reading it.
11:41, I can read or listen to any newspaper, news channel and make my own intellectual decision as to my personal views as to the topic. I also don't believe or like the idea of a person favoring one particular political party over another. That in my opinion is for closed minded people.
Although the 9th circuit tends to make liberal decisions, I think this is a good opinion piece.
From the USA article:
In a landmark decision on Friday, a federal appellate court held for the first time that blogs enjoy the same First Amendment protection from libel suits as traditional news media.
Casey's reported they would remove the canopy & tanks & sell the property for office space.
11:41 It was a joke. Get over it.
According to the Rockford Register Star, the 17th Circuit Court in favor of the park district in a lawsuit brought to end pickelball.
"Ruling for the Park District and pickelballers everywhere, 17th Circuit Judge Eugene Doherty said, "While pickleball was not (at Sinnissippi) when plaintiffs moved into the neighborhood, surely they knew that they were moving in proximity to a large park ... Part of living next to this particular park is that neighbors will experience sounds of picnickers at the pavilions, or children at the playground, or music from the bandshell or tennis from the tennis courts."
And, in striking a blow for common sense, Doherty concluded, "Plaintiffs are mistaken, however, if they feel that they have the right to lock the district into those activities, and only those, which existed at the time they became neighbors."
6:01 a total irrelevant case in that the activities at the large park were of a sufficient distance to not violate any state sound pollution regulation. So , in fact, the judge ruled on the side of common sense saying that the plaintiffs could not dictate what activities in particular are causing the noise in a park, as lomg as they are approved and legal (which by the way the one in Peru were NOT legally approved)
The activities in question here did easily violate state sound regs and were causing nuisance. In addition, in effort to maintain "common sense" when the pictures showing the pickleball courts here were shown to twenty impartial park and Rec directors in Illinois they UNANIMOUSLY said that it seemed like a ridiculous placement.
Yes, pickleball belongs in parks. No it does not belong in someones back yard. Yes, you continue to want to say if I want to do something it must be common sense
Not true 7:34. The entire argument in the Rockford case was that the game violated noise standards. The judge ruled that had to put up with the noise, using the same reasoning that people near an airport must put up with airplane noise.
My suggestion is that the 28th Street park is acutally not set up laid out correctly to beging with. The tennis courts are to close to the houses on the west side. The basketball courts are also to close to the houes on the west.
Is this park actually supposed to be a detention pond for the subdivision?
If it was up to me, since the setbacks are not adequate, I would remove all the equipment from this park including the playground equipment and shelter. If it is not a detention pond sell the property for housing. If it is a detention pond, leave it open space.
Nonetheless, this case sets a legal precedence that people living next to a park cannot sue over noise at the park. It’s time to bring out the often used liberal phrase – Move On!
The complaint in the Rockford case was that it did violate state sound pollution regulations. The court determined that the law did not apply. Lawn mowing and those annoying leaf blowers also can be considered to violate noise pollution regulations.
What is a legally approved activity? Is there a law that says how recreation activities are supposed to be approved? I think not. We have a board that is appointed to decide what activities are allowed in the park. Pretty simple to me - they have the "legal authority." They have the authority of law and there is nothing anyone can do but complain. If you don't like it, demand to be on the board, start a letter writing campaigned, make a sign and march in front of city hall, show up at the pickelball court and "use it" all day to prevent actual picleball players from using it. In other words - DO SOMTHING ABOUT IT!
we really need to put the games and entertainment programs on the back burner. bigger fish to fry and it just sounds silly people arguing about a stupid park game when the state is going broke, the Illinois Valley is loosing good jobs left and right, and the only wise career choice in this area is to do everything you can to get and keep a municipal or county job.
The Great State of Wisconsin, a recent convert to "Right to Work" legislation, has just announced a budget surplus of almost one billion dollars. Yes, that is an extra one billion dollars after paying all the bill on time, funding the pensions, fixing the roads, and doing everything a state is supposed to do. That my friends is what happens when you don't have thieves running the government.
I am afraid 7:34 is correct. Sound regulations WERE examined and the Rockford case did NOT violate them. It was precisely the legality of the activity and its nuisance that was challenged. Like launching Estes rockets or even your own private space ship. The Judge used discretion. There are hundreds of city lawsuits regarding sound and this ruling will add little "precedence". Nowhere in the country is a pickleball court this close to a residence. There is every reason to believe a judge would simply look at this one and say get out , i am busy, move the damn courts away from the house. And it definitely will not make your airport analogy any more insane. Airports increasing noise is one helluva lot more complex than this little issue. But given the way Peru treats FAA regs, I can see why you might think that.
As an example, no precedent was set- as my friends and I could go to that very park and set off legally purchased firecrackers for four hours a day, claiming it is a new sport named Blaster.
It is a recreational activity. It would be examined by law enforcement first and foremost to see if it violated "common sense" or local sound regulations, like revving your car in from Harls house for for hours. It is a public street after all., but most city have a discretionary nuisance decision given to law enforcement.
Should we fight that ticket, the police would need to use local sound ordinance measurement. Should the judge "incorrectly" rule in the city's favor and kick us out, we could claim the city law is more restrictive than state sound pollution regs. We would be out of luck tho... The city would supersede those state environmental regs. They are more strict and protective so they rule.
But what if the city did not have any regs or they were poorly written and were less restrictive and allowed more noise? Parks are not stadiums, and this is no league sanctioned activity. So if we continued to fight the mayor he might show we were breaking the state regs. You cannot make the regulation less restrictive as a city.
We could take it to a higher court, because the judge might STILL rule in favor of Harl. Like you said, transgressions occur all the time with leaf blowers. And it's a park after all. But we want to do this regularly, as a sport. We want to make sure it is approved and not some random noise that any old cop might shut down. Not a dog barking next door, which btw is a source of scores of settled and unsettled lawsuits all over the US.
So we might go through the city to get it approved, say through their rec department. We would want to make sure that we told the truth about the activity, and made sure the meeting was legal and following public comment requirements and open meeting act. We would not want some later legal action to be taken against us claiming the sport of Blaster was sanctioned illegally, opening the city for damages and specific committee or club to be held liable.
If you do it right, following state open meeting act, then you get under the City umbrella that is a pretty strong one. Much rather sue a business that a city for damages. Governments get many Indemnity passes, or they. Would be sued all the time. But if you screw it up...
And all that does not take away the rights of individuals to sue specific individuals for fraud and damages. so the types of suits are not really harmed by this Rockford precedence much at all. Specifically here in Peru.
You can say drop it a hundred times. I believe the appropriate legal response is No.
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