“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Sunday, January 24, 2016

No-bid contracts invite trouble in government

No-bid contracts invite trouble in government


Anonymous said...

Elected officials, especially those in Peru chuckle to each other at the Watering Hole when they talk about how they steer No-Bid contracts to connected companies like TEST, Chamlin, and Illinois Valley Excavating. They slap each other on the back while they slurp beers and cocktails on the tab of principals of those companies. They laugh with extreme arrogance about how easy it is for them to violate their oaths of office and how they enjoy ignoring all ethical practices in order to enrich their friends. They are drunk with power and emboldened by the power of Home Rule and a long and sordid history of many decades of corrupt No-Bid practices in Peru city government and they ridicule any honest citizen that dares call them out for it. Peru's elected officials have no interest in Open and Honest government and even less interest in performing their duties with even the slightest desire for integrity. They are corrupt to their very core and could care less what the people think or want. They are the very worst representation of what local elected officials should be.

Anonymous said...

AMEN to that 10:02 AM.

Anonymous said...

10:02 I guess you can get the simple minded to believe the comments that you post every few weeks about bidding. Engineering is on a percentage basis and cities that do work have a engineer in-house and a firm that may be able to assist with major projects. In addition the State requires that you have professional engineering on your projects. Many local cities hire firms and those engineers come and go depending on the Mayoral leadership. To bid a engineering project is about qualifications and not pricing, those prices are determined by the State scale.
Local problems do happen and many cities in like Peru have local ties with contractors to take care of emergency needs like that of Illinois Valley Exc. or Pohars. They are there and the prices are based on time and materials. Both do quality work and they are there in case of emergency. Both have the manpower and both have the equipment ready to go into action. I have seen many big projects that are bidded out like sewer separation, road construction. It is generally viewed that the local provides quality when they receive the bids.
The quality of water in Peru has not been a issue. The service provided has not been a issue. We all agree on that! From my information the company TEST that is located in Peru has a monthly contract, that means if Peru feel the service is not doing the job, Peru has a right to dismiss the contract. Its is the service and like legal, police, fire and ambulance you must weigh the pros of the service. Do you want to have the cheapest attorney? Do you want to have the cheapest law enforcement or the lowest priced ambulance to pick you up. No, you want quality representation and you want to be assured that services are quality. It is very easy to undercut the cost of a service. You look up the price and you give a lower price. I am sure that the elected leaders have reviewed in-house and other municipal costs in all areas and have kept a close watch on other municipality cost saving measures. Hopefully they are cautious on services. Don't compare new sewer lines, new blacktop or new fire trucks to services.
Corruption??? I guess every politician from governor to school board has some motive. It may be just to help make things a little better? I doubt that any aspect of their jobs has any aspect of corruption. If there was any corruption? You and many others would have the Attorney general, FBI and any other source in to take these people out of office. Why such a bitter personal viewpoint.

Anonymous said...

10:02 and 10:50
Please just show me more proof than the Test contract which after some research there were other companies that did bid on the water treatment for the City of Peru, so how is that a no-bid deal?
Also after reading what has happened in Flint MI I think we should be careful
about who YOU want to treat your water. The water in Peru is the best in a 50 mile radius.
Chamlin has had their work cut dramatically since the city hired their own engineer.
IL, Valley Excavating are no different than any other vendor, how can you get upset with someone who see's a need in the city business, and develops the service to fill the need. I say good for them. Maybe if you were more an entrepreneurial spirit vs a complainer you might have thought of that before they did.

Anonymous said...

Flint's water problem emerged after the SOURCE of the water was changed from a lake to a river.

TEST is more secretive than Obama's transcripts and birth certificate.

Anonymous said...

No Bid Contracts keep the government flowing.

Anonymous said...

Alderman Waldork is laughing his way to the bank on no bids

Anonymous said...

Wrong. Flint's problem emerged after corporations polluted the river and then city leaders changed the source from the lake to the polluted river to pinch pennies. Some will go to jail. It will cost them tens of millions of not hundreds.

TEST on the other hand is a company that manages water for many municipalities across the state. No secrets there.

Although being a private company not quite as transparent as the president's birth certificate:


Anonymous said...

5:18 what is TEST being secretive about? Let's ask them directly.....

Anonymous said...

Wrong. Flints water problem was caused by inept government officials that could not plan beyond next Saturday night.

Anonymous said...

12:31 PM, C'mon. Your research is seriously inadequate. There has "NEVER" been open and honest bidding for Peru's water services contract. I repeat, "NEVER". Who the hell are you getting your information from, Waldork?

Anonymous said...

7:47 you are implying that aldermen are personally getting wealthy by serving on the council. You have to be joking. If that is the case, I am definitely running next term!

Please stop lying and the stupid conspiracies. The council truly believes along with many other municipalities that TEST is best qualified to provide the work. It is fine if you disagree. You are not the only one but when you say things like this you lose all credibility.

Anonymous said...

7:47, just chiming in but it is my impression that our Aldermen sell themselves cheep. They like a dinner now and then. Some drinks at a fancy Chicago hotel once a year.

They are not even savvy enough to be properly corrupt.

Anonymous said...

8:32 AM I agree with you 110% except I am not going to join you in running for a political office next election. I would rather deal with the devil than battle the continuous influx of Anonymous (nameless) self opinionated bloggers. Sadly they have created a blog to be a site where they flex their their ability to negatively comment on all involved in city decision making and also all decisions made without truthful evidence.

In conclusion I believe the gutless act of misspelling someones name to be insulting and derogatory is a reflection of their own cowardliness when they do not identify themselves with their own surname and first name.

Anonymous said...

To 11:21 AM - Having witnessed the 3rd Ward Alderman's antics first-hand many times I am quite comfortable with the terminology that is used to describe him. He has demonstrated for all to see more than once that he truly is best described as a "Waldork".

Anonymous said...


Hate will never get you anywhere. Why such name calling and lies about any official? You only lose us when you call names. And we have heard a lot of name calling. Why not take a issue and call the issue out and why you disagree with the vote they may have made. Instead we have names for all of them. I don't agree with every vote from every official, I do honestly believe we have some very good elected officials that have made some very important decisions. And we have a few that offer little. But, please stay out of personal attacks, name calling and hate mail. Your credibility is questioned when you resort to name calling.

Anonymous said...

Very well said 11:21 and 3:36. It's nice to see reasonable people comment once in awhile. Just be careful because now you will get called and "insider" or you must be "connected". How dare you say something reasonable? :)

10:19 if there is corruption the prove it. Pizza and beer is not corruption, it is called doing business. Nothing illegal about it at all. Sadly for you, tehy are not "too stupid" but they are doing the right thing by not selling out.

I have said it before. If what they did is something you do not agree with, then run on the campaign of the things that are wrong and the voters will decide. Unfortunately we already know you will lose because you answer will be "the voters are too stupid."

You just don't get it. You really just don't get it.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:42 P.M.

Pizza and beer is not corruption when it is being done by a private company and using your own money to do so. This is what causes problems when you start using public taxpayer dollars to buy the pizza and beer. That is not right and if it were we would see on the disbursement accounting a special account titled "entertainment" and it would be something approved for each event by the city council and be accountable for it. Officials can do it on their dime not mine.

Anonymous said...

What happens when an Insurance Company, or maybe a industry lobbyist gives you money to run your election campaign and you use it to fill your gas tank every day and the gas tank of all your family members every day and eat at local restaurants every day and run money through the local washing machine bank every day? What happens then?

Anonymous said...

6:42 PM I am 11:21 AM I compliment you on your comment. Doing business in a professional manner such as taking a business associate out to lunch or dinner has no similarity to corruption. I do not want a minority to create a environment in which Peru City Officials enter business meetings with one hand tied behind their back and the other hand waving a white flag to competing cities.
There is no one who is going to agree with every decision a specific city official or the entire representative government body makes but this disagreement should not be carried to the degree of childlike vendettas that are becoming a common everyday habit of a few.
To accuse a elected official of being corrupt without proof that can be brought forward to the public is uncalled for. In addition before any comment is published making accusations of corruption the author of the comment should have to sign his name.
Mayor Scott Harl and the city councils of 2009 and 2013 have made a open and determined effort to eliminate Peru of corruptness by building a management structure of young, determined personnel in both the engineering and financial fields. This movement has prepared Peru for its opportunities in the future. It has also enabled Peru to be considered a city consisting of proactive, progressive citizens which many want to be associated with.
Possibly the time is nearing when city development will enable our youth to stay or return to join their peers, who have never left, because they all have opportunities in Peru. Although a difficult goal to reach it is doable and with the right attitude it will be done.

Anonymous said...

7:47 PM If my memory serves me correctly wasn't it the wish of
some that they wanted Peru to be managed as a private business?
To believe that Peru officials should spend their own money to create good will and public relations and than want them to live within the foot print of private business they first must become aware of the practices of private business.

Anonymous said...

8:50 PM, January 26, 2016 - I am a firm believer that most people that choose to serve in an elected position find some way to get compensated for their time. It might be a free lunch now and then. It might be free gas. It might be a million dollar show horse. It is very rare that you will find someone in government that is not taking something. As Citizens, we must be diligent and keep the graft and corruption to a minimum.

Anonymous said...

8:50, they did not change anything. In fact they have increased payments to certain connected businesses in Peru and the local area. The only thing they did is make is look legitimate.

9:05 - the supposition that a government entity can be managed like a private business is overused. A private business has a short time horizon. Even a privately owned one needs to feed the owner and provide him with the lifestyle he wants. So most private businesses do not look decades into the future. So when somebody tells me that they want to run a city like a business, all I can think of is how much MORE it will cost to do so. More because those that are running it will not be thinking long term. They will be more concerned on keeping their job and increasing their compensation. In order to accomplish that, they need to "do something" to prove to the voters that "something is being done." This often results in waste and misdirection. I realize that a city, in and of itself, does not have a profit motive. However, everyone associated with running a city definitely has a profit motive. They want to be paid, and they want to be paid more. Even a non-profit organization like a charity or our own hospital has many individuals associated with it that make a considerable amount of money for what they do.

Anonymous said...


Have you got proof that any city official has bought pizza and beer and charged it to the taxpayers of Peru? Any? The recent Mautino discussion has been about his campaign funds, not taxpayer dollars. I don't think that Peru officials have campaign funds with the exception of the Mayor. And I don't think that your council members have entertainment expenses or campaign funds to entertain themselves. And I don't think any other local elected have entertainment accounts! Please focus an their voting records.

Anonymous said...

Who is buying beer on city dollars, where and how much? At least the newspaper gave us facts on the former State Rep. Mautino on how much, where and what. That's all we hear is statements without any figures about our local yokels. If you make the statement give us the facts.

Anonymous said...

9:54 You just ended that discussion by challenging anybody for evidence.

Anonymous said...

Does our fire department have a Christmas party? Other departments? City Christmas party? If so, alcohol being consumed? Who pays for party? Taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

1:37 Your asking a question and the answer is we don't know. Give us these details, costs, who attended? And these are working people paid for by the taxpayers and should be treated like working people employed by the city. I think its' common that those employees have Christmas parties like any other sector of the working world. Your off the topic and the topic is local elected officials spending money for entertainment costs. Nothing has been proven that these officials host private parties paid for by the taxpayers. Nothing has been proven that any of them had expenses of pizza and beer paid for by the taxpayers.

Santa Claus said...

From understanding statements the city no longer sponsors a Christmas Party for city employees. If there are Christmas Parties city employees are paying for them with their own dime. This should keep everyone who is concerned that a city employee is getting a free party on their nickle in the sharing mood of Christmas.
No. alcohol is not served. As most other company parties beverages have been restricted to warm milk, non caffeine coffee, a few cans of diet soda. From time to time a glass of water garnished with a lemon slice was seen as were 3 or 4 cups of steaming coco.
Most of the city employees came to their Christmas Party in work clothes in anticipation of being called out to 8 to 10 inches of snow, one or two water main line breaks, a major fire or robbery.
For those interested in making other peoples business theirs spouses were invited and serviced 1/2 of a turkey tuna or chicken salad sandwich along with a bowl of french onion, vegetable or chicken noodle soup. Desert was handled in pot luck style as everyone was to bring 6 Xmas cookies. Towards the end of the evening there was a $1.00 gift exchange and free calendars were given to each individual. The calendars were unused 2012 editions.
Designated drivers were available at evenings end in chance anyone bent the elbow a little too much and had one too many glasses of milk or diet soda. A good time was had by all. The only sad incident of the party was when it was getting cold in the room and one of the fellows lowered the window on the nose of a person who was window peeping to see who was in attendance. No formal complaint has been filed. A penny was collected from each person in attendance for the door prize and the individual who lowered the window was declared the winner by a nose.

Anonymous said...

1:37, I can tell you any party the PW employee's have is paid out of pocket by themselves so they can invite who they want and not invite who they want. Don't make insinuations without facts idiot!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Duh, someone has sung this song so many times it has gotten old. Either do something about it or leave it alone. Truth is there is nothing you can do about it!

Anonymous said...

Big deal pizza and beer. Tell us who it is so I don't vote for them next election. At the least most people would have a big t-bone with 3 or 4 Manhattans. My girlfriend would have a double baked potato with a huge lobster tail and a couple Grey Goose Martinis. You can bet that the cost of the suite would be hidden somewhere in the expense account. You'd only make false accusations about me once and I'd take you to the cleaners every chance I got until the day I left office.

Anonymous said...

10:19 PM, January 27, 2016 - You are correct. There is nothing an average voter can do about it. Corruption is so ingrained into Illinois and Peru that there is no hope. Everyone should move away while they still have some money.

Anonymous said...

10:34 PM, January 27, 2016 - I have from reliable sources that you cheated on your Junior Algebra final at LP High School. Later that summer, witnesses say that you and some friends drove the "loop" in Peru with.... gasp ..... beer in the car.

There. Now take me to cleaners. I dripped some butter from that lobster tail your girlfriend and I shared at dinner last night.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty certain just about every municipality is represented at the convention and they get reimbursed for meal and related travel expenses. That is not the city buying food for people as some idiot insinuated. This crap is so ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

What I find interesting is that Mayor Baker and the previous Peru city council were supposedly so corrupt. People on the blog said the nastiest things. They were stealing and robbing us blind and all getting rich. Of course, that was not true.

Now we have basically a "new" mayor and council nearly all who are in their first or second term. They are doing the same thing. Just a bunch of old corrupt politicians. Never is their any proof (I get some people's frustration with the no bid contract as I agree) but their is just name calling and mud slinging and for what?

They used to have concerts at the airport? Pickleball was a big deal? The go to the IML convention with thousands of other municipal people? They can't figure out where the hell to have fireworks?

Again I am not saying their decisions are right all the time or that I agree. What I don't understand is the ridiculous name calling and accusations that are never founded in anything at all.

I mean they are far from perfect because they are people. I have no real personal connections here but I just have to ask why that ugliness is necessary. Why not run for office? Or support someone who you think is a good candidate? Please don't say that they somehow cheated in the last election because that's bullshit.

I'm asking the question to help better the community. Or is that really what some people here want? I think it's a little more personal than that and that is what I am asking.

It just seems very very personal. If that is the case, that is pretty sad.

Anonymous said...

Anon 11:13 AM Thank you for your comment. I have been preaching what you have said for years. Yes some comments are very personal and have not only mentioned the politician but members of their families. Sadly some of these family members were under 18. If there is not there should be a law against this. Also some people are so dumb that they do not realize that many citizens who have a desire and background to be a outstanding city government leader do not participate because of the badgering that is dished out to them. Recently the blog was a outstanding example of this badgering when it continuously attacked the newest member of the city council because of all the wrong circumstances. The accusations made have proven false and he is using his work background to improve the city. Yes he will make mistakes as every other politicians, past and present will make but this comes with the job. It is always best to wait and see what a person is going to do in the position than to grab a hammer and nails before he/she have even sat down in his elected seat.