“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Friday, November 27, 2015

Peru opens bids for new public works building - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Peru opens bids for new public works building - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL


Anonymous said...

My goodness. Peru government moves at a much quicker pace when there is patronage cash to distribute. In contrast, I can't help but notice how slowly they react to questions and concerns from the general public. Shameful and unethical behavior on the part of all involved. Just shameful.

Anonymous said...

Recently a blogger published a comment about a ballot being included in the city monthly utility billing. Years ago this process had been a practice when a unusual amount of money was to be spent by the city. The last time being was when a survey was taken for the swimming pool.
I did not want this to pass but I personally thought that it was only
just to hear the wishes of all.

In America we are taught that the majority wins in this case the citizens of Peru would be the majority. The issue is simple "Do you believe that a new public works building should be built with a increase in property taxes paying for it?". Some may say that +it will not be paid with property taxes but somehow you will pay.

Anonymous said...

This country is NOT founded on "the majority rules" that is the furthest from the truth. Our government works on the principal that the laws rule - not the people. When the "majority rules" you have things like the Concentration Camps in Germany during the 1930's and 40's.

Anonymous said...

8 PM Where can I find your source? Laws are created because of the wants and protection of people.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious 10:31? Maybe you should go back to high school civics class. Oh… that’s right. They don’t teach people how government works anymore. Well here is my attempt to educate you.

The United States is NOT a Democracy. In a Democracy, the majority is allowed to oppress the minority. Atrocities happen when the people are allowed to run amok. They need laws to temper their emotional outbursts. Laws like those enumerated in the Bill of Rights. “The chief characteristic and distinguishing feature of a Democracy is: Rule by Omnipotent Majority. In a Democracy, The Individual, and any group of Individuals composing any Minority, have no protection against the unlimited power of The Majority. It is a case of Majority-over-Man.” This oppression by the majority greatly concerned our founding fathers. In a letter to Jefferson, Madison lamented… “Repeated violations of those parchment barriers have been committed by overbearing majorities in every State. In Virginia I have seen the bill of rights violated in every instance where it has been opposed to a popular current."

On the other hand, in a Republic, the government is constitutionally limited and created by a written Constitution--adopted by the people and changeable (from its original meaning) by them only by its amendment--with its powers divided between three separate Branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. Here the term "the people" means, of course, the electorate. It is important to distinguish that the People cannot directly make a change. It must go through a long process and through representatives – which, by its slow nature, tempers the emotional demands of the people.

So in the context of the 3:18 post, the statement that “In America we are taught that the majority wins” you can see that it is not necessarily true. We like to think so. But consider this. What if the majority voted that Black Citizens be taxed to vote? This was perfectly acceptable under the principle that majority rules and actually happened in some parts of our country until it was challenged by the Republican process and the separation of powers.
So, to answer your question directly 10:31 – My sources is primarily the Constitution of the United States of America. Laws are not created because of the wants and protection of people. Every law that is created limits the people and clarifies what the government is allowed to do. Lately, it has been the habit of government to use laws to clear the way for their wasteful practices.

One law that Peru should have is that no capital expense that is not budgeted will be allowed. A simple one sentence law would limit our government and allow debate amongst the people to influence the representatives. Instead, our leadership, in the person of Scott Harl, circumvents the rule of law in a few ways that take advantage of the people. First, he creates a false sense of urgency and amplifies it by hiding the long term plans of the government. This is accomplished by strictly following OMA exemptions that have been created to allow instances in which the government is allowed to operate unobserved by the people. He has cultivated a government operation that works around the rule of law instead of within it. He also uses a Democratic tactic special commissions to validate his predetermined course of action. I am referring to the “Infrastructure Committee” and the “City Administrator Committee.” Both of these commissions where designed to fool the people into thinking that Democratic processes where being followed – giving a voice to the people, so to speak. In actuality, they were stacked – set up to validate the decision that was already made rather than influence it.

Anonymous said...

8:06, you forgot one important part of your thesis, the people can vote you out at any election if they are dissatisfied with their performance, which in fact makes it a democracy.

Anonymous said...

9:34 - it is Democratic Principal, not a Democracy. there is a time lag to ensure that emotions do not carry the day. Additionally, if we where in a Democracy, Al Gore would have been elected President instead of George Bush.

Anonymous said...

8:06, it is not a "thesis" it is a fact. Just because you vote for a representative does not mean that he will vote to do what you want. Representatives are supposed to vote on their beliefs. If you don't like that, then you find another one to vote for. But they will never do exactly as you say.

Anonymous said...

No surprise here. we are up to 1.2 million dollars and there is no electricity, plumbing, computer networks, furniture....

Why do they need a concrete building? Why not a simple steel structure?

Anonymous said...

3:38, your right they won't vote just because YOU want something, they will vote a certain way if the majority if his or her constituents let them know how they feel.

Anonymous said...

Has the design of this building been released to the general public? There has to be some architectural drawings available someplace because they're already going out for bids on specific procedures for this building. Has anyone (besides city council in closed session) seen the finished design?

Anonymous said...

2:15, no

8:59, only during an election year.

Anonymous said...

Have you read the released minutes from some of the Public Works and Finance committee closed sessions? They tell you absolutely nothing. Apparently if you want to get the details you need to FOIA the tape recordings from these meetings.