“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

New Comment under Old Headings

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Anonymous said...
The reason Peru does not have a swimming pool is that the people who have wants in Peru are not willing to participate in long term battles and all the politicians are aware of this. Peru is full of great starters and lousy finishers who are nowhere around at the end.
Peru is a town full of people waiting for the next guy to do it. If it had a active citizenship there would not be a tower in Washington Park limiting the potential of the park.
Peru has become a spoiled baby in regards to a sales tax which was initially started from income of the Peru Mall resulting in low property taxes. Yes this is the same empty mall, which now is known for outdated facilities and overcharged leases. From all appearances the day has arrived for local leadership and the economic director to prove their worth. Hopefully being handicapped by a self made late start is not going to cause a lousy finish.
Now please lets see how many people will invite me to move out of town rather than staying and making a effort to improve Peru


Anonymous said...

It's a old topic. The on again off again duo was given thanks for their work. End of story. Another question is how much did they individually raise?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


I feel different than you do. I don't blame the elected leaders for my happiness. Peru has excellent schools, parks, police and fire, low rates for electric and water and low property taxes. I don't blame them for not having a swimming pool. There are many alternative options for kids. And having a outdoor pool for less than a few months a year isn't the key to prosperity.
Nobody wants you to move out of town. Peru has benefited from having that sales tax base and their own electric distribution. Please don't knock those past elected or current officials, they look to have done a good job providing residents with essentials of a good small town.
Your concern is for the future and I feel very comfortable that Peru will survive. Malls all over the country have closed, manufacturing plants have closed. From reading the news it looks that Peru leadership is working very hard in economic viability.
Why do you live in Peru? Its because of the above positive aspects that the city offers. You may think the glass is always empty and that's your choice, I think the glass is more than half full and your town is doing what we elected them to do. As for your happiness? It may just depend on you and your group of desperate self centered few that believe that the city should give you everything for free.

Peru Town Forum said...

1:38 PM

Just curious as to whether you have lived elsewhere and what age bracket do you fall into? Children under the age of 18?

Anonymous said...

1:38 said it perfectly. I'm early thirties and two kids in the great Peru school district. How you can just constantly criticize is something I don't get. No place is perfect. What did 1:38 say that is incorrect? What is your demographic? Also, having two children I can tell you the pool is not a big thing. Like the mall, it was a bigger deal twenty or thirty years ago. Now many people have a pool, or they know someone with one. The splash pad is exciting but we will see. Reading your posts it is clear that you are in a huge minority with your negative outlook.

Anonymous said...

If the people of Peru truly wanted a pool, there would be a pool. For heaven sakes, they even did an advisory referendum and it failed. The fact is there are a relatively small number of people who want a pool. Peru is a spoiled baby because they have a great sales tax base? Are you seriously going to blame Peru government leaders for issues at the mall? Do you know anything about economics? Malls across America have shut their doors long ago because of shifts in how consumers shop, but our community has been smart enough to diversify our sales tax base all over town, from Target to Wal-Mart to the hardware stores and countless restaurants. Are you going to make fun of how we have too many auto parts stores or our restaurants suck? Go ahead. Of course you will. Talk about spoiled babies.

I read your posts from time to time and I just ask myself why anyone would maintain a site for the sole existence of tearing down a community. Criticize the leaders, but even then you have nothing meaningful to offer and your comments about things like the mall and sales taxes show just how out of touch you are. There may be several reasons you are out of touch but the biggest is that you are so blinded by your hatred for several people running the city, you cannot see the positives in our community. Great schools, low taxes (darm those horrible sales taxes!), and every effort is being made to improve. Clearly, it is not the way YOU would like it done. But something tells me you are so greatly out numbered.

Tell us. Do you have ANYTHING you can say that is positive about our community? Peru's issues that you mention are the same everywhere, and yet how many towns in the Illinois Valley would give anything to have a fraction of what we do. No one said it is perfect but when you complain about the things you do, maybe you should step back and realize that it is not so horrible. The only thing that is horrible is your personal disdain for certain people. We get it. You shared it. That is what killed your blog.

I know you won't post but I know you will read it. How sad that this is all that you have to offer. This is your role in the community. Congratulations.

Peru Town Forum Blog said...

10.:17 PM

I am not criticizing, that is coming from a fellow resident. My children are grown and they all enjoyed the time they spent at the Peru Pool. Grandchildren were not raised in this city either. So personally it does not matter to me.

Anonymous said...

The reason Peru is in great financial shape is because one man had the foresight and persistence to make things happen and the voters sent him packing. Go figure.
Everyone can't have everything they want. What I want is a good police and fire department and Peru has that.

Anonymous said...

Why does the baseball diamond at Washington Park look terrible? Just because baseball season is over we stop taking care of it? I've seen some people playing ball there recently. Is everybody too busy cleaning up goose poop over at Baker Lake to keep Washington Park's big diamond looking good?

Anonymous said...

What is your viewpoint on tonight's public comment and the upstanding example of democracy utilized in answering the public comments? Possibly you were a live witness to this display of Peru's Government Fairness in Action.
Could you explain what you are basing your thought that Peru has a low electric rate - could it be that you do not know that Peru has different rates for residential and commercial? Did you think one commercial user moved its electrical division from Peru last year to LaSalle under the fun for it all survey? Why is it that other Peru commercial entities are very unhappy with their electrical rates? Peru spends over $80K/year on four (4) promoters to attract jobs and industry but yet nothing positive is happening. Believe this to be factual that most residents of Peru are saying Peru is showing a no growth time frame for the last nine (9) years. Peru has owned its electrical plant since the late 1800's and Mayor Baker recruited the Peru Mall in the 1970's. In the 80's, upon the shutting of Westclox Mayor Baker flew to Japan to recruit industry with success. So much success that the northern industrial section of Peru became known as the Northern Corridor of Diamond Star Motors. Tell us some more about it is such a hard time to recruit industry. As for education also include Mayor Baker with leading monetary funding for the new school and the updated school. Yes it is time for many of the happy handers to wake up and realize what they have been bragging about took place a decade ago. That is a big problem with Johnny come lately he/she who never really become involved. They brag without planned goals and everyone else is passing them by with far less to get where they are going.

Anonymous said...


Y our still on the topic of why doesn't the city provide you with prosperity! Look around Peru, you will see a retail and industry base that is 2nd to none. Nothing is happening? Its looks like sales tax has been very good, according to the data collected from the News. Every factory has openings! Of course you will say they don't pay enough. Peru has for many years been and remains current with economic needs of the community.
As for public comments? It appears that there are many professionals in both the hired and elected that won't speak in public about private issues like negotiations, personnel, or rumors. I give them credit for this.

Anonymous said...

You not only ASSUME what 11:50 is saying, you answer the Assumptions yourself.
What good is a public official who will not state his own viewpoints on what he is elected for? Please do not run for office if you are not already not in one. We have enough non understanding representation presently as well as to take a chance of getting more. Your non thinking, do nothing attitude days are over with!

Peru Town Forum said...

4:02 PM

Please take your retail blinders off. Walmart is our biggest
store and they are also located in Ottawa, Streator and Princeton.

We probably have the least number of Mom and Pop stores altho I am encouraged by the recent opening of Groovy Records and Three Little Birds.
LaSalle and Ottawa downtowns easily surpass us.

None of know what will happen at the Peru Mall after the closures of Sears.
Surprisingly new businesses can be seen in the east end on rte 6. although what we hear about is another business occupying one of the big box stores sporadically up north.