“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Peru police and fire chiefs get extra pay for extra duties - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL

Peru police and fire chiefs get extra pay for extra duties - LaSalle News Tribune - LaSalle, IL


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Anonymous said...

Seems to be to many open end accounts without answers? Could a referral be made to 9:23 and on and specific answers be stated? This presently appears to be the twin sister of the Peru General Ledger and all interested know what a hidden playground that has been for years.

Anonymous said...

Great questions 10:16, never thought of those questions. Very interesting. It would be interesting what the business tax returns are like from the business which promotes these concerts. . Understandable that this is not public information, but the IRS does do audits. They would cross check the concert contract with expenses as to whom received and all accounts of any business, city, etc.. involved. . A paper trail.

Anonymous said...

Rodney is wrong. The Police Department only bills the promoter. The City, in the past, contributes the other services as "in-kind".


Anonymous said...

From:Rodney Perez
I was wrong about the FD billing the promoter, to get clarification I asked Clerk Bartley, and Chief King prior to the Wednesday Finance meeting. I was told PVAS Does bill the promoter for EMS crews, And the Firefighters wages for working the concert are funded with revenue collected from parking fees.

Thanks, Rodney..

Anonymous said...

So basically what it comes down to is the promoter gets the firefighters there at no expense to her. Plus the parking fees, which are supposed to be income for the city, goes to pay firefighters wages. That doesn't seem right to me. Seems the promoter should pay for all services, why just the police and EMS?

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:24 No it is not right, it is also not right that every time a citizen wants to get a specific answer they have to go fishing. Are all small governments using the same tactics.

Anonymous said...

Go fishing is the tactics used by attorneys who play the system for their client so that viable information pertaining to the case hopefully won't be found. Is this the same tactic used by the city towards taxpayers questions?

Anonymous said...

Rodney, please get the correct version from Kristy. The parking revenues go directly to the airport, not the wages. Its in the contract that was posted by Kristy. You wages are paid by the City of Peru.

Anonymous said...

Exactly 9:28, is Rodney snowballed also, and told one thing when it's another. I would think that one would post facts when answering in a matter if fact manner.

Peru Town Forum said...

To the individual who keeps writing in about Operation Promise, I encourage you to visit the FB page dedicated to it and from which I took this information:

Operation Prom-ise was incorporated on January 25, 2013. According to its Articles of Incorporation, Operation Prom-ise is a non for profit group comprised of volunteers with a mission to open eyes and to save lives by: 1) bringing attention to the consequences of irresponsible choices; 2) promoting accountability for all choices we make and actions we take; and 3) providing alternatives to counteract the peer pressures teens and families face.

May you now have peace of mind.

Anonymous said...

Lois, your comment is appreciated. However, I voted for Alderman Perez, and myself appreciate his openness to this blog site. But, it seems that you as an administrator of this blog site gets defensive when something is asked in a negative manner towards Alderman Perez regarding certain departments. I feel that correspondences in questions and answers towards our fire department is decisive. Yes, we value the time and volunteerism of a fire department, but, I have been very confused with the whole department in which we pay taxes for. Transparency. Liberty Fire Company , the fundraising organization for our FD is very confusing. And, yes, my family has donated a nice amout of money to this organization. Thank You Lois for being so involved with our city and this forum.

Anonymous said...

Yes Lois and many others including myself get defensive when something is asked in a negative manner towards Alderman Perez regarding certain departments. As you have said you appreciate his openness to this blog site and so does the owner of the blog and the balance of us who comment.
Someone or some group have not always written sensible comments which has resulted in the censuring of said comments. These comments have been unjustly insulting to both Lois and to Rodney, both whom I do not always agree with but always believe they are fair, and the two best voices that the people have in Peru City government.
At this time I will take the opportunity to express the fact that the 2d ward presently shows the need of candidates at large election. Sherry and Rod in their own ways are proven quality aldermen who both deserve a city council chair. Both outstanding examples of very nice capable people who care about others and want the right thing done.

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