“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, October 01, 2016

Whether it is is a local campaign or a national campaign  the quotes on this picture  are a good idea. It is no secret that I will be working on the McMullin campaign on social media and locally as well for the next month. There are currently state chairs in all the states and each state is being divided by county with a chairman for each of them.

I realize that here in the valley, I will be hearing Evan who?  but this has truely reached throughout all the U.S. states.  Since I am and have always been a #NeverTrump#Hillary individual and I find his values to be what I was looking for in a Presidential campaign, I am doing some social media and that includes this blog. There are more than enough videos and blogs and news information to search for and I will post some that I think are really good.

If you candidate is someone else that is whom you will vote for.

If you have local election comment they are still welcome here on the Peru Town Forum.

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