“It doesn’t take a majority to win, just a tireless minority that will keep starting brush fires in the mind and hearts of their fellow men.”

Samuel Adams

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Government jobs surpass manufacturing jobs by 175,000 in Illinois

Government jobs surpass manufacturing jobs by 175,000 in Illinois


Peru Town Forum said...
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Anonymous said...

The Peru mayor and city council are doing their part to load the city payroll with patronage workers. No checks and balances can exist when they are all complicit with the unethical and corrupt system they have created.

Peru Town Forum said...

6:47 AM

I happen to agree with you. The Mayor of Peru has filled all the chambers of the City Hall building with more and more administrative employees and we are paying for it and in the meantime are we actually increasing the number of employees who do the needed physical work to keep the city functioning?.

According to people who are in charge of the physical landscape they are saying NO. First impressions of a city are what you physically see.

Once the second Taj Mahal is completed Plank Road will be one busy road with the constant travel of city vehicles back and forth between the real city where work needs to be done and the "new" city structure where all maintenance and storage will take place. And in case of a severe winter storm where the Plank Road is sometimes shut down, what is the backup plan for keeping city trucks where they are needed, in the real Peru?

And what is with all the For Sale signs on homes in Peru? Are homes being sold to people or are those south of Shooting Park Rd. turning into rentals? Do we have a city plan to track those kind of developments? I hear No we do not..

The blog remains open but I have been too busy to do much research right now.

Anonymous said...

1. And yet city payroll is down not up. You confuse "all of these patronage hirings" with just replacing people who leave. There are no numbers to assert your claims. If there are, please tell us the number from three, two or one year ago and what it is today. None of this is a secret. If you are too busy 6:47 can do it.

2. Ask any realtor where the hottest real estate market is in the Illinois Valley and they will tell you it is Peru hands down. Many people are looking to sell because it is a good time to get good money for your home in Peru and people are wanting to upgrade. We have several new homes going up and not many communities around here can say that.

Also Lois the city's job is not to determine who can or cannot sell to whom on the real estate market. The market can decide that and I don't need the local government to do it for me.

Sorry I know I wil be accused of cheerleading but I just prefer facts.

Anonymous said...

2:31 PM, On the contrary. Go ahead and raise your POM POMS to the sky while cheerleading good ol' PEE-RUU! The payroll is certainly not down as you hope people will believe. You and I know better. All the cheeraleading in the world cannot change the fact that every claim you make as reasons why you perceive Peru as "better than" other communities are negligable. Please understand Peru is not "better" than others becuase of real estate markets or anything else you wish to claim. But here is what sets other cities apart from Peru. While other Illinois Valley cities work honestly and honorably with limited resources to provide services efficiently and cost-effecvtively, Peru officials (both elected and appointed) practice patronage, abuse of power, cronyism, nepotism, and total inefficiency of government services on a daily basis. Those are the only real differences between our local communities. Peru officials have money to burn and they burn it in ways that benefit their friends, family, and connected businesses. But most importatantly they burn their excess cash in ways that will ultimately keep thems in power in order to continue to operate a corrupt government organization. Arrogance is not a redeemable character trait to have to witness in elected officials or bloggers for that matter.

Anonymous said...

I repeatedly hear phrases such as we can't let La Salle beat us. We are the leader of the Illinois Valley. In my opinion our surrounding neighbors are beating us because they are working together as a community to promote their town. We are only working to try to beat them (i.e. our mock xmas display at the airport comes no where near the one at Rotary Park). And why is that? Because, in my opinion, our display was promoted by 1 individual for the soul purpose of not letting La Salle beat us while their display is a community effort. And, we continue to brag about how much sales tax we get and yet our poorer surrounding towns are progressing faster than we are. They hold more community activities and continue to rebuild and beautify their towns while we build a Taj Mahal in a remote location to store our trucks!

Anonymous said...

lets finally get rid of mayor bernabei!

Anonymous said...

2:31 you say 'ask any realtor' and they'll say Peru market is hot. What do you think they would say? I know of several nice homes that are now off the market because they didn't sell. We just don't have newbies coming to Peru right now. Bring in some jobs and we'll have some newbies.

Anonymous said...

Well said 2:22 PM. Very funny and sad at the same time.